I vote that INTERMISSIONS be reintroduced into movies. They are healthy and allow you to remember that you are in your own life! For example yeserday I watched a movie at home and HALF way up I got up and did something. And it was good. Because the movies alternate presentationalz of reality were loosened> then when I was ready I said. Ok lets finish this off.

Now they USED TO have intermissions as evidensed by the Picture above. And now that AGENT KOJAK had bravely TORN DOWN THE WALLS that held imagery back with his last "unicorn centric" posting, I shall celebrate progress. We are living in 2010. and blogs can also handle images as well as text. Until about 2 months ago this was simply not possible
1 comment:
word I could have used that during avatar(TM) ! And yes it is true RSBF is now more powerful and my analytics suggest that the majority of the core readers finally moved up from the 28k modem
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