Thursday, December 17, 2009

consolation beer

xmas is coming and the calendar is almost empty. todays agenda includes a "beer" with a once potential coworker who wants to explain to me WHY I DID NOT GET THE JOB in spite of rocking the interview in my humble opinion. I have no idea what excuses they come with but who knows we will see. I really don;t even think I care but I do like beer so I figure what the heck I will hear the dude out.

With work so hard to come by here is what I have been doing to keep the mind fresh: GO
Not the verb but the East Asian board game of position a la sun tzu's ART OF WAR. Cermak and I have been practicing = hours and hours of endless go ~ we ain't no grand masters but we are building the skills and flexing the mind. And if a war does go down you better watch out because we will have the tactics (KOJAK)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A hint for meeting with potential employers. Drink a lot before you meet them. then you can make a seen