Hi I want to write about an important talkpic. Its called. ROCKY SAW A LOON in the inlet only a few blocks away from my house. Now loons are cool. But whats especially cool is this: They make a cool sound. goodbye rov
I also want to add a polling question. Say you are taking a shower, totally NAKED. When you get out of the shower. Do you
A.) Put your socks on first or
B.) Put your underpants on first
VERSION 17. bloGging since B4 adding pictures to blog posts was coOL!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
special birthday shoutout to all the capricorns out there!
There[s much to consider this holiday season . Celebrations of light like christmas and chanukka , for example I made some latkes last night. Also It;s been snowing like crazy here so that's been an opportunity to shirk all my typical responsibilityies. That;s why capricorns desreve a special birthday shoutout so they don't feel overshadowed by hey-zeus or snowmen who also happen to be born at this especial time of year(KOJAK)
Monday, December 22, 2008
New names for my cat
New names for my cat
Little Smuggler
Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings
Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings
Little Smuggler
Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings
Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings
Friday, December 12, 2008
•Value Judgementz*
Today is the last day of "Enrichment celebration". Meaning I will stop teaching litttle helions starting tonight. Don't get me wrong I don't think teaching is a bad thing at all. I am just realizing this wasn't the "RIGHT SITUATION FOR ME".
Which leads me to my next topic which is something I have been pondering the last .5 hour. Sometimes you do something you think will be good and it has adverse effects. For example the argument about corn for fuel, well it takes a lot of gasoline to make corn- so we are wasting just as much money. Or something. I forget how that argument works, but what it goes to show you is that something that appears to be a "GOOD THING" might actually be harmful. For example you might want to take screwed up park and re-hab it so people can do sports. But then without thinking about it, you destroyed the habitat which birds love. Or you might say I want to work work work and horde away my money. This seems to be in accrodance with my nations puritan roots. But then in would step Mr Bertrand Russel, philosopher and argue that perhaps you are TAKING A JOB AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE by working. Talk about a CONDUDNRUM. For example AGAIN. The economy CRASHING takes down people fuel consupmpiton and therefore We must crash our economy to help our climate emmissions. **THS is strate from the BBC this morning. not jokeing, Rocky
Which leads me to my next topic which is something I have been pondering the last .5 hour. Sometimes you do something you think will be good and it has adverse effects. For example the argument about corn for fuel, well it takes a lot of gasoline to make corn- so we are wasting just as much money. Or something. I forget how that argument works, but what it goes to show you is that something that appears to be a "GOOD THING" might actually be harmful. For example you might want to take screwed up park and re-hab it so people can do sports. But then without thinking about it, you destroyed the habitat which birds love. Or you might say I want to work work work and horde away my money. This seems to be in accrodance with my nations puritan roots. But then in would step Mr Bertrand Russel, philosopher and argue that perhaps you are TAKING A JOB AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE by working. Talk about a CONDUDNRUM. For example AGAIN. The economy CRASHING takes down people fuel consupmpiton and therefore We must crash our economy to help our climate emmissions. **THS is strate from the BBC this morning. not jokeing, Rocky
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
what up y'all I defended my knowledge against a panel of experts and came out on top! PHDFart is on the way as we speak. Just polishing up the essential documents before they are added to the archive of western civilization know as EL UNIVERSIDAD. IF you want your own version at home just print out all posts on this blog and bind them in a three ring binder. it's a an alternate path to the Truth (KOJAK)
Thursday, December 04, 2008
now that we are OLDER + WISER (a common theme on this blog growing older and wiser). I have started to get into hobbies that are more ... how shal I say_ Grown UP. For example BirdWatching. I Like doing this. This mornging I went out near a trash area of green point and saw the following species, which might Surprise you.
Great Blue Heron!
Some sort of ducks (not sure)
Great Blue Heron!
Some sort of ducks (not sure)
Monday, December 01, 2008
a few thoughts from the past few days
1. This morning: the lack of heat was really too much for "kojak+" ~negativity invading the mind~ -~ - ~ - ~ - ~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~
luckily that one passed aided by a bike ride to work = restoration of CONTROL
2. saw a church identifying itself as "COGIC" is that a sign for kojak to respell name and spread the gospel?
3. observed pasha P. the cat batting her toy underneath furniture again and again making things very challenging for herself. It was like she thought: "it would be really tough if this thing went under the chair" then looked at the chair and subconsciously batted the toy and caused it to go under the chair in a self fulfilling prophecy. I'll leave it to you to uncover the true meaning of this thought for our own life
PS this was all in reverse order of it actually ocurring...the TRUTH is sometimes revealed in reverse as in cinema
luckily that one passed aided by a bike ride to work = restoration of CONTROL
2. saw a church identifying itself as "COGIC" is that a sign for kojak to respell name and spread the gospel?
3. observed pasha P. the cat batting her toy underneath furniture again and again making things very challenging for herself. It was like she thought: "it would be really tough if this thing went under the chair" then looked at the chair and subconsciously batted the toy and caused it to go under the chair in a self fulfilling prophecy. I'll leave it to you to uncover the true meaning of this thought for our own life
PS this was all in reverse order of it actually ocurring...the TRUTH is sometimes revealed in reverse as in cinema
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Around about this time of year is what I like to call THanksGIVING "DAY" or TURKEY DAY. Or Turkey Massacre "For Short". All of you who are still interested in "SaraH" Palin may still know what I mean. Even though I have not actually witnessed what I may be referring to. What? Anyway What are you going to Eat. I FOR EXAMPLE WILL MAKE MY FAMOUS THANKS-4-BROCOLLI-CHEESEMELT-CASSEROL. Ingredients include
2 heads Brock Brock bo brock banana fanna fo frock. (leave out bananas)
Then lay down the Chinney-weez
Throw it in the oven and BAM. mutha POW. FWAp_Cramn! You blasted yourself a whole and delightful crowd pleaser. If THIs doens't please your crowd. There are other methods. Try to convince them in a powerful rhetorical sshpeill a-la ABRAHAM Linznikoln that yous made a the good food and they better eat or not eaty no ever GAIn>>>>>>ROROROROROROkcY
2 heads Brock Brock bo brock banana fanna fo frock. (leave out bananas)
Then lay down the Chinney-weez
Throw it in the oven and BAM. mutha POW. FWAp_Cramn! You blasted yourself a whole and delightful crowd pleaser. If THIs doens't please your crowd. There are other methods. Try to convince them in a powerful rhetorical sshpeill a-la ABRAHAM Linznikoln that yous made a the good food and they better eat or not eaty no ever GAIn>>>>>>ROROROROROROkcY
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
staying positive despite foregetting about class and having to go to dentist
"kojak+" is a an especially positive version of kojak that is always looking on the BRIGHTSIDE(tm)
he had to be called upon the other day because regular kojak was FRETTIN about trying to track down signatures of elusive committee members and having to teach a class that I totally forgot to prepare for. Also the dentist was looming on the horizon the next daylike dark clouds. There were even anxiety dreams the previous night about having to do something important but being in completely the wrong state and time zone. IN the end it all worked out though I got the stuff done and the hygenist even said I was a GOOD FLOSSER
he had to be called upon the other day because regular kojak was FRETTIN about trying to track down signatures of elusive committee members and having to teach a class that I totally forgot to prepare for. Also the dentist was looming on the horizon the next daylike dark clouds. There were even anxiety dreams the previous night about having to do something important but being in completely the wrong state and time zone. IN the end it all worked out though I got the stuff done and the hygenist even said I was a GOOD FLOSSER
Monday, November 17, 2008
Whats up people, sorry its been so long. Its cold here, I made some paper mache. that was fun. Also chekced out a cavepainting book from the library. Other than that. I don't know.
Monday, November 10, 2008
well a lot has happened recently that hasn't been noted here . You may be wondering our take on alot of things but sometimes it's best to focus on the small things and if there are too many big things then maybe it's best to say nothing at all....
Just for some general background info I;ve been scrambling to finalize my ACADEMICAL career /. ALMOST DONE . no lie (if all goes well) After that who knows what ...I may not be employed at the highest level I hope to achieve for a couple years maybe. possibly underemployed but at least not unemployed . neccessity can be a mother of invention and idleness can be a source of INTENSIVE CREATIVITY so you really never know. keep paying attention. more specif thoughts may follow but I'm not making any promises just taking it as goes
Just for some general background info I;ve been scrambling to finalize my ACADEMICAL career /. ALMOST DONE . no lie (if all goes well) After that who knows what ...I may not be employed at the highest level I hope to achieve for a couple years maybe. possibly underemployed but at least not unemployed . neccessity can be a mother of invention and idleness can be a source of INTENSIVE CREATIVITY so you really never know. keep paying attention. more specif thoughts may follow but I'm not making any promises just taking it as goes
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
If you live in a clear and present danger of time travel, that is being sucked back into some sort of history lesson embedded in your mind or an actual society which could turn AT ANY MOMENT, then what you you do to continue to press forward. us here at cow parts are us, actually value the cow that we have eaten and wonder what we could do in order to humidify, humigate the soil (ie turn it into hummus).
What I mean is that don't make a time travel out of your garden. some people say never turn the soil, others do blocking technique where they turn one foot block under the other. I liken this to walking and say, if the soil is mad toxic initially, its probably the dreams that are making your toxics so crazy, I mean the other way around. But what I really mean is that a soil test must be worth something even if they just get the surface.
What I mean is that don't make a time travel out of your garden. some people say never turn the soil, others do blocking technique where they turn one foot block under the other. I liken this to walking and say, if the soil is mad toxic initially, its probably the dreams that are making your toxics so crazy, I mean the other way around. But what I really mean is that a soil test must be worth something even if they just get the surface.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Job HEircharchy
MY Project idea is this : to make a HIERARChy that reflects the true desires and motivations of certain professions- for example- Many people say that being a profesional musician might be their "DREAM JOB". but look at musicians- they would RATHER BE SURFERS. So is surfer the ultimate job. More to follow
Thursday, October 16, 2008
worst bus ride ever and I don't say that lightly
starts out the same as many seatown bus rides. you just miss a bus by < 1 minute and see it drive off. next bus is in 30 min but wait it's 40 min and still not there...Shows up with wrong destination listed (IT won;t take us as far as we need to go). Driver is way too happy and chatty (HI or HIGH??) . OK fine, whatever dude.
Hella scary looking dude gets on in a few stops . meanest mug bloodied with cuts ! :< . Driver keeps chatting "how y'all doing...blah blah " Mean mug mutters to himeself then starts freakin a bit . Driver calls him out then he EXPLODES "WTF this, WTF that ,etc" Driver commands him to get of bus then dude starts ripping of clothing to THROW down! (did i mention this is one seat in front?) If this crazy was lucky enough to have a gun I think it would have been all over for all of us:(
Dude sort of settles down and we keep riding. It gets so complicated after that that I can't even really explain. Driver says he's not riding whole route so we get off and catch next bus but its also not riding whole route. Two buses meet and second driver CHEWS out first driver and forces to him finish route (thank you lady!) we switch bus like 3 times in the rain and finally make it home hella late . the end. kojak
Hella scary looking dude gets on in a few stops . meanest mug bloodied with cuts ! :< . Driver keeps chatting "how y'all doing...blah blah " Mean mug mutters to himeself then starts freakin a bit . Driver calls him out then he EXPLODES "WTF this, WTF that ,etc" Driver commands him to get of bus then dude starts ripping of clothing to THROW down! (did i mention this is one seat in front?) If this crazy was lucky enough to have a gun I think it would have been all over for all of us:(
Dude sort of settles down and we keep riding. It gets so complicated after that that I can't even really explain. Driver says he's not riding whole route so we get off and catch next bus but its also not riding whole route. Two buses meet and second driver CHEWS out first driver and forces to him finish route (thank you lady!) we switch bus like 3 times in the rain and finally make it home hella late . the end. kojak
Friday, October 10, 2008
Credit Markets and PROPOSALS
Seriusly what is the Government going to do is we find out Capitalism doesn't work. I have one peice of advise for everyone out there. PANIC . I personally am taking out my stocks. and buying a Rifle. Also I am moving to Canada and putting up a solar generator and opening up a NEW TYPE OF BANK. This bank will work Better. My friends, I have the answers. Look at my record, and then realize that I can change this country. LISTEN ITS ME: ROCKY WHO WILL BE LEAD THIS COUNTRY AND I said. We are going to subdivide all of the Mcmansions up French Revolution style. and I am going to CUT THE INTEREST RATE TO ZERO! and LEGALIZE MARAJUANA. Finally Everyone gets an ELECTRIC POWERED POLICE GOLF CART. Additionally You are FORCED TO EAT FRESH VEGETABLES FROM FARMS and no MSG. You can only Go OUT to EAT ONE DINNER AND ONE LUNCH A WEEK and 1 hour of TV/week and thats all strictly. FINALLY: YOU GET A FREE HOUSE> and they all look like GAUDI BARCELONA.
Monday, October 06, 2008
A perfect Subject
Jeez. Everytime I teach These Children I feel the need to outpour some words. and I just feel the need to talk talk talk. Perhaps this is a perfect subject for blog. Because now I can talk and blab as much as I want. Today this girl said my class was boring. That was sad. There was also this little kid who "said" he was sick. But NO IT WAS A LIE. I let him go to the nurse and of course he comes back in a few minutes when we are doing somcthing more fun and doesn't complain at all. THIS KID was just doing everything in his darn little power to derail my class. "Im sick, these other kids are harrassing me" Little dude was not making any sense and he makes it his personal missions to F*()*()K with me every clas that he isn't in detention. Man look I am actually on the side of the kids, me feeling closer to them almost than to a "teacher" but they are just--yeesh. Final thing: LOOK I TRY TO MAKE IT FUN we are recording a script about superman. Come on that is fun. OK???????? NOW SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! haha. seriuosly
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Today Me and a certain special ladyfriend hit the town and surveyed the streets. We found some art galleries and they went from bad to ok good in a fairly uniform way as we traveled. Now its time for bed. We also sampled some fine cheezes and fine GILAT0S. The flavors included: PISTACHIO: CARAMEL and HAZELNET-CHOCOLATE: COCONUTZ
thought for the day_ do you love someone less when they Toot (FART)
thought for the day_ do you love someone less when they Toot (FART)
Thursday, October 02, 2008
music cat's react to
It's really hard to get cats to react to music.....It's like they don;t even notice it even when standing right next to the speaker. WHY??
maybe the frquency is not suitable to their surperior ears . They know it's fake and not real sounds from outside. Like how they really like the sound of a bell on a little toy but not a bell on a song and definitely not bell and sebastian
I see it as a challenge to get my cat to react to music and had one limited succcess last night with a track by bords of canada. there was a very brief hi-fi typE GONG sound that pasha cat reacted to. Mabye it was the minimalism of the music that struck a chord...........je ne sais pa ............(k)
maybe the frquency is not suitable to their surperior ears . They know it's fake and not real sounds from outside. Like how they really like the sound of a bell on a little toy but not a bell on a song and definitely not bell and sebastian
I see it as a challenge to get my cat to react to music and had one limited succcess last night with a track by bords of canada. there was a very brief hi-fi typE GONG sound that pasha cat reacted to. Mabye it was the minimalism of the music that struck a chord...........je ne sais pa ............(k)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday AM zinger
Question to rap music experts : has anyone ever used this line before?
If not then remember you heard it hear first @kojak@
If not then remember you heard it hear first @kojak@
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mr RSBFart in history???
DId this blog have to do with Parliamentary history in Great Briznich (GB)?
THE HAPPY ANSWER IS ¥¨YES INDUBITABLY˙¨˚˙∆˚´∑ß. we have been a part of the government and the hstory books so start the conspiracy theories
Just chek this link and see:::
THE HAPPY ANSWER IS ¥¨YES INDUBITABLY˙¨˚˙∆˚´∑ß. we have been a part of the government and the hstory books so start the conspiracy theories
Just chek this link and see:::
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
a shopping experience I would actually recommend
my general belief is that products will not ~= improve your life. remeber the band fugazi® with the songs about not buying products and what not??? For those not in the know Let's just say it was DIY meaning do it yourself.
Lo and behold I found my self taking at trip to the conatine® sto®e ®®®®! and they actually had some pretty sweet merchandice!! I got some sweet metal bins for all my punk CD"S and some glass jars with "hermetical" seals and even a hamper and some clothes hangers. Did I mention I had to drive to a mall??? And the best thing was the teenager at the ca$h register forgot to charge us for some of the stuff because she had the hickups! how punk.
Big Breakkie?
just went to a new much wondered about new resteraunt (called Five Leaves) in a new hip location on the way to "a certain special lady-friend's'" work.They had something called BIG BREAKKIE on the menu and we decided, well, most of this food is quite Expensive (ie Big Breakkie was 10.50) and we said: Lets just split that Big Breakkie. It came with 2 "sides" to choose and we chose fried tomato and avocado. I will no describe what arrived.
•2 1/8 pieces of tomato
•a small pile of perfectly cubed homefries
•two tiny peices of avocado
•a tiny pile of eggs
•2 tiny peices of special raisiny toast
The amount of variety here would suggest this might be sufficient for a lite breakfast for 2. and yet NOTE the TINY amounts. This was certainly not the "Big Breakkie" that a lumberjack coming out of hills who was "Starved to the Bone" would Fill up on. It reminded me more of what a gourmet chihauwau might eat as a snack. Don't get me wrong it was good, just not the "Big Breakkie" it said it was. That has been rocky, from the front lines of america folks
•2 1/8 pieces of tomato
•a small pile of perfectly cubed homefries
•two tiny peices of avocado
•a tiny pile of eggs
•2 tiny peices of special raisiny toast
The amount of variety here would suggest this might be sufficient for a lite breakfast for 2. and yet NOTE the TINY amounts. This was certainly not the "Big Breakkie" that a lumberjack coming out of hills who was "Starved to the Bone" would Fill up on. It reminded me more of what a gourmet chihauwau might eat as a snack. Don't get me wrong it was good, just not the "Big Breakkie" it said it was. That has been rocky, from the front lines of america folks
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I don't know about you, but these days I have been going to bed pretty early. and last night my neighobrs upstairs really had their "Chat" on. What I mean to say is that they were talking and LOUD. One guy pretended for some reason that he was "Chicken Little" and then that became a theme throughout the rest of the night- that guys newly given identity "CHicken Little" Would SQUAWK OUT to the world (LOUDLY) I might add. They gathered themselves near the window and just """GOT TO TALKIN" and Laughin and A SQUAKIN.
Now let me tell you the interesting part. Though I by all acounts and should and was ANNOYED with these individuals, I somehow EVENTUALLY* fell asleep. But in my dream these personages were not the annoying ones, but were of a saintly order that I sympathized with and understood why they were talking and felt that it was in the correct nature of the universe that they should be so loud and talky.
Don't ask me how I acheived such a Bodhisatva-like attitude, just ask me : "What is the sound of one hand clapping" (It sounds something like a fingersnap__)
* after a long time
Now let me tell you the interesting part. Though I by all acounts and should and was ANNOYED with these individuals, I somehow EVENTUALLY* fell asleep. But in my dream these personages were not the annoying ones, but were of a saintly order that I sympathized with and understood why they were talking and felt that it was in the correct nature of the universe that they should be so loud and talky.
Don't ask me how I acheived such a Bodhisatva-like attitude, just ask me : "What is the sound of one hand clapping" (It sounds something like a fingersnap__)
* after a long time
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
MOVie blog:
last night I watched Bill and Ted's excellent adventure and :::::: IT SUCKED. Unlike Peewwee adventure which ruled. Bill and Ted's was LA-HAME! Why was I thinking i liked it when I was young? Or WHAT indeed was i thnking at all at that time? Was is just a mass illusion. R
last night I watched Bill and Ted's excellent adventure and :::::: IT SUCKED. Unlike Peewwee adventure which ruled. Bill and Ted's was LA-HAME! Why was I thinking i liked it when I was young? Or WHAT indeed was i thnking at all at that time? Was is just a mass illusion. R
Monday, September 08, 2008
second life 2.0
When I saw rocky last week I was in the beta version of second life. . avatar.....
No , for reals , it was brix n mortar but kind of between things because of new apartment and what not. WHo ever thought moving 9 city bocks could be so disorientating??? I always thought my post-living with parents homes where maybe not that highly significant but I felt an unexpected emotional attachment to this one. HMMMM
Now I am happy to report a new happiness with my new environs. The thing that really makes it 2nd life is there is a new feline as well aka PASHA the cat . More about the posh-cat later. She is still developing her personality through explorations of the environs much like I myself have done...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kojak
1 final shout out to homemade PAD SEE EW !!
No , for reals , it was brix n mortar but kind of between things because of new apartment and what not. WHo ever thought moving 9 city bocks could be so disorientating??? I always thought my post-living with parents homes where maybe not that highly significant but I felt an unexpected emotional attachment to this one. HMMMM
Now I am happy to report a new happiness with my new environs. The thing that really makes it 2nd life is there is a new feline as well aka PASHA the cat . More about the posh-cat later. She is still developing her personality through explorations of the environs much like I myself have done...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................kojak
1 final shout out to homemade PAD SEE EW !!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Bikecyle Cellebtathsion
Last Night was a NIGHT OF EPIC MOVIE WATCHING. (By me and a certain close-to-my heart-LADY). THE focus of the At home movie festival was BIKEs. First we watched Breaking Away, which will surely inspire anyone as it depicts a bicylce relay race at the end where participants litrally hand off a BIKE to ONE and OTHER. THen as if that wasn't enough in the way of 2 WHEELED INSPIRATION. then we watched The triplets involved in Bellvile. and Even though the NUUMBER 3 was highly featured in this movie (HELLLOOOOOO TRIPLETS= 3 DUH!!!!!) The #2 was also in AFFECT as the main character was an avid CYCLIST (Bi and Tri). Another movie of bike note is PEEWEEEzz big adventure which is also Fanstastik but which we watched another nighte and not last nite
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Its still summer
here in New York. and Boy to I Feel SAad for those little Childr3ean who have to go back to school. Sad for them. HA! But I volunteeredto cheech the childdens again, so Also sad for me. MY current task+++++==== I have a ROUSING SPEECH PRESENTATION a la RNC to hype up a load of my "Would be COnstichuents" Or (possible students who might chose to learn at my class). _ROCKEY
Sunday, August 24, 2008
'Pic Rap Down
It certainly has been a while: Rocky slackering? I did want to talk about one of the Jamaican women that has a hairstyle worth noting. Unfortunately I can't remember her name at this time. All I can say is that her hairdo was excellent. It was sticking up like she was in vogue magazine but also kind of punk. WELL ITS SUNDAY and that means the olympics have come to a close. Over all I would say these games some of the themes included. Braces and Glasses. These proved to be some of the fastest people and it goes to show that just because your face might be messed up in some way, it doesn't mean that your body is messed up or dysfunctional. Other than that. There wer a lot of young people IE BORN IN 1994 (WHEN I WAS IN HI_SCHOOL!) yes they revealed controversy of a young lady that said she was born in 92, yet there was evidense for a 94 birth. I didn't even know they made people that young. I gues it just goes to show you how old and decrepit I am getting. My olympic hopes are getting limited to certain sports. But at least I have a few choices that don't require any physical endurance. For example rifle shooting.
OK one final comment on the broadcasting. 1. This may mark the first time where any entity has tried to declare an all out war against Youtubing, cuz you can't find SH&*((^&*&(*T on youtube and NBC want you to watch on ther proprietary player that only runs on certain computers. NOT COOL NOT COOL. we live in an age where you must not resist change but harness its feelings.
OK one final comment on the broadcasting. 1. This may mark the first time where any entity has tried to declare an all out war against Youtubing, cuz you can't find SH&*((^&*&(*T on youtube and NBC want you to watch on ther proprietary player that only runs on certain computers. NOT COOL NOT COOL. we live in an age where you must not resist change but harness its feelings.
Monday, August 18, 2008
finally some fashion!
with the encouragement of rocky and cermak I have been trying to get on this olympic fashion bandwaggon...as has been noted its slim pickins in the pOOl. I must say the diving BOARDs are a little better .. At least it;s more naturalistic (how about a regular looking swim suit with the countries flag) and not negative fashion: FASHIONphelps < 0 :(
In gymnastics the coaches have more style than the participants (track suit) and the pundits are best of all. What up BELA the romanian pundito! You've always got a nice contrast b/w tie and jacket PATTERINS
I think track will be a turn for the better -especially the ladies. For example the JAmaican 100m winner had a nice style: BRACES AND HEADBAND - very nicely color coordinated, junior high retro like gleiking!!!
kojak(maybe not a pundit but leaning the trade)
In gymnastics the coaches have more style than the participants (track suit) and the pundits are best of all. What up BELA the romanian pundito! You've always got a nice contrast b/w tie and jacket PATTERINS
I think track will be a turn for the better -especially the ladies. For example the JAmaican 100m winner had a nice style: BRACES AND HEADBAND - very nicely color coordinated, junior high retro like gleiking!!!
kojak(maybe not a pundit but leaning the trade)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
everybody get random!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
you can't make this ish' up
An unprovoked message received by Kojak: (maybe someone should email and ask her wtf is the deal???)
my name Thea i girl
my names Thea im search friends send me messages Thea@justrd.com i send mys foto:)
mkspucylrq sdztb kzgllauneg 27084
tab vtyqbnbkfq bgwgdepouy zjfggzzprt bftcioboid
EDIT: I believe pasting this message may have given RSBf a virus - you may not see it- or explosion may occur (UH-O)
my name Thea i girl
my names Thea im search friends send me messages Thea@justrd.com i send mys foto:)
mkspucylrq sdztb kzgllauneg 27084
tab vtyqbnbkfq bgwgdepouy zjfggzzprt bftcioboid
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Well folks there is not much that seems notable about the fasion in the olympics at this point. If you beg to differ please feel free to au contraire me in the comments- but I just don't see that much FASHION SENSE in these olympics. There is "the kid" a young guy on the Chinese Gymanastic team that has a pretty good haircut.. Hm what else. Swimming? Actually I guess there have beens some cool GOoooggLe Styles. From Clear to to MIRRORED ala a Green Eyed fly, and the occasional NOSEPLUG which makes for a funny sight. All the swimmers makes some excellently funny faces as they adjust the suction force of their goggles b4 the Race. Rocky, for the Fashion Times
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Its all about OLYMPIC FASHION. HI I'll Be your HOST ROCKY: we Analyze the fashion of OLYMPICS remember?
here here
here here
and here
YES WE are off and ruuning in the olympic and I will tel you some notable MOMENTS.
1. Unzipped shirts in the road race. I myself unbottoned my shirt riding today in attempt to copy!
2. Opening CEREMonies. CHUMP BUSH ! basically sleeping during exciting times- what esle is new.
3. The commentators calling theBeach bolleyball girls "SPECIMENS" hmm Zoology? OR Sport.
4. Japanese girls have RED RED RED hair on the tream vollyeball..
6. Did you see Ukrain's outfits in the opening ceremonies? Basically like a captain crunch type of situation goin on. Many african nations Outdid many europeans in Fashion sensibility. and Thats somehting I will VOUCH FOR as a PUNDIT.
here here
here here
and here
YES WE are off and ruuning in the olympic and I will tel you some notable MOMENTS.
1. Unzipped shirts in the road race. I myself unbottoned my shirt riding today in attempt to copy!
2. Opening CEREMonies. CHUMP BUSH ! basically sleeping during exciting times- what esle is new.
3. The commentators calling theBeach bolleyball girls "SPECIMENS" hmm Zoology? OR Sport.
4. Japanese girls have RED RED RED hair on the tream vollyeball..
6. Did you see Ukrain's outfits in the opening ceremonies? Basically like a captain crunch type of situation goin on. Many african nations Outdid many europeans in Fashion sensibility. and Thats somehting I will VOUCH FOR as a PUNDIT.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
superfoods revisitied
it's that time of year again for superfood!
HEre's my super luncH
#quinoa (KEENWA!!)
and 1 yummy "vegan mistake" item: HEAVY CREAM
thanx 2 cermak for preparing the creamy soup component!
thanx to NATURE for never stopping working!!!!
HEre's my super luncH
#quinoa (KEENWA!!)
and 1 yummy "vegan mistake" item: HEAVY CREAM
thanx 2 cermak for preparing the creamy soup component!
thanx to NATURE for never stopping working!!!!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Dear world I just got fu$#&*(%&$*KED by a car driver
well well well if it turns out that there is a chump here that just got his ass TAXED by a fradulent ASSSSSSSSSSSSS&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(HIKE. Hello you in New york do me this one favor:::BOYCOTT THE CAR SERVICE called: COMFORT or ' Cobble hill car sevice'. At any rate here is a funny and laughable conversation.
ROCKY: There is no way that ride was 22 dollars
ASSCHUMPS (hitherfore refernced as AC): Yes it was.
R: No it wasn't I have been way farther with mad cargo and it was less
AC: Yess it was
R: /.................. no
AC: yes you want me to ask manager
R: (drunk) YES
AC" aravic arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic say 22 arabic.
AC" 22 dollars
R: give me a receipt
AC: I don't have one
R: I want one
AND THEN HIS FOOL FINDS A RANDOM RECEPT from his *$()#*()$#*( glove compartmetment
look if you come to NYC and you need a car service from park slop. please calle Me:: ROCKY and I WILL TLL YOU a NUMVER TO CALL THAT IS NOT LIYING AND FRADULENT AND SET UP TO STEEL YOUR LIVELY MONEY> SCREW LIARS AND OPPURTUNISTS argh as garfeild would say and now you see my emoticonstions. LOVEBUGS
ROCKY: There is no way that ride was 22 dollars
ASSCHUMPS (hitherfore refernced as AC): Yes it was.
R: No it wasn't I have been way farther with mad cargo and it was less
AC: Yess it was
R: /.................. no
AC: yes you want me to ask manager
R: (drunk) YES
AC" aravic arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic arabic say 22 arabic.
AC" 22 dollars
R: give me a receipt
AC: I don't have one
R: I want one
AND THEN HIS FOOL FINDS A RANDOM RECEPT from his *$()#*()$#*( glove compartmetment
look if you come to NYC and you need a car service from park slop. please calle Me:: ROCKY and I WILL TLL YOU a NUMVER TO CALL THAT IS NOT LIYING AND FRADULENT AND SET UP TO STEEL YOUR LIVELY MONEY> SCREW LIARS AND OPPURTUNISTS argh as garfeild would say and now you see my emoticonstions. LOVEBUGS
Thursday, July 31, 2008
the neu 3rd case
here is a sample of a master project I have been working on:
* add in random effects for region /msa;
proc mixed data = nation.master;
where exclude = 0 ;
class quintile race6 rsmsa;
model benefit = quintile race6 years years(race6) years(quintile)/ solution;
random int years / subject = rsmsa ;
lsmeans race6 quintile;
weight exweight;
title " Race and year ANCOVA w/ random ";
it is a program that uses randomness in attempt to create kojak PHD ....
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
CARDBOYZ musical tradition
My endorsement for Billy Jam a dj on wfmu who play hiphop and punk like me and Honaoralbel judge kojak used to do
also this I suggest please tell interested partise to buy this story about a fingermonkey
also this I suggest please tell interested partise to buy this story about a fingermonkey
Friday, July 18, 2008
Yesteerday i found a COMPLETELY SPHERICAL CAROT in the carrot bag. I was going to take a picutre of it, and I left i ou and nowit has turned into a shriveled Carrot. and its S pherical nature is notas amazing. In other news:
What if we found out in the not too distant future that we HAD ONLY THOUGHT WE wer the onles doing t he greenhouse effect. Ah we were only flattering ourselves that we had that kind of power. Because in actual fact what was happening is that the earth is a giant ORGANISM and what it is going to do is COOK US AND EAT US . What made me think of this is when I walked by outsied and I saw a pile of garbage sitting in the sun (I was allreay hot) so I thought. Man that garbage must be hot and then I was like well you could cook a potato till its REALLY HOT 300 DEGREEE and then you could eat it. SO--- the potato was once alive and we ate it, But maybe tghat is what the eart h will do to us> Eat us _R
What if we found out in the not too distant future that we HAD ONLY THOUGHT WE wer the onles doing t he greenhouse effect. Ah we were only flattering ourselves that we had that kind of power. Because in actual fact what was happening is that the earth is a giant ORGANISM and what it is going to do is COOK US AND EAT US . What made me think of this is when I walked by outsied and I saw a pile of garbage sitting in the sun (I was allreay hot) so I thought. Man that garbage must be hot and then I was like well you could cook a potato till its REALLY HOT 300 DEGREEE and then you could eat it. SO--- the potato was once alive and we ate it, But maybe tghat is what the eart h will do to us> Eat us _R
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
my new place is LITERALLY going to rock the house
OR (Subtitle): "a possible end to the plagues of apartment life"
I just received word that my lady friend and I will be permitted to take up habitiation in a new dwelling unit. it;s over the crest of the hill we now live, both literally and perhaps figurativelly as well. ponder that...
I hope it is more quiet as there are no [ed: loud, patio-oriented] restaurants, hipster havens, or other potentially noisy businesses nearby.
BEST OF ALL, and something I have wanted for some time is it has an outdoor chill space where one can have a beer and relax. It's a common space but not common in the tragic sense of most apartment courtyards. It looks really nice like its used by mature and reasonable folks like you and me.
next best of all we can have a cat. I'm sorrry to inform readers that our dear *cat passed away recently. (I was too emotional to mention it before now). A new place will feature a new cat and that should be really nice .
I wish I could move in today but actually it's not until SEPT
actual spy photo-------------------------->
I just received word that my lady friend and I will be permitted to take up habitiation in a new dwelling unit. it;s over the crest of the hill we now live, both literally and perhaps figurativelly as well. ponder that...
I hope it is more quiet as there are no [ed: loud, patio-oriented] restaurants, hipster havens, or other potentially noisy businesses nearby.
BEST OF ALL, and something I have wanted for some time is it has an outdoor chill space where one can have a beer and relax. It's a common space but not common in the tragic sense of most apartment courtyards. It looks really nice like its used by mature and reasonable folks like you and me.
next best of all we can have a cat. I'm sorrry to inform readers that our dear *cat passed away recently. (I was too emotional to mention it before now). A new place will feature a new cat and that should be really nice .
I wish I could move in today but actually it's not until SEPT
actual spy photo-------------------------->
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I have something that Cyndi Lauper wrote its some of the lyrics on a piece of paper. should I throw it out ortry to sell it on EBAY for %$$$$, can someone help me.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hot shirt
Today i ran out of the house wwearing only a Swim SUIT and a HOT flanel shirt. and (NO undersghirt) Gues what I got HOT riding on the city streets. YOWZH. And this guy said sisn't that shirt hot and said YEAH THANKS!!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
scholars will wrestle with the TRUTH of this blog
as things change to yet another HUE or /and SHADE you may step back and ask yourself about the history of RSBf...................can anyone recall all the PERMUTATIOns?? have we reviewed the important themes and done special issues reminding the readers of the greatest moments or even the blOOpers too? No mostly not
; that leaves it to future generations of scholars to decipher...
I believe a vigorous debate will develop in university's of the future in which THESES are written on important debates.
in the year 2112 rsbfD will be a legitimate title for a scholar 2 consider the questions:
who really were ROCKY & KOJAK .. can we assemble a history and family tree?? where was the historic place they first met?? who were the mystery lady and lil'black? are sita pants and rockio blood relatives or more spiritual associations?? NOt to mention all of the sybolic and Semiotic meanings involved..................................................(K)
; that leaves it to future generations of scholars to decipher...
I believe a vigorous debate will develop in university's of the future in which THESES are written on important debates.
in the year 2112 rsbfD will be a legitimate title for a scholar 2 consider the questions:
who really were ROCKY & KOJAK .. can we assemble a history and family tree?? where was the historic place they first met?? who were the mystery lady and lil'black? are sita pants and rockio blood relatives or more spiritual associations?? NOt to mention all of the sybolic and Semiotic meanings involved..................................................(K)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday "Zinger"
Is that your face or did your neck reach out and grab someone else's face, and put it over your face so that you appear like someone else
Rocky Zingnamic
Rocky Zingnamic
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
growing up is hard to do
just got back from a little vacation and boy was that fun. relaxing in the care of the parents with all comforts and just kicking back . Makes it feel like summer vacation and a kid again!
back to reality now and it's almost 2 much- the plagues of modern life include (previosuly described by Kafka and Kojak) dealings with the bureaucracies of airline and apartments , issues of $$$ and most difficult of all trying to nurse a sick cat back to life. Also there's going to work which ironically enough I am avoiding right now!
But hey would you look at that now sick cat is eating something ! ( knock on wood no JINX) I'll cross my fingers and hope for positive developments in the future
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I am selling this little red bike my friend found on the street for 25 bucks. Here is the post
This is a very stylish little bike. It has handbrakes, a freewheel and a nice little rack on the back. It is made in the style of a folding bike, but it should be noted that it does not have a hinge to fold on.
It needs some attention- the front wheel is a bit wobbly, the chain/crank needs adjustment as it slips a bit on while pedaling. Currently one tires is flat.
If you want to make a little project out of it (or have a shop fix it) this bike could be the coolest. I wish I could keep it but I don't have the time or space.
The following is a crazy craiglister who's email name is "ihfghfghzs /"
I am very interested. Don't know where to fix it ok but it should fit me and my pockets.
The other appointment i mentioned fell through so I tell her. Then she writes back with her phone number. I call her and leave a message on a machine that has no name and a very foreign voice. She calls me back and wants to talk a long time and about the bike. It turns out her name is NOT BETTY (this is just a fake name she gives to "Crazy" bike sellers on craigslist). It looks like I am earning her trust.
I tell her- its just "As is" if you want to see it. She tells me she is living in "Bed Stoo" and that she is from Canada- yet her accent was very much like Bjork's... she says she keeps buying bikes, but what she really wants is her "beautiful" bike in Canada. She cannot see the bike today cuz its RAINING(???wtf?). and she wants to walk FROM Bed Stoo to Greenpoint (is that near williamsburg? yes duh) -and that is way too far! So at the end of the conversation she reveals her name is ISABELLA and not Betty. So ANYWAY it stopped rainig later and I want to get rid of this thing so I call her. I ask for Isabella- she says "you have the wrong number" and starts to hang up in paranoia-and I'm like its ME with the bike. and I say I want to show it tonite, if you can't do it, I may show it to someone else. Then she says Oh my friend told me YESTERDAY that its too expensive to fix, so I don't want it anyway.
YOU FREAK! Anyway here is the real kicker I was going to call the next person on the list and I ACCIDENTLLY dialed Betty or Isabella or whoever she is again, woops I realized so I just hung up. THEN SHE CALLS ME BACK ONCE. I don't pick up, she hangs up and 2 rings. THEN SHE CALLS ME BACK AGAIN! and I let it go to the answer. I listen to the answermachine. She says- "I told you I didn't want the bike. My friend says its going to cost 40 or maybe even 60 dollars to fix." then she says. "Do not ever call us again" can I say this again- FREAK! I was thinking about writing something like this:
"I just don't understand why you don't want this bike. First you way one thing and then another> I want to meet you face to face. If you give me 10 good reasons for not wanting this perfectly good bike, I might let it go. But this is unnacceptable. I need to know who you are and I need to see some papers. I need to know you nationality and full name or else I am calling the police. Until then I will continue to call until you talk with me sensibly." KIDDING. how do you think she's react? ??? PSYCHOPATH
This is a very stylish little bike. It has handbrakes, a freewheel and a nice little rack on the back. It is made in the style of a folding bike, but it should be noted that it does not have a hinge to fold on.
It needs some attention- the front wheel is a bit wobbly, the chain/crank needs adjustment as it slips a bit on while pedaling. Currently one tires is flat.
If you want to make a little project out of it (or have a shop fix it) this bike could be the coolest. I wish I could keep it but I don't have the time or space.
The following is a crazy craiglister who's email name is "ihfghfghzs /"
I am very interested. Don't know where to fix it ok but it should fit me and my pockets.
please contact for sale arrangement and do be human about it: not coldblooded 'first come first serve' so that when i take the subway all the way to see and pick up AFTER HAVING MADE A SOLID APPOINTMENT, you say, oh, som' jus pickit! (This is one of the reasons i am FOR gun control. I could have shot three idiot craigslist bike sellers!)
so I write back
I am waiting for a confirmation to show the bike tomorrow evening. If you would like to see it, please let me know when you are available. If before or during tomorrow eve and I don't get a confirm ...BLA BLA BLA nice nice nice
==so I write back
I am waiting for a confirmation to show the bike tomorrow evening. If you would like to see it, please let me know when you are available. If before or during tomorrow eve and I don't get a confirm ...BLA BLA BLA nice nice nice
The other appointment i mentioned fell through so I tell her. Then she writes back with her phone number. I call her and leave a message on a machine that has no name and a very foreign voice. She calls me back and wants to talk a long time and about the bike. It turns out her name is NOT BETTY (this is just a fake name she gives to "Crazy" bike sellers on craigslist). It looks like I am earning her trust.
I tell her- its just "As is" if you want to see it. She tells me she is living in "Bed Stoo" and that she is from Canada- yet her accent was very much like Bjork's... she says she keeps buying bikes, but what she really wants is her "beautiful" bike in Canada. She cannot see the bike today cuz its RAINING(???wtf?). and she wants to walk FROM Bed Stoo to Greenpoint (is that near williamsburg? yes duh) -and that is way too far! So at the end of the conversation she reveals her name is ISABELLA and not Betty. So ANYWAY it stopped rainig later and I want to get rid of this thing so I call her. I ask for Isabella- she says "you have the wrong number" and starts to hang up in paranoia-and I'm like its ME with the bike. and I say I want to show it tonite, if you can't do it, I may show it to someone else. Then she says Oh my friend told me YESTERDAY that its too expensive to fix, so I don't want it anyway.
YOU FREAK! Anyway here is the real kicker I was going to call the next person on the list and I ACCIDENTLLY dialed Betty or Isabella or whoever she is again, woops I realized so I just hung up. THEN SHE CALLS ME BACK ONCE. I don't pick up, she hangs up and 2 rings. THEN SHE CALLS ME BACK AGAIN! and I let it go to the answer. I listen to the answermachine. She says- "I told you I didn't want the bike. My friend says its going to cost 40 or maybe even 60 dollars to fix." then she says. "Do not ever call us again" can I say this again- FREAK! I was thinking about writing something like this:
"I just don't understand why you don't want this bike. First you way one thing and then another> I want to meet you face to face. If you give me 10 good reasons for not wanting this perfectly good bike, I might let it go. But this is unnacceptable. I need to know who you are and I need to see some papers. I need to know you nationality and full name or else I am calling the police. Until then I will continue to call until you talk with me sensibly." KIDDING. how do you think she's react? ??? PSYCHOPATH
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Yes! a classic day of Two postings by the one and only FAMOUS haikU ROcky
Euro cup and beer
The two go to the (garden?)
Or? Where els is good?
The first ever in history future related HaikUZNICH-R
The two go to the (garden?)
Or? Where els is good?
The first ever in history future related HaikUZNICH-R
A story of woe that has resolved into Symphony
A simple search for the word "bike" on this blog will reveal that it is a subject of utmost importance.
ANd now I would like to tell you a story of that began with WOE. Many of you may remember BLUE GOLDFISH Now be ready to cry a stream of tears as long as the Mississippi. Blue goldfish (I refer to the bike) was stolen by an unknown not0good person. This is how it happened. I went to visit my girlfriend at the plant store I left the bike outside and unlucked and unlocked. and 5 minutes I sh*&*^%t you not later it was gone and no where to be seen. NOw an interesting addendum to the story. A couple weeks ago Mr xroomate was riding over the bridge and he passes crosswise someone who had a nice bike (BLUE GOLDFISH) stop your jaw from dropping becuase there is more. He followed the evil doer into the deepest queensbridge projects of astoria and CALLED ME DURING THE HI-SPPEEED PURSUIT! If cours I was FLAGERGASTED and Didn't know what to do! Anyway he saw the guy take it into the projects and the dude looked very tough so he didn't RISK his LIFE.
So I found the O.G. police report and called teh police I even did some research (finding PHOTOGRAFS) so I could prove the bike was mine. Lo the only such existing photographs of Blue GOldfish were in fact TAKEN by CERMAK and pictured I, Rocky and THE HONORABLE JUDGE KOJAK standing behind a peaceful and seren pastoral lake atmosphere in CENTral park! And yet even with the peices of the evidence, the police, as is there TYPICAL style told me TOUGH luck there is nothing we can do. (Ieven talked to a detective) LAAAAAAME!
Now to end the story in happiness I have a new bike, it was cheaper (of course its not as much of a racer as bluegfish, but I allready like it a lot. PLUS I INTALLED HOT RED BRAKE HOODS THe color of the new bike? WHITE, so if any one hasideas for a name?Rocky
ANd now I would like to tell you a story of that began with WOE. Many of you may remember BLUE GOLDFISH Now be ready to cry a stream of tears as long as the Mississippi. Blue goldfish (I refer to the bike) was stolen by an unknown not0good person. This is how it happened. I went to visit my girlfriend at the plant store I left the bike outside and unlucked and unlocked. and 5 minutes I sh*&*^%t you not later it was gone and no where to be seen. NOw an interesting addendum to the story. A couple weeks ago Mr xroomate was riding over the bridge and he passes crosswise someone who had a nice bike (BLUE GOLDFISH) stop your jaw from dropping becuase there is more. He followed the evil doer into the deepest queensbridge projects of astoria and CALLED ME DURING THE HI-SPPEEED PURSUIT! If cours I was FLAGERGASTED and Didn't know what to do! Anyway he saw the guy take it into the projects and the dude looked very tough so he didn't RISK his LIFE.
So I found the O.G. police report and called teh police I even did some research (finding PHOTOGRAFS) so I could prove the bike was mine. Lo the only such existing photographs of Blue GOldfish were in fact TAKEN by CERMAK and pictured I, Rocky and THE HONORABLE JUDGE KOJAK standing behind a peaceful and seren pastoral lake atmosphere in CENTral park! And yet even with the peices of the evidence, the police, as is there TYPICAL style told me TOUGH luck there is nothing we can do. (Ieven talked to a detective) LAAAAAAME!
Now to end the story in happiness I have a new bike, it was cheaper (of course its not as much of a racer as bluegfish, but I allready like it a lot. PLUS I INTALLED HOT RED BRAKE HOODS THe color of the new bike? WHITE, so if any one hasideas for a name?Rocky
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Things are going to get BETtER
Hey- I just want to say- I think We all have room for improvement, and one of those people is me Rocky. I sometimes look at these entries and I just feel like, I could be doing a better job of describing whats going on in reality. Yezs BRAINFARTING is healty but also yes DO PEOPLE EVEN CARE ABOUT certain types of NONSENS no because they arne't insiide your mind to actually SMELL the brainfart. Don't worry I'm not getting all emotional, but I have an ideas and I will improve and thats a PLEDGE.
for example: HERE Is a keen obesrvation: Birds. birdwatching is fun. I saw a CARDINAL. I have alos seen a CORMORANT, SWALLOW, SPARROW, SBARRO, STARLING, and a FLICKER, and BLACK CROWNED NIGHT HERON. 0ne of those things is not a bird and has to do with Pizza. I'll give you one hour to figure it out
for example: HERE Is a keen obesrvation: Birds. birdwatching is fun. I saw a CARDINAL. I have alos seen a CORMORANT, SWALLOW, SPARROW, SBARRO, STARLING, and a FLICKER, and BLACK CROWNED NIGHT HERON. 0ne of those things is not a bird and has to do with Pizza. I'll give you one hour to figure it out
Friday, June 13, 2008
The complete yuppie experience
I am at a coffe caffe early in the morning, just sitting here on my Mac book Typing on my blog. This coffee shure is strong. And they are playing Suzanne Vega. Everything is good. Later I will Get in my Lexus Car and drive down to the yacht club. Maybe I'll have a Farm Raised BLT and a Mimosa. This is the HIGH LIFE let me tell you. But the only way I was able to attain such HIGHTS is by selling MySoul (MSL) on Nasdaq. and the price just went up 200 points today.
just kidding. it went up 300 points
just kidding. it went up 300 points
Thursday, June 05, 2008
need a vacation?
I'll be taking 1 soon how Bout you? 1 week from tomorrow my companion and I will be on our way to lovely _MAYBE EVEN LIVELY vermont. it's raining here and I can't wait to see what awaits on the other side. If the weather is nice we'll even build a tent platform suitable for camping in the backyard. OLD school - grade school style except the yard's big (LAND) so it's more legit.
*****ROCKY YOU SHOULD COME IF YOU CAN MAKE IT OUT of the city you call home********
We would welcome any visitors from 6/18 - 6/21!
*****ROCKY YOU SHOULD COME IF YOU CAN MAKE IT OUT of the city you call home********
We would welcome any visitors from 6/18 - 6/21!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Food Experiments
1. Ingredients: package of raspberries, greekk style grape leaves, CHEESE slices. Put together in black bag and go out for a picnic. Food that is not eaten should be placed at the bottom of bag and covered by other articles so it can be forgotten about. Place black bag in bedroom (preferably in a sunny spot) and allow to sit for 4 days. Unpack bag and discover a wonderful surprise.
2. Pour a beaker full of water add one GUMMY bear. Let it sit there and it will get huge.
2. Pour a beaker full of water add one GUMMY bear. Let it sit there and it will get huge.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I "b" fartin
What up rs"b"fart? Its been a while since I've published anything that is meant for the World's Wide Web. Wide as it may be its never seen the likes of ME ROCK_EE. and My POS_EE the whole RS"B". We come for FREE and We Don't Take AMERICAN EXPRESS. Nor MONEY. What we sell are Values Good Wholesome WholeWheat American Fun Values. and those those values expressed here are not necessarily the ones the the RSBF© shares nor does its contributing sponsors hereby referred to as the "INTERWEB" have any vested stake is said appropriations. Henceforth all aclimitizing factors will be taken into consideration in apropriation of materialitEE and EXTRA EXTRA LARJ PhilsoPHICalle prosuits.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
apartment life
I offer you now the 10 PLAGUES OF APARTMENT LIFE:
1. plumbing issues 6. sick housemates
2. noise pollution 7. temperature extremes
3. bed bugs 8. no food in fridge
4. flying insects 9. power outage
5. sick/crazy pets 10. neighborhood crime
In the last week I have experienced 2, 4, 5 and 7 !!!!
(K) for passover
Saturday, May 17, 2008
question: IS it better to be AHEAD of your time or BEHIND your time? Da Vinci may have been "ahead" of his time, while No One Famous was behind their time. Don't you think when Time TRAVELLING is made possible by our great scientists, that we will value those people who are "A BIT SLOW" in their ways of thinking.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
sleep STINKS
of all the little pets that have been PEEVIN me lately you'd think that people sleeping wouldn't be notable. But it is . What I'm talking about is when people sleep in public places ...not beacuse they're homeless (that is a major social issue to be concerned and symapthetic about) IT's just because they're tired or just haven;t planned their day well or it just feels good so they do it. Worst example is the library. IT 's 4 reading (!). WHEN PEOPLE SLEEP THEY OFTEN SNORE AND STINK (this second one is less well know but still a major problem. I'm not sure what the scientific basis is but its the TRUTH. IF you like the way someone smells then its not a problem , it is actually comforting . but that's only true of your own special someone NOT THE DUDE IN THE LIBRARY (K*)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
2 new "GEMS"
A new name for my cat "BOUNTY RAT"
RAMEN- CON QUESO! did someone say delicious? Or was that my stomach saying ROCKY YOU ROCK. Thanks for feeding me and not letting me die
RAMEN- CON QUESO! did someone say delicious? Or was that my stomach saying ROCKY YOU ROCK. Thanks for feeding me and not letting me die
Sunday, May 11, 2008
whatz up mOmz? Motha! Its mothar'sday and whose motha mothaR. There is a MOTHAR Out there its like a godzilla MOTHAR. its going to give birth to you But did the Mothar come from another Mothar . MOTHAR Mothar MOTHAR MOTHAR. Rocky
Thursday, May 08, 2008
too much lines / DOTS
I know we've debated fancy graphics on this forum but MAY I USE THIS to illustrate at point???
I've had some minor crises of confidentiality of late.
4 example [ponder this : what is the point of making a map if you
already know everything on it . ANd no one else will learn from
it b/c it's either 2 complicated or maybe just too much of a chore
already know everything on it . ANd no one else will learn from
it b/c it's either 2 complicated or maybe just too much of a chore
It's a lot of effort and what is the payoff and I'm not actually talking $$$ ??
Might not even be good mental exercise because physical exercise is actually the
best mental exercise if done well.
best mental exercise if done well.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
TITLE: RSBF Trifecta (3)?!
A diary of my LIFE today:
8:38am perusing the world wide web. Come upon this headline:: "May
Day: The Most Random Holiday Of All!" (H1: Is this true?)
10:05am checking email from students.::
Subject: Re: make-up exam
I had a brain fart. I meant May 5th, not the 1st. I'm sure you would
have figured that out anyway! Thanks again, XXXXNOW waiting for something sketchy! I am avoiding shrubbery (NEW
STUDENT WEEK 101 = crotch grabber alert) but otherwise ready for
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
toilette humor
excuse the crudeness; " but when nature Strikes you need a good toilet!"
In public spaces / work place 1 just hopes for the best. Early in the morning you can usually get lucky and hopefully the custodian has just cleaned and
..........a pristine toilet awaits..................
sometimes not though - someone beats you too it in a big way. Also one hopes for solitude which can be elusive. This morning was one of those times when all HOPES APPEARED DASHED _ _ _ _ guess what i did I TOOK ACTION (go west young man!!!!) ventured downstairs to a floor I never visited ..........and found a parallel universe of toilet options!
The bathroom looked just like the one above but had 1 DOUBLE WIDE HANDICAP STALL instead of two small gross ones , very clean, quiet
(again excuse the cruditities)
..."SH*T YEAH!"
In public spaces / work place 1 just hopes for the best. Early in the morning you can usually get lucky and hopefully the custodian has just cleaned and
..........a pristine toilet awaits..................
sometimes not though - someone beats you too it in a big way. Also one hopes for solitude which can be elusive. This morning was one of those times when all HOPES APPEARED DASHED _ _ _ _ guess what i did I TOOK ACTION (go west young man!!!!) ventured downstairs to a floor I never visited ..........and found a parallel universe of toilet options!
The bathroom looked just like the one above but had 1 DOUBLE WIDE HANDICAP STALL instead of two small gross ones , very clean, quiet
(again excuse the cruditities)
..."SH*T YEAH!"
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spring Resolution:Stay inside more and MORE COMPUTER
There are BEAUTIFul blossoms of pink whte and green.
They tell me Rocky You knowWhat We MEan.
I must write what I write and know what I know.
Yeah Donner Yay Blitzen on DONOR Neigh yitzen
The ART OF WRITING must certainly PREVAil
and not a second too soon for the SEAsonal ale to set sale
They tell me Rocky You knowWhat We MEan.
I must write what I write and know what I know.
Yeah Donner Yay Blitzen on DONOR Neigh yitzen
The ART OF WRITING must certainly PREVAil
and not a second too soon for the SEAsonal ale to set sale
It's finally here
and all of my wildest expectations have been fulfilled (kojak)
ps I learned last night that the baseball star Adrian Beltre had the nickname "KOJAK" as a child. To my surprise I saw this on a jumbotron
ps I learned last night that the baseball star Adrian Beltre had the nickname "KOJAK" as a child. To my surprise I saw this on a jumbotron
Friday, April 18, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
back pains
ouch . %^*^% because this computer chair is killing me. I just realized I have been typing in a wack position for a few hours %@__@%/ ttoo much effort but not enough CONTROL of the bodies movements. as a taichi master would say: key 2 good smarts and happieness is careful movements but not followed today ... know what can cure some back pain? A day outside working the body (2morrow) (KO)
Monday, April 07, 2008
Ant Catchet
I have created a GREAT INVENTION. FREE KNOWLEDGE WILL NOW BE DISTRIBUTED FROM ME rocky. Question: Have you ever had ANTS in your pants (OR IN YOUR HOuse) If the ants are in yuour house that means they are HUGNRY and if they are HUNGYR that means they want FOOD and if they want food they will eat ANYTHING I REPEAT ANYTHING that is out. Gues what falls into tthis catergory UNFORTUANTELLY CATFOOD. AUNTS INFESTED my catfood. SOLUTION: MIDDEVIL technology on their ASS. This involved a PLANT POT with a saucer. the saucer you fill with water the pot you put in the middle. NOW ants can't swim CAN THEY> SO WHo wins the battle. the vetabrates. Yeahy. I should get PAID for these type of GENIOUS IDEASrocky dynamikc
Monday, March 31, 2008
vaca de casa
if you haven't heard from me lately maybe its because I have been ....
ØIT started out odd because of the lousy weather we've had Ø
nevertheless there was a vacation to be had JLOY
a trip away from town to a great big house with lots of friends inside. all of the modern luxuries including some of the finest LIQUERS our society has to offer. i dig the food and socializing including face to face activities and NINTENDO which I had not partaken in in some time.
1 thing though: I get kinda antisocial between the hours of 24:00 and 8:00 . It was totally fun for a weekend but I don't know how I survived the DORMS . maybe rocky remembers ....
smart and diligent
When choosing a color for the background of your mind, I suggest a soothing one.
I just spent four days working on my resume, on a specific template mind you. One where you plug in the numbers or in this case letters and kazizmanya! you have a resumeric function, job ready and willing.
However on this account, I was trying to email the doc for days, to no apparent avail. Saying there were viruss to be found. SH*T. So i say test one two breath, retype. I did this four whole tims, same diff.
Finaly at suggestion of none other than ROKKEE TOKKEE, taller than an E WOKKEE.sayd PDF tha sucker. And I did and you know, I am starting to be in a communicable relation with prospective employers! YAYAY
sita p
I just spent four days working on my resume, on a specific template mind you. One where you plug in the numbers or in this case letters and kazizmanya! you have a resumeric function, job ready and willing.
However on this account, I was trying to email the doc for days, to no apparent avail. Saying there were viruss to be found. SH*T. So i say test one two breath, retype. I did this four whole tims, same diff.
Finaly at suggestion of none other than ROKKEE TOKKEE, taller than an E WOKKEE.sayd PDF tha sucker. And I did and you know, I am starting to be in a communicable relation with prospective employers! YAYAY
sita p
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
its one forty five am and where are you children. In the Zoo? Because if you have monkeys for children I suggeste checking the zoo. and then the jungle
Monday, March 17, 2008
diet 4 st pattys
Aye yi yi yay. Now how do you know whether you should be a vegetarian or not. is it a mood preference, a social grace, or a message to god. I do not know. ok so if its ok to kill vegetables, assuming that they are alive, or living then what about aNriMALs. Why blood? heart? organs? brain? soul? why are they different. I am not sure that I ask these questions crektly but I sure would like to know. Actually not, but If i am partial to vegetables, will i become a vegetable, or to i have to eat plastics and other such fibers to maintain my korrect - a - tude. sheesha. sita pants
scientifical forecaster discussion
Cermak and I are headed down to PDX next week so I turned to the science 2 get a scoop on the weather
Here's what I found:
""Long term...plenty of solutions...but hard to tell which is the
correct one for the extended. After front moves across Friday...will
a broad area of low pressure sit over the Gulf of Alaska for the
weekend. System may hold up offshore...but will bring disturbances
into the Pacific northwest. Question is whether or not Sat will be dry or not.
Will go with showery pattern to continue as models still indicating
cool upper disturbance moving across region. Afterwards...may have a
break. Unfortunately...not confident on this yet...so will keep
chance of rain in for Sat night and sun...with better threat later
sun and next Monday as this low pushes into western Canada and
accompanying trough moves across Pacific northwest. Ahh...Spring. Rockey. ""
NOTE AUTHOR : is this possibly a third relative in addition to Rockio?
copied and pasted by KOJAK
ps: I like the bug dude but what if he is mistaken for rocky or kojak when walking down the street? does he deserve that star treatment just cuz he's a scientist?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
rsbf philosophical lineage
.. If I fail to say what lies on my mind it gives me a feeling of flatulence; I shall therefore give my brush free reign. Mine is a foolish diversion, but these pages are meant to be torn up, and no one is likely to see them.
-Kenko from Essays in Idleness 1330-1332
-Kenko from Essays in Idleness 1330-1332
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Random Bird catches Sketchy worm (>?_
I went to a new dentist yesterday and he said simply "you have a clean mouth" no need for overreact. Whearas the other dentist said, YOU WIll die a slow horrible roasting death for evil doers in the depths of hades if you don't FLOSS you vile slime_bucket! who should I beleive and what are their MOTIVES (operandi) for telling me such differentiating stories.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
early worm catches the bird
want to have an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE?? (*&(?
try this Wake up really really early %(
force your self to Do something RANDOM . for example I drove to the airport at 5AM : with time change = 4AM.
Come home and go back to sleep
- when you wake up you might you may think you had a dream, out of body experience, but definitely not that you had already done something random that day. (except if you got hurt it would be real so try anything too crazy) (K)
try this Wake up really really early %(
force your self to Do something RANDOM . for example I drove to the airport at 5AM : with time change = 4AM.
Come home and go back to sleep
- when you wake up you might you may think you had a dream, out of body experience, but definitely not that you had already done something random that day. (except if you got hurt it would be real so try anything too crazy) (K)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Many people notice that I Rocky Dynamic have bee quite prolific in my writings of late. There have been good articles and bad articles., but this one folks is a real shocker: THe Article that follows is A SHOCKER.
Last night I was going to work on a project. My friend/clients were late and so I drank a beer by meself and read Sophocles, master of "Greek" Tragedy. Finally they arrived 3 hours late. By this time the time pressure was ON because, well its a time sensitive project ie being projected in (Los Angeles: the city of Angels) tomorrow night. Anyway back to the story of tragedy. Yes that's right my story ends in DISASTER. So they showed up. I set the processes which need to get started started, and then offered my friends a BEER themselves. I knew they were tired and exasperated from a dead car. So i said how about a beer and they said. OK. I went to the fridge, pulled out a beer (two actually) I also grabbed two glasses of a traditional bar type manufacture.
NOW is when the first element of disaster reigned down upon my evening. My sleeve caught the edge of a nearby wine glass, a stemless masterwork given to me by my father. The glass FELL to the floor shattering into many pieces. My friend were- how shall I say aghast? suprised. Now STAY TUNED because more classical tragedy is coming your way to a theater near you. I went behind the FRIDGE. and got out my DUSTPAN. I began to sweep the peices. I felt flustered with my recent mismanagement of nearby physical universe and wanted to "Sweep it all away". NOW YE BEHOLDST. Behind me came a crashing noise not unlike the heavenly wrath of Zeus- the layer of waste to many men. I saw a most UNLUCKY PORTENT. Ye how a long body-sized MIRROR! had slipped out from its precarious postioning of storage behind said fridge and dashed itself to many peices upon my kitchen floor. And YE imagine the surprise of my friend-clients when they heard the noises of CRASHING yet again.
Chalk it up to the wrath of THE FURIES! but now I have 7 YEARZ of bad luck which I plan to yuse to my advantage. ROKIO
Last night I was going to work on a project. My friend/clients were late and so I drank a beer by meself and read Sophocles, master of "Greek" Tragedy. Finally they arrived 3 hours late. By this time the time pressure was ON because, well its a time sensitive project ie being projected in (Los Angeles: the city of Angels) tomorrow night. Anyway back to the story of tragedy. Yes that's right my story ends in DISASTER. So they showed up. I set the processes which need to get started started, and then offered my friends a BEER themselves. I knew they were tired and exasperated from a dead car. So i said how about a beer and they said. OK. I went to the fridge, pulled out a beer (two actually) I also grabbed two glasses of a traditional bar type manufacture.
NOW is when the first element of disaster reigned down upon my evening. My sleeve caught the edge of a nearby wine glass, a stemless masterwork given to me by my father. The glass FELL to the floor shattering into many pieces. My friend were- how shall I say aghast? suprised. Now STAY TUNED because more classical tragedy is coming your way to a theater near you. I went behind the FRIDGE. and got out my DUSTPAN. I began to sweep the peices. I felt flustered with my recent mismanagement of nearby physical universe and wanted to "Sweep it all away". NOW YE BEHOLDST. Behind me came a crashing noise not unlike the heavenly wrath of Zeus- the layer of waste to many men. I saw a most UNLUCKY PORTENT. Ye how a long body-sized MIRROR! had slipped out from its precarious postioning of storage behind said fridge and dashed itself to many peices upon my kitchen floor. And YE imagine the surprise of my friend-clients when they heard the noises of CRASHING yet again.
Chalk it up to the wrath of THE FURIES! but now I have 7 YEARZ of bad luck which I plan to yuse to my advantage. ROKIO
Friday, March 07, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Apparently I had no significant thoughtstoday
. I have been sitting here trying to think of any "OLD?" thing to write about and yet Nothing is occuring to me at all. It seems that I have not had any significant thoughts . SOmeone give me a topic! please I amhaving issues. Issues of the MIND. Ladies and Gentelmen. I am having...........a real............ Live
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
update on *cåt
turns out rocky was right milk isn't 2 good for cat
ˆø cat however luvs it. freaking out everynight and looking all in our glasses 4 it
ˆø other products exist to address the situation (thank u usa ). I won;t endorse them by name by look for the emotional cat picture on milk like box. you fleine will thank you! (k)
turns out rocky was right milk isn't 2 good for cat
ˆø cat however luvs it. freaking out everynight and looking all in our glasses 4 it
ˆø other products exist to address the situation (thank u usa ). I won;t endorse them by name by look for the emotional cat picture on milk like box. you fleine will thank you! (k)
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
wake me up in 1 minute
never Ever ∞∞∞∞∞ (where was I) don't never volunteer to do somethingh on the weekend. you WILL not be rewarded by that. all's that will happen is you'll have 2 wake up and yule have to use an alamrn and this will not BE happy circumstances. on the weekend. that's it i quit
signed kojak (cermak interpreter)
signed kojak (cermak interpreter)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
above is a drawing of America.
2.A philosophical discussion
There is a test called the Turring test and it says that if a computer can successfully take place in a discussion like email, and convcingly fool the human, than it can be said to have "intelligence". But really what is our intelligence. Why is the ability to conversate decided to be a proof of it. I had a question the other day about someone's name and try and try as I could I could not remember what the name was. The interesting thing with a name is that you either know it or you don't. Its not like you half know it with half the letters or half the sound. We name everything around us and if they didn't have names then we would have to (re?)learn about them everyday. My name 4example is Rocky Dynamic. We use these names and signs. But i think we are also fooled by the names and signs as if those names and signs have a consciousness themselves. We don't have a turring test with them but I think we assume that they contain a certain amount of intelligence. they are products of people but also creations with their own lives to live. and who is to say also that the inanimate objects around us are not 'aware' of us as we are of them. i think they can pass some tests of being aware of us. and also we attribute a human quality to electronic music subconscioulsy we are constantly anthropomorphing everything around us. So isn't it true that in our way of understanding those things could more accurately be described as part of us than anything else that we could accurately understand. Like that we coiuld have understand the conciousness of a black cat. Because we just don't BE CatLIke in any of our powers. The language is what we do have, the words and names, which would be different from the squeeks of nature. Could you jjust create a universe by naming it.
above is a drawing of America.
2.A philosophical discussion
There is a test called the Turring test and it says that if a computer can successfully take place in a discussion like email, and convcingly fool the human, than it can be said to have "intelligence". But really what is our intelligence. Why is the ability to conversate decided to be a proof of it. I had a question the other day about someone's name and try and try as I could I could not remember what the name was. The interesting thing with a name is that you either know it or you don't. Its not like you half know it with half the letters or half the sound. We name everything around us and if they didn't have names then we would have to (re?)learn about them everyday. My name 4example is Rocky Dynamic. We use these names and signs. But i think we are also fooled by the names and signs as if those names and signs have a consciousness themselves. We don't have a turring test with them but I think we assume that they contain a certain amount of intelligence. they are products of people but also creations with their own lives to live. and who is to say also that the inanimate objects around us are not 'aware' of us as we are of them. i think they can pass some tests of being aware of us. and also we attribute a human quality to electronic music subconscioulsy we are constantly anthropomorphing everything around us. So isn't it true that in our way of understanding those things could more accurately be described as part of us than anything else that we could accurately understand. Like that we coiuld have understand the conciousness of a black cat. Because we just don't BE CatLIke in any of our powers. The language is what we do have, the words and names, which would be different from the squeeks of nature. Could you jjust create a universe by naming it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Recently I had the pleasure of voting but found even greater pleasure in the Elemenatary school in which it took place . Brilliant young students had written novels and displayed them on the wall. One I perused was called ALL ABOUT CATS. IT had many chapters and BIG writing so I'm sure everyone said it was a real book. it went something like this:
""""ALL about cats (=^;^=) -|-|--|-|~~~
Chapter 1: Types of cats. There are wild cats and house cats . cats come from africa and other places. Like tigers and snow lepords. The egyoptians loved the cat and made it a house pet
Chapter 2: cats have camoflage. there are 2 reasons cats have camoflage. One is to hide from there prey. 2 is to hide from humans who chase them. this is true for housecats only. (drawing of tall grasses in Africa ||||||||||||
Chapter 3: wild cats have many habitats. HUmans destroy habitat like the rainforest :( . Differnet cats have different habitats. Picture a snow lepord and a tiger. Close your eyes.
Chapter 4:
Open your eyes. all cats use the bathroom. this is only true with houscats (drawing of litter box) [{ _}]
.....A few more good chapters.........
The end
reported by Kojak
""""ALL about cats (=^;^=) -|-|--|-|~~~
Chapter 1: Types of cats. There are wild cats and house cats . cats come from africa and other places. Like tigers and snow lepords. The egyoptians loved the cat and made it a house pet
Chapter 2: cats have camoflage. there are 2 reasons cats have camoflage. One is to hide from there prey. 2 is to hide from humans who chase them. this is true for housecats only. (drawing of tall grasses in Africa ||||||||||||
Chapter 3: wild cats have many habitats. HUmans destroy habitat like the rainforest :( . Differnet cats have different habitats. Picture a snow lepord and a tiger. Close your eyes.
Chapter 4:
Open your eyes. all cats use the bathroom. this is only true with houscats (drawing of litter box) [{ _}]
.....A few more good chapters.........
The end
reported by Kojak
Thursday, February 21, 2008
If Human came from Monkey and monkeys came from Bugs
then what? It might mean we could have a few more names out there. I'll give a few example. Dr. Buggenstein. Grasshopa Plus. Frito Mosquito. Johnny Coakroach. Larvy Stendebacher. Maggot Hotel. Bug Bug the Piper's son. Bonny Bugs Bunny. Buggy Wunklestein. The Bug Bug Barge Cruiser. Insectivortex. Insect Intersection. Buggy Tumpkins. Long Buzzy. Swatt'n Masta. Mr. Flea Times and Flea Drummette. Tie the Fly Man. BeetleJuice Johnson. Ladybug Harrison. Caterpillar Fredricks.
Rocky Bugnamik
Rocky Bugnamik
Monday, February 18, 2008
dead prez
sunny holiday but I've inside trying to achieve goals. Not braggin or nuthin , after all I'm BLOGGING #$#%$#&^))) . basically I'm trying to manage my DOPAMINE levels in a sustainable way. at the most basic level I think that;s what life is about and [kids listen up:} buddha wisdom works better than drugs . But we all struggle at times and I even had to purchase some "comfort solutions" at the drugstore ;< the main goal is to have some time to relax when rocky comes to town (your'e still coming right?)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Freak Snowstorm of Nature
I went outside earlier and it was busting down snow. Then, I went in the store, searched for various items, and Exited. Then The snow storm was gone. This just goes to remind you that nature does just what "SHE" wants. Also I have been watching the Series entitles PLANET EARTH which has to do with Nature. Its interesting how we, as people, like to see our behaviour personified onto ANIMALS ::4 example mating dances of birds, and killer chimpanzeez to name 2 behaviours (one nice, one not nice). But the other thing to realize is that we TOO are ANIMALS and perhaps our Behaviours are viewd as Simplistic by Aliens.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Whats up I've been writing too. But its not for a writing magzine or academic journal, its a screenplayz. and I am burned out. Its too much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOJAK
Friday, January 25, 2008
cross over act
this venue is known to be source of talented genius writings. For the younger demographic there is no difference between blogs and publications such as the New Yorker or hipster magazines like McSweeny's or whaTEVER.. jAPAN IS even more advanced with its prize wining novels written on cell phone like: "OMG, I wuz like so :< <->)"
that said one sometimes like the pat on the back from the establishement...when not brain farting my ideas here I sometimes discipline the body and soul a into a more old school type prose. In fact I've composed much writing and NOT ALL of it gets read even by mentors etc, THIS CAN BE DISCOURAGING
but now I can say i"m very close to a cross over to the bricks and mortar world. (not sold out )) I've had an interaction with a PEER REVIEWED journal. they say my writings about the CITY are interesting to their academic demographic and they will publish me with a few minor revisions. that's me: o>-< :: legitimate GEOGRAPHICAL EXPERT on things that matter like ""the city proper and whether the rich folk and poor folk, black and white, etc can all get along and thrive ".
that said one sometimes like the pat on the back from the establishement...when not brain farting my ideas here I sometimes discipline the body and soul a into a more old school type prose. In fact I've composed much writing and NOT ALL of it gets read even by mentors etc, THIS CAN BE DISCOURAGING
but now I can say i"m very close to a cross over to the bricks and mortar world. (not sold out )) I've had an interaction with a PEER REVIEWED journal. they say my writings about the CITY are interesting to their academic demographic and they will publish me with a few minor revisions. that's me: o>-< :: legitimate GEOGRAPHICAL EXPERT on things that matter like ""the city proper and whether the rich folk and poor folk, black and white, etc can all get along and thrive ".
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Black Qtips
I recently received a nice present from the LAND OF THE RISING SUN: that's right: Japan. The present is::: BLACK Q_TIPS. Not only are they black but they are kind of ergonomically shaped. My friend said he is afraid of them. But I'm not afraid. So here is a strange incident that occured in my household involving the BLACK QTIPS. I was feeling sick, and carrying the BLACK QTIPS, I passed my roomate in a dark hallway and said "Yo did you see these BLACK QTIPS?" Then I noticed, woops he was on the CELL-phone and I just about cracked up thinking how stupid i sounded to the other person on the line. Then he made a mysterious respose, which was this
"Yeah its like carpal tundral"
I have a lot of questions about this response. 1. was he talking to me or the person in the phone? 2. was he describing an implement used on the ears in relation to a wrist problem? 3. Was he some how combining the body issue with the state of the weather (it was very cold, note the TUNDRAL vs tunnel"(he was wearing a jacket, about to leave).4. Or was it a subconcious statement about the dark hallway- a tunnel of sorts. As you can see this gave me plenty to think about for the next few days.
And thats my story: Rocky Dynamic
"Yeah its like carpal tundral"
I have a lot of questions about this response. 1. was he talking to me or the person in the phone? 2. was he describing an implement used on the ears in relation to a wrist problem? 3. Was he some how combining the body issue with the state of the weather (it was very cold, note the TUNDRAL vs tunnel"(he was wearing a jacket, about to leave).4. Or was it a subconcious statement about the dark hallway- a tunnel of sorts. As you can see this gave me plenty to think about for the next few days.
And thats my story: Rocky Dynamic
Sunday, January 20, 2008
RsBf: A place for Friends
I just went to the grocery store. And you know what you are telling yourself by shopping for food? I AM GOING TO LIVE AT LEAST ONE MORE WEEK. not like when you just go get a slice o pizza, or a "PERVERBIAL" last meal ie whatever your heart desires from the resteraount. I am eating chicken soup. Its 10am I don't care what you say. I spent a lot of time and energy growing up and I can do whatever the ˙∂∆∆ˆ´(shout out to 3rd case) I want!
Now that I have been positve: a few things to complain about! My cat is CRAZY she's running everywhere. My ankle HURTS ARGH˙©∆ˆ©˙¨. I can't figure out if my synthesizer needs to play my computer or vice versa. I haven't gotten dressed yet. I have a headACHE. 9but lo that looks like it is drifting away as i exPRESS myself. I have a LOT of WORK TO DO THIS YEAR AND I NEED TO DO IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHGIHHGIDHTHTHT NOEW JDSKF;LJKSDL;JNÔ˚ÒÓÔÏ˚ÒÎÓÔ…Ô˚ÒÎÔ˚ÏÒ…ÍÔ؈ӈØ∏´Á†¨Ø∏Â˚˜≈Ç… RO
man i still feel like writing. I had to get in here and publish some more. do dee do dee do dee do deee. Beee Booo Beee BOOOO Beeep Beep like a Jeep. I'm a jeep I'm a car. I'm gonna go far got some precious goods in my trunk WATCH OUT POLICE its a bottle and its open a bottle of PAWA. Pawa animals pawa. Its animal spirit kachina spirit and its going to go out and for me GO GO spirit fly.
Now that I have been positve: a few things to complain about! My cat is CRAZY she's running everywhere. My ankle HURTS ARGH˙©∆ˆ©˙¨. I can't figure out if my synthesizer needs to play my computer or vice versa. I haven't gotten dressed yet. I have a headACHE. 9but lo that looks like it is drifting away as i exPRESS myself. I have a LOT of WORK TO DO THIS YEAR AND I NEED TO DO IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHGIHHGIDHTHTHT NOEW JDSKF;LJKSDL;JNÔ˚ÒÓÔÏ˚ÒÎÓÔ…Ô˚ÒÎÔ˚ÏÒ…ÍÔ؈ӈØ∏´Á†¨Ø∏Â˚˜≈Ç… RO
man i still feel like writing. I had to get in here and publish some more. do dee do dee do dee do deee. Beee Booo Beee BOOOO Beeep Beep like a Jeep. I'm a jeep I'm a car. I'm gonna go far got some precious goods in my trunk WATCH OUT POLICE its a bottle and its open a bottle of PAWA. Pawa animals pawa. Its animal spirit kachina spirit and its going to go out and for me GO GO spirit fly.
Monday, January 14, 2008
update - resolute FAILURE
aw man I didn't achieve goals so far.
So emabarrassed but I pretty much lost it in the bloodmobile.
the finger prick was not bad it didn't even hurt . they put my blood drop in a vial and that was a little sketchy to look at . then the guy started squeezing real hard for the blood pressure chck and I could feel the blood gushing around and it was too much. I was TRAPPED !!!!!stomach queezing tunnelling vision......*^&*&^˙˙ˆ√†¥®¥†´¥†´®¨¥†´®¨¥®†´¨¥®†´¨¥†®¨¥†®¨¥†√ƒ©˙∆¬ø¨¨¨µµº®´®ß
the guy thouught I was going to puke but luckily I didn't I just had to lay down and wsa in COLD SWEAT. they said maybe you should try soem other day somewhere more spacious and hopefully not freak out. except they were nice
So emabarrassed but I pretty much lost it in the bloodmobile.
the finger prick was not bad it didn't even hurt . they put my blood drop in a vial and that was a little sketchy to look at . then the guy started squeezing real hard for the blood pressure chck and I could feel the blood gushing around and it was too much. I was TRAPPED !!!!!stomach queezing tunnelling vision......*^&*&^˙˙ˆ√†¥®¥†´¥†´®¨¥†´®¨¥®†´¨¥®†´¨¥†®¨¥†®¨¥†√ƒ©˙∆¬ø¨¨¨µµº®´®ß
the guy thouught I was going to puke but luckily I didn't I just had to lay down and wsa in COLD SWEAT. they said maybe you should try soem other day somewhere more spacious and hopefully not freak out. except they were nice
Sunday, January 13, 2008
quickly I need to get work down
Yesterday I was running to the bus and I twisted my ankle FIERCE. Now I am limping severely. a friend was able to "wrap up the ankle". So here's the funny anecdote as if that wasn't funny enought. There are 2(two) old men on my street we say hello sometimes , but sometimes they pretend like they don't see me. Well I must say I have been getting a warmer reception from these old men now that they see I am not the "Picture Of Youth" and I am considerably hobbley in my movements. FUnny how people have sympathy for those who are olike -rovke
Friday, January 11, 2008
look i joined friendster a while ago at the BEHEST of a certain kojak. and it was fun, while it lasted. But they ereased the friendster site even though and look i'm even still on there. you can find my profile under ROCKY DYNAMIC PRESIDENT OF THE FREE WORLD.
but they i had to join MY"Space?????" what IS THIS???? I guess there is this "THING" its some kind of website or somehting and its called my"SPACE???" I think you can put your old music on it. Its basically like ITUNES except it require an IPOD so anyway. I'm hanging out in this MYSPACE THING and this guy asks me if I want a STARBUCK? What? I don't know if you have "Been" to starbuck, but its like face book except you need an ipod and a computer to get in.... aaaaaaaaaaanyway.
like I was saying BILL GATES tried to up the TECHNOLOGICAL ANTE by inventing somehting called FACE BOOK. What happenes is if yiou join and you get all your freinds to join then everyone gets a dollar and then once the whole counntry joins ALL that money goes into bombing the AMERICA's next top bombing site. Its a voting process where we all use "TEXT MESSAGING???"""??? I don't know what that is but maybe someone can fill me in on that. But look Just because i understand whats up with all the new "hipness" doesn't mean i am joining facebook(??? WTF???)-rockuy
but they i had to join MY"Space?????" what IS THIS???? I guess there is this "THING" its some kind of website or somehting and its called my"SPACE???" I think you can put your old music on it. Its basically like ITUNES except it require an IPOD so anyway. I'm hanging out in this MYSPACE THING and this guy asks me if I want a STARBUCK? What? I don't know if you have "Been" to starbuck, but its like face book except you need an ipod and a computer to get in.... aaaaaaaaaaanyway.
like I was saying BILL GATES tried to up the TECHNOLOGICAL ANTE by inventing somehting called FACE BOOK. What happenes is if yiou join and you get all your freinds to join then everyone gets a dollar and then once the whole counntry joins ALL that money goes into bombing the AMERICA's next top bombing site. Its a voting process where we all use "TEXT MESSAGING???"""??? I don't know what that is but maybe someone can fill me in on that. But look Just because i understand whats up with all the new "hipness" doesn't mean i am joining facebook(??? WTF???)-rockuy
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
resolute in 08
kojak here in the the newest year. I must admit I've been caught up in the obama rama circulating the blogosphere. But today I got something in the mail that re channeled the worlds creative vibes back my way. Most of us should know who to thank for that !
Another thing I've finally done is to come up with my resolution. 2 GIVE BLOOD
I've never been able to do it but I think I can. I was this close today but was deffered because of my cold like symptoms . I will try again and hopefully achieve in the next 11 mos or sooner!!
Another thing I've finally done is to come up with my resolution. 2 GIVE BLOOD
I've never been able to do it but I think I can. I was this close today but was deffered because of my cold like symptoms . I will try again and hopefully achieve in the next 11 mos or sooner!!
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