Saturday, January 16, 2010

Random Sighting

Two new sighting of RANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!!!&*(&($)&#*(YHUFVN*(#$

First of all there was a movie called Bourne Supremacy 2 it was so so so so so BAD. never whatch it. But one moment a character said.

Treadstone agents don't do RANDOM.
then there was store called RANDOM ACCESSORIES
great! I got this for you at random accesories. Because I had no idea and they selected this gift out of random for me. There is a big hat in the back and they pull something out at random. AND waalaaa or as the frenche say VIOLA.


kojak said...

I remember of my first ever predictions at this blog was that other will try to get rich off our lingo

Anonymous said...

and now this......