...it all started near aN historic place (∂ college ∂)- where I took some time to partake in an ANCient art formerly practiced by rocky and I on that very site <<

As the transcoastal trip progressed it became clear that SETTING was the one thing I had in common with all of those REAL-NICE-FOLK out there. All TYPES of SETTING were observed: here is very uncomplete list:
informational PORCH setters who helped us find our BnB
PORCH setting in rural IOWA - "don't forget 2 wave helo"
hiway rest area setting in SOUTH DAKOTA
RIVERSIDE setting in montana (enjoyed by the handicapped!))
setting in the car does not count by the way although I did a lot of it!!!!!
U forgot to mention the setters who live by Janet's (old) Place. Without their help we may have had to ride the red line all night long --- NOT the purple line.
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