this is Rocky, in San Fransnitchko. One thing I heard is that there are some crazy little kids in other countries that have perfected all sorts of abreviating techniques that they you in their txt messages. So they can be very expressive and quick like the kids can be.
Other than that, my fingernails are getting really long. Basically I don't have a nail clipper, and I am WAY2 emBarrassed to ask for them. And I am WAY2 POOR to pay for them. And I am WAY2 out west to even give a freaking freak! cuz its COOL yall its cool everyone will just L ET IT SLIIIIIDE cuz its cali yall. As long as I can eat organic food and SMOKE ORGANIC HHHEERRBS (get it>?) then no one will care at all about my fingersnails. thing is that its not as crowded here, and the other thing is that I still hear all SOrts of EXOTIQUE foreign laguages on the street, including BUT NOT LIMITED 2, spanish, Deutch, SWEITZRLANDISCH, and others, ie chinoise. U know what than means.. Watch out NEW YORK. And watch yourself out if you are in SanFran, cuz the motorists here don't give you no time to cross the street just after the light has turned red. They Slam on the gass, and act ALL HURT if you get in their way. CHill out Dudes - like your usual Chilled Selves
PIERCE your fingernails!!! the coolest guy in my 8th grade did
89 cents dude. 89 cents.
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What the F is going on with these Random Sketchy links to this weird computer stuff'
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