Monday, June 04, 2007


I have to change my catlitter, so I can't spend mjch time writing about this. My apparently my apartment smells like an "aquarium" OK(?) So anyway hows everyone? doing well? good good, good to hear. How fast are you going now? How many mph? I think I am going to have pizza tonight. Guess how much bacon egg cheese and large coffe and banana are at the deli_ 330 thats all. I don't care whaqt you say about how new york s expensive because thats cheap! OK! glad to hear about everything is good, now I have bluebaerys so. HERE IS THE SUBJECT OF THE TODAYS ENTRYL: got it: FLUCTUATING BLUEBERRY PRICES. its almost officially summer according to the solstice and gey hollyday who the blueberry prices should be falling? YET they are 295 almost as much as the afformentioned brakfast combination. HOWEVER when you phrase it like that, how fun would it me to eat an entire carton of blueberrys for breakfast complete mental liberation from non-blueberry moments.


Anonymous said...

OH good . all FOOLS who can;t spell will do a search and end up on this site!! (if that's U then keep paying $ atttention)

otherwise , I'm GOOD . BTW Blueberries are a mountain crop so summer comes later. You'll have 2 wait a bit for the good is often true in LIFE


Anonymous said...

kojak eats blueberrys straight from nature i don't.

00oo00oo----------------> O->--<