Wednesday, April 30, 2008

toilette humor

excuse the crudeness; " but when nature Strikes you need a good toilet!"
In public spaces / work place 1 just hopes for the best. Early in the morning you can usually get lucky and hopefully the custodian has just cleaned and
..........a pristine toilet awaits..................
sometimes not though - someone beats you too it in a big way. Also one hopes for solitude which can be elusive. This morning was one of those times when all HOPES APPEARED DASHED _ _ _ _ guess what i did I TOOK ACTION (go west young man!!!!) ventured downstairs to a floor I never visited ..........and found a parallel universe of toilet options!
The bathroom looked just like the one above but had 1 DOUBLE WIDE HANDICAP STALL instead of two small gross ones , very clean, quiet
(again excuse the cruditities)
..."SH*T YEAH!"


Anonymous said...

in a coincidental state of affairs I also had a toilet story that is almost to crude to mention here. it had to do with chinese food and a harrowing walk home that I was barely able to accomplish. I can't go into the exact details because the crudeness is too great, let me just say that the story ended miraculously

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

actually it was able to avoid filth. that was the MRACLE. It was nature. and A CLEANLY state was maintained throughout. As in all of nature Contrary to what you might think. SH^$$^T did not hit the "FAN"