Friday, January 29, 2010


I vote that INTERMISSIONS be reintroduced into movies. They are healthy and allow you to remember that you are in your own life! For example yeserday I watched a movie at home and HALF way up I got up and did something. And it was good. Because the movies alternate presentationalz of reality were loosened> then when I was ready I said. Ok lets finish this off.

Now they USED TO have intermissions as evidensed by the Picture above. And now that AGENT KOJAK had bravely TORN DOWN THE WALLS that held imagery back with his last "unicorn centric" posting, I shall celebrate progress. We are living in 2010. and blogs can also handle images as well as text. Until about 2 months ago this was simply not possible

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In order to stimulate the economy and help out obama I've decided to recommend a place for readers to $PEND some $ in a way that stays true to the spirit of RSBF

Monday, January 25, 2010


I know why i have never had a credit card. BECAUSE THEY SUCK. thats why. I got one cuz I have to have it, because society has insisted and there are certain things I cannot do without them like rent cars. I rarely use it. But see there is where I get screwed, because I forget. Like in freaking octover i used it and JUST now paid it. STUPID!! I got stuck with over a hundred in late fees. I just keep ignoring the email statements. Becuase they don't look alarming and I don't remember using the card, so what gives. But man. Argh. ONLINE RAGE! I know its my fault, but why does society insist I have a credit card. I don't even get it. I have to change things and now become aware that the 10th of the month is coming up. anger anger anger!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Random Sighting

Two new sighting of RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!!!&*(&($)&#*(YHUFVN*(#$

First of all there was a movie called Bourne Supremacy 2 it was so so so so so BAD. never whatch it. But one moment a character said.

Treadstone agents don't do RANDOM.
then there was store called RANDOM ACCESSORIES
great! I got this for you at random accesories. Because I had no idea and they selected this gift out of random for me. There is a big hat in the back and they pull something out at random. AND waalaaa or as the frenche say VIOLA.

Friday, January 15, 2010

{Pillow] Talk

Major issues this week on the literal subject of PILLOWS....

This sounds like a cliche but Cermak said it and its true "You spend 1/3 of your life on your pillow" so if the pillow is not working for you then that 1/3 may very well mess up the other 2/3!

Coming back from a brief hiatus, I realized that my home pillow sucked. Previosly I though I needed a BIG FIRM PILLOW but too big and firm was cramping my neck. So I went down to the only bathroom bedroom chain store accessible to me by autobus and picked out one that was simmilar but maybe a little less large - but is was still TOO BIG AND FIRM so had to return it.

I bet you know what is coming next, I got some more pillows but they were TOO SMALL AND FLIMSY. So double return on those (the chain store people were actually really nice about it all - i had the bags but they had gotten wet in the rain)

SO finally I shelled out some more money for some "INDULGENCE" brand pillows that are BIG AND SOFT and slept really really nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kojak

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Nervous about Flowers

I am babbysitting the cash register at My womans Plant and flower store. Thre is a class going on right now. They are teaching how to make terrariums. So anyways this guy calls up and he says: are yu a florist (because I am babysitting not onlh the cashregister, but also the phone) and he says Are you a Florist. And I say Yeah. And then he says, great I'll be right in and hangs up. So basically the message is that i am nervous about making a FLOWER ARANGMENT. And certiain readers that have certain "Random events" like events that starts with a W and ends with a EDDING. mite also be nervous about flowers. But don't be. THey are BEEOOTIIFUUL