As instructed by Kojak, master of geographical knowledge I have been reading Jane Jacobs 'Life and Death of American Cities. Here is a quote about washington square parks empty central waterfountain
"In effect, this is a circular arena, a theater in the round, and that is how it is used, with complete confusion as to who are spectators and who are the show. Everybody is both, although some are more so... for neighborhood parks, the finest centers are stage settings for people".
this says something about my interests in parks. Now I am wondering, and perhaps Kojak can answer this message- who is the person who recently dissed Jane Jacobs and on what grounds?
I was supposed to give you this link:
thanks for that. I think it was an interesting commentary about the village, but didn't seem to really discredit her theories for the most part. Although, I do agree that certain parts of NYC which she spends a good deal of time on are somewhat rarefied. and she seems to be overly concerned with making things "interesting" for people like herself.
I like the comment talking about how the west village's sewage is processed in greenpoint
and what about nature? Does it watch or being watched?
Interesting question.
I think nature does both be watched and watching you when you don't know it, so it can pounce on you and Eat you for Dinner
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