Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Missed my plane from Socchi, just getting home now

What's up Internet! I got trapped in Sochi and I couldn't make it bak TIL now !!!!!

As KOJAk said the Olympics are over FROWNY FACE. SAD TEAR FACE. Angry face. Finally accepting it face. 

There were many """"bloggable""@ fashions #olympicfashion hashtags !!! 

Butt it turns out we had a small number of rsbfart posts. Even tho on day2 I was all like "YA BRO IM GONNA bLOG FASHION EVERYDAY OF THE o-pix "" it just didn't happen. 

In short I have to summarize with a few screen shotzz. (Even tho I was there I needed to get my vizualz from tv or Puter. 

So let's talk bobSLEIGH paint job. USA sucked. I'll say it again. The expensive  2 man BMW designed USA bobsled looked like a damn drone or apache helicopter. It was all corporate power graphics. I was NOT a fan! On the flip side let's talk Netherlands paint job. 

Ok. Orange. For a start. And also just some good old fashion BLACK FREAKING FLAMES. It's like dukes of hazard meets a dangerous ink-shooting squid. And tho they didn't place (I don't think) they surely trumped the old USA on style. Now. let's talk Belgium. Ok it's basically your three colores = GOLD MAD GOLD FOOL. BLAK AND RED. Simple yet elegant and connoting of gold. USA take some vizzzzual advice. Don't be lame as hell!!

Ok let's move on to ice dancing. I hate to go there, because as you know GENTLE READER I am not a fan- so much. But again - as you know- my cold hard heart of a fearless bloodthirsty warrior is softening in old age and I find myself gazing on the ice dancing in spite on myself. 

Here is a charming #. He is "the little prince" and if u r wondering YES IT IS THAT Little prince. 

Let's move in for a tighter close up on them pants!

Moving on 2 curling. Now just when you thought Goood Old ROCKY was a USA hater. You were wrong becuz- let's scope
The USA curling outfit. 

Thought I would hate it?? Rong! Actually I like it and why.  Because it's reel. It shows a real American dude. Not really in shape. Just got a regular long sleeve Tshirt. And a baseball hat. You might see this guy at Applebee's getting chicken wings and then a fettuccine. And you'd be like- 'hey there's just a regular guy. Not some wild athlete". I like that about this dude. 

Now there was much HyPe about norways curling pants. And for the most part they lived up to the hype. Norway and mc hammer kno the power of these pants. And look at this dude. If u saw him at Applebee's you'd be like "DID APLEBEES just turn into handsome boy modeling agency?"

And of course we won't leave out the Host Nation. I'll let the outfit speak for itself and then the guys expression speak some parting words. 
-Enjoying my Hi paying gig as Olympics fashion blogger.  Bring on the high dollars I GET PAID PER WORD! Yes I do. For sure !! MONEY MONEY!!!!&&;&/@

Monday, February 24, 2014

OLympiad roundup:: who we'll be approaching for sponsorships

so the games are over and I didn't watch more than 2 minutes of closing ceremonies but here are my LASTING IMPRESSIONS.

athletes that I thoughT were worthy of BUILDING THE RSBFart brand into the next 4 years :

TINA MAZE:  she was pretty heavily hyped so I was skeptical but I Think she owned up to it attacking the mountain with a ferocious style both on and off the slopes.  I did an image search and some maybe not appropriate for a family blog but imagine if this headband had the rsbf logo instead:

Now for a lesser knowN choice that I do not believe is a pop star or model but still showcased a lot of talent.  JONATHAN MIDOL:
 As you can see he raced really hard and even crashed crossing the finish line while getting a medal.  He took a lot of risks which really pays off.  Below you can see he is TRES french. Imagine if the puffy vest was RSBF labelled and PINK>  . look out for it at Korea 2018@@!!!@!@
signing off from Sochi ___KOjak

Monday, February 17, 2014


One of my favorite individual style choices of SOchi 2014.: To rock a moustache, as the winner of the SNOWBOARD cross does whenever she gets in the finals. NOT ONLY Is it a mustache, it is also a flag of CZECH which now has a gold medal in snowborading cross, thanks to the credit of Said Czech citizen E. Smamkova

I am  not usually super into face painting for adults, but she Pulls it off! Plus what was just as cool, is when she won the race for GOLD, she 



Saturday, February 15, 2014

Luge gloves

Ok. Now ONE OF THE ORINGINAL intentions of #olympicfashion blogging was to talk about how Olympic styles can be integrated into your daily non Olympic life. Today id like to TALK ABOUT LUGE GLOVES. THEY HAVE GRAAT SPIKES FOR grilling the ice !!!@&$

Why not wear them if you are expecting someone to break up with you and then-- OUCH!!! That 'slap in the face' is going to sting JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. a great idea for valentines day :) :) :;( €|^]*#> 


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

someone finally went all PINK

i already posted this on social media AKA live blogging but here it is again for posterity:

anyway our love goes out to BOB COSTAS.  I remember when rocky told me he respected bob back in the day.  it was a surprise to me but you know what I think he's stayed pretty true over the years.  I bet the fluff pieces aren't even his idea.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Day 2 Bowtie trends in iced dancing

Ok so many of you faithful readers know that I am pretty ANTI-iced dancing. See this CLASSIC RANT !&@$@! http://rsbfart.blogspot.com/2010/02/anti-twizzle-campaign.html?m=1

However bizarrely in my old age my heart is softening in a slight way -and it is not as hard and cold as a cold hard rock. Basically what I am saying is that the ice dancing was STILL UNACCEPTABLE as a sport - ie it is too highly dependent on artificial narrative . And yet there were a couple ----ok---- fashion items.  Below this guy rocked a
Bow tie and had a matching "Face of COnfiDENCE".  He was a iced dancer from ITAL VITAL (Italy)
And the entire ensemble with partner was pretty decent too. Her skirt was tasteFul in length and reminds of (I Donno sailing?)

Ok let's
Get into this whole "narrative" issue with iced dancing. I am reflecting - and this is what I have arrived at: Most of the year we Americans view sports that are not about "judgement" but rather about "who gets a better score" so that's what the Olympics bring us: "judgement" sports. Anyway. And apparnetly ine of the things that is being JUSGED in iced dancin is """storry""". Well so the most compelling narrative (theater wise) was this "nerdy professor" and spicy tempstress that decided to go twizzling together. Credit again goes to DEU (tho it would have been even cooler if they defied the hetero normative franework as per the "rainbow dreams" ski jackets) so- The male character came replete with elbow pads and (well another bow tie) and a sweater vest hahahahah!! And the thick frame glasses which (have they become nerdy again after being cool?)
Peas out --//"/"/"/ Rocky

OpenGL ceremonies (haha autocorrect

And we're off! I am blogging live from my phone. Luckily I have been in a northwestern state : WASHINGTON. And it's nearby to a neighboring country. And that country is Canada. So that means I watched CBC and CBC just looped the Opening ceremonies over and over. I actually took notes. Nothing really blew me away. Except this one dude from Venezuela who had so much spirit. It didn't matter what he wearing 

Well plus the outfit is pretty good basic colors anyway. Aaaaanyways you limited options when it's winter. Most teams just give up and and wear ski jackets. Except for Bermuda who stick true to their climate and undying apparel association. And wear shorts. 
And of course the DEU Germany Deutschland knocked it out the box with their pro gay rainbow wear. 
What else. I thoughT Albania had a nice touch by wearing their scarves on the OUTSIDE?!? of their jackets. Subtle but well played Albania. Well played 

By the way that is an emoticon snow boarding   @$$&&
Argh this autocorrect is making my typing way too pretty. Well folks that's all u got for ya to night .  

EDIT-- here is KOKokoko Kojax top pic!! Referred to in comments