Some days my cat is especially NAUGHTY for example this morning she got up at 630 amnd went in circles around my room trying to get out the windows. Then she tries to play and chase a toy right next to my sleeping roomates room. Then I am at the computer and she comes over and proceeds to knock everyting off the desk. Especially my cell pyhone whihc she nocked off 2 or 3 times. (One time even making it bang so hard it asked me to "insert smart chip" WHAT???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Then she comes back and tries to take th e old ornaments off the cristmas tree. I grab her about 3 time away and tries to spin around so she loses attention then even force her to sit in my lap for about 2 minutes. AND Yet her attention is so focussed that she re-approaches her mission and goes to the tree again looking to take off the same ornament. Woaw. Whats the deal? Is it because I didn't feed her? No I put food in the bowl. Or what. I don't know Here you see her scheming and about to cause more mischeif-R
two suggestions from CERMAK: take down xmas tree and get Iphone with app to entertain cat
also your cat may enjoy an Obama themed toy like our Pasha-p: work to change the system.
For real though the only thing that works is pure IGNORANCE - no attention for any bad behaviors, go all the way under the covers and don't FLINCH
on this all about cats thread let me say that picking up hair is really the greatest challange in our casa. Maybe cuz our feline is a white girl and that makes it very visible. I've been working on a sustainable techinque for removal since not even the vacuum works all that well. there's a certain magic brush that seems to do the trick but its small and gets clogged up but I've found I can take the hair off it with a rag. It's a 3 step process but that's the best I got!
Eat a fool !
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