after a rigorous analysis of all the has COME and PASt this year here are your KEYwords for summary:
you can do a search on them and find everything important from the year.
How is it all related???????
READ this TREATISE and find out....
VERSION 17. bloGging since B4 adding pictures to blog posts was coOL!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Starz = answerS
As many of you may know or suspect, There have been certain TRIBULATIONS surrounding the dramatic aspects of rocky life. Well don't fear for me. Because i am throwing my fate into the hands of a stranger. A stranger who READS THE WAYS OF THE STARZ. and I don't mean just movie starz like me, rocky dynamic, movie star. Regular starz too like BAETLJUICE.
When on the west coast I suggest mystical solutions for real problems, as opposed to LIPOSUCTION or whatever else you mite think of doing out there, TRENDY FOOL!! we'll see if I am right. But i have an intuitive sense or a 6th sense if you WILL. that I am right, and if I am wrong well I will get a Cozmic NOSE JOB.
When on the west coast I suggest mystical solutions for real problems, as opposed to LIPOSUCTION or whatever else you mite think of doing out there, TRENDY FOOL!! we'll see if I am right. But i have an intuitive sense or a 6th sense if you WILL. that I am right, and if I am wrong well I will get a Cozmic NOSE JOB.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Northern Nowledge
Hey, Its me again! I'm tryin to give rocky a break from the harsh critics and maybe impart some knowledge to anyone who might still be loyal to this ^FORUM^ (yes CAPS - remember we make and BREAK the rules whenever we want so don;t say JACk 2 kojak!).
Remeber one of the things RSBF has stood 4 from day 1 is breaking international boundaries(???) Well, I'll have you know that its not just in cyberspace that you can do this. Yes TRENDY FOOL, it possible - PROOF: amtrak even does it and therefore so did I aboard the train called "CASCADES"!!
After transcending the borders one thing I noticed was the deep philosphy that CANADIANS put forth in public settings. I did soem EAvesdropping and heard this JEWEL (its about ping-pong - a trend many people have gotten with but still don;t know the real SIGNIFICANCE) : "people will always tell the TRUTH when playing ping-pong because they're mind is in a state of AWARENESS/HypNOSIS" Example given: " IF you ask someone they're age they will not be able to LIE." IS this possibly a good alternative to the torture advocated by the MAN??? I hope so. Maybe we will use it against him. I hope so.
Remeber one of the things RSBF has stood 4 from day 1 is breaking international boundaries(???) Well, I'll have you know that its not just in cyberspace that you can do this. Yes TRENDY FOOL, it possible - PROOF: amtrak even does it and therefore so did I aboard the train called "CASCADES"!!
After transcending the borders one thing I noticed was the deep philosphy that CANADIANS put forth in public settings. I did soem EAvesdropping and heard this JEWEL (its about ping-pong - a trend many people have gotten with but still don;t know the real SIGNIFICANCE) : "people will always tell the TRUTH when playing ping-pong because they're mind is in a state of AWARENESS/HypNOSIS" Example given: " IF you ask someone they're age they will not be able to LIE." IS this possibly a good alternative to the torture advocated by the MAN??? I hope so. Maybe we will use it against him. I hope so.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
hello world I am experiencing physical and emotional exhaustion + lack of sleep
hows that. i am simply beat to a pulpy mess. but at least i am not currently being beaten to a pulpy splatter by a little kid smashing an orange with a stick, cuz now I am going to go 3 sleep-r
Saturday, December 03, 2005
a ∆ in society
Remember how people used to be outraged by ALL CAPS? how you could get a reaction out of just about everyone just by capitalizing your thoughts. Well today's breed of person is newer, smarter, more keen and aware. Today you must dominate the blog market not with your wild gesticulations but with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Today the it is time for a newer stronger breed of blog writer to step forward and articulate the complexities of the issues we face today. There are so many variables that it really takes a great deal of eloquence to elaborate on the various and sundry problems. You have to phrase your ideas so they are palpable and tangible to everyone. So that they might digest your motives in a clear and sensible way. Today's web surfers aren't just surfers on the web of the internet, they are sky divers. And what's more than that is that they are also spelunkers and kite-surfers. If you doubt the intellectual integrity of your core demographic well then, my friend, your writing may very well be lost to the wind. People want to take their time and really pore over every single little tiny word you write. Thats why I suggest a clear spoken clear headed approach to writing. Its just a matter of clarity, clearness, and a little transparency.
Thanks and Yours,
Rocky Dynamic
Thanks and Yours,
Rocky Dynamic
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
a word for Street Musicisona
I have one idea for you if you are trying to make a living by playing music in the subway. Just one little hint.
Let me give you a preamble first. LOOK I support street musicians OK? I like them even if they suck, because someetimes that is FUNNY> I support the street musicians, if not financially, then psychickly. ok but LET ME GIVE YOU STREET MUSICIANS JUST A LITTLE HINT OF ADVICE FOR YOU: I KNOW THERE ARE SOME FREE INTERNET CAFE WHERE BUMS HANG OUT AND HAVE EMAIL ACCOUNTS SO DON'T THINK YOU ARE EXEMPT JUST CUZ YOU DON'T OWN A COMPUTER.
HERE is the message: NEVER AGAIN SHALL YOU PLAY "TAKE 5" the song POPULARIZED by dave brubeck BUT WRITTEN by paul desmond. Just don't play it. y? CZ ITS PLAYED OOOUUUUUTTTTT
Let me give you a preamble first. LOOK I support street musicians OK? I like them even if they suck, because someetimes that is FUNNY> I support the street musicians, if not financially, then psychickly. ok but LET ME GIVE YOU STREET MUSICIANS JUST A LITTLE HINT OF ADVICE FOR YOU: I KNOW THERE ARE SOME FREE INTERNET CAFE WHERE BUMS HANG OUT AND HAVE EMAIL ACCOUNTS SO DON'T THINK YOU ARE EXEMPT JUST CUZ YOU DON'T OWN A COMPUTER.
HERE is the message: NEVER AGAIN SHALL YOU PLAY "TAKE 5" the song POPULARIZED by dave brubeck BUT WRITTEN by paul desmond. Just don't play it. y? CZ ITS PLAYED OOOUUUUUTTTTT
Friday, November 18, 2005
waiting for deers
I am just sitting here waiting for a pack of deers. Its been a long day. And I am ready for some wildlife. Do you ever wonder why they called it john dere, when its actaully a tractor and not a deer or even a misspeeled version of the animal_ deer. what do you call a plural of deer? door..................
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
: ( *(
>:( &(
everyone jsut sits back and plays the same chord structure over and freaking over. And then you have one LAME ASS DUmb butt "doing a solo" and "tearing up the ivory" on the keyboard, or trying to tweak out some voices from his/her guitar. Its SO tired and old and BORING. You'd think that someone would have scrapped this lame excuse for noise a long time ago and thrown it in the damn garbage. Basically you'd probably have to be about1000 lbs over weight and drunk on budlite to think this music was any good.
: ( *(
>:( &(
everyone jsut sits back and plays the same chord structure over and freaking over. And then you have one LAME ASS DUmb butt "doing a solo" and "tearing up the ivory" on the keyboard, or trying to tweak out some voices from his/her guitar. Its SO tired and old and BORING. You'd think that someone would have scrapped this lame excuse for noise a long time ago and thrown it in the damn garbage. Basically you'd probably have to be about1000 lbs over weight and drunk on budlite to think this music was any good.
Monday, November 14, 2005
focus on the PRINCIPLES!
hi everyone this is Kojak taking a break from smelling the roses in the brix'n'mortar world to remind to STAY INQUISITVE!! but not just that, when you do it don't be SLOPPY IN YOUR LOGICS!!
some people who i'd normally be sympathic 2 have lately been gettin' at my goat - example: some people saw a completely photoshopped image of George W, and were like:
"I think that's fake, but it SO COULD be real, so I BELIEVE IT."
\STOP DOING THAT! (you're violating RSBF -straight up and down!)
Positive counter-example of deductive reasoning: a nice lady waiting for the bus was pontificating about the reasons why some buses are attatched to overhead wires. She asks everyone gathered: "WHAT IS THE PRINCIPLE?" (much and knowledge and TRUTH ensued)
some people who i'd normally be sympathic 2 have lately been gettin' at my goat - example: some people saw a completely photoshopped image of George W, and were like:
"I think that's fake, but it SO COULD be real, so I BELIEVE IT."
\STOP DOING THAT! (you're violating RSBF -straight up and down!)
Positive counter-example of deductive reasoning: a nice lady waiting for the bus was pontificating about the reasons why some buses are attatched to overhead wires. She asks everyone gathered: "WHAT IS THE PRINCIPLE?" (much and knowledge and TRUTH ensued)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
newYork big Apple presents sunset at arrival
a special haiku performance by ROCKY DYNAMIC
new york: the big apple.
guess what it had waiting here for me A big SunSet.
a special gift for all its inhabitants
new york: the big apple.
guess what it had waiting here for me A big SunSet.
a special gift for all its inhabitants
Thursday, November 03, 2005
what Is it GOOD 4"
What are online journals good for? Blabbing about your own selfish life? YES shouting your opinion? YES. Well I'll do just that: starting NOW> For starters i got a list for a list of people who have "blogebrity" they get the most "hits" and they are considered celebrities, because people read their blogs. There is just one problem with that. The rest of us, for example kojak and many other of my friends, glorify the brix and mortar lifestyle/ While you may be trying to become a blogebrity some others may be feeling the healing rays of the beautiful sunshine rejuvinate their faces.
Me for example, i spend some time on a computer, but, I don't have "A FAKE INVENTED PERSONALITY THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM MY REAL PERSONALITY" Everyone I know calls me Rocky Dyamic, or Rocky D for short, or sometimes Rockticktock around the MUTHAF*Kn CLOK. You know what I'm sayin? I guess you do dear friend. A bit more about my life. IT got shocked and changed cuz i met female of the lady species that rocked my atmosphere. I won't say much more on that, cuz i think that is pretty self explanatory.
Me for example, i spend some time on a computer, but, I don't have "A FAKE INVENTED PERSONALITY THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM MY REAL PERSONALITY" Everyone I know calls me Rocky Dyamic, or Rocky D for short, or sometimes Rockticktock around the MUTHAF*Kn CLOK. You know what I'm sayin? I guess you do dear friend. A bit more about my life. IT got shocked and changed cuz i met female of the lady species that rocked my atmosphere. I won't say much more on that, cuz i think that is pretty self explanatory.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Dear World, a letter from RSBF
Dear World,
I have enjoyed our time together very much. You have been a good friend, tirelessly constructing a barely-stitched-together reality so that I might comment on it and tear it up to shreds. World, I know I have been harsh and even critical at times, for that I am sorry. It is my nature as an easy form of publication that I might be the medium for rants, raves, and other such forms of griperance. Unfortunately I can't be anything other than what I am. And I am Random Sketchy Brain Fart. An online journal dedicated to...freedom of speech, sniff, and all that which is good and true about complaining.
But now world I must ask YOU a question. Why have I been forsaken? Who forsaked me, and how long is this process of forsooking must go on before I strangle and wheez out my last spunky breath onto and plate glass window. And fall splatt down onto the concrete my bleeding face making a dull thud as it rams into broken stop sign.
Optimistically yours
(channelled by rk)
I have enjoyed our time together very much. You have been a good friend, tirelessly constructing a barely-stitched-together reality so that I might comment on it and tear it up to shreds. World, I know I have been harsh and even critical at times, for that I am sorry. It is my nature as an easy form of publication that I might be the medium for rants, raves, and other such forms of griperance. Unfortunately I can't be anything other than what I am. And I am Random Sketchy Brain Fart. An online journal dedicated to...freedom of speech, sniff, and all that which is good and true about complaining.
But now world I must ask YOU a question. Why have I been forsaken? Who forsaked me, and how long is this process of forsooking must go on before I strangle and wheez out my last spunky breath onto and plate glass window. And fall splatt down onto the concrete my bleeding face making a dull thud as it rams into broken stop sign.
Optimistically yours
(channelled by rk)
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Prose Stylist in Family continues to spew forth literary genious
from my uncle to my brother
> Rambo, Northern Cal. was so awesome. Went cruising
> through the ancient
> redwood forests.My neck was a little tender from
> looking up so much. Rolly
> Polly hills on 101. Trudging up one side then
> likitty split down the other.
> Near fatality's with rolly polly motorhomes. You get
> these old codgers who
> can't drive an automobile and put them behind the
> wheel of these rolling ft
> knox's, it can only mean certain dobicles. They
> would moe you down and turn
> you into another grease spot on the road and not
> even know it. Oh, the
> humanity. Had one flat, and many fine mammeries.
> Maybe we can all meet in
> Frisco.
> literally KICK THEIR ASS, G****
> Rambo, Northern Cal. was so awesome. Went cruising
> through the ancient
> redwood forests.My neck was a little tender from
> looking up so much. Rolly
> Polly hills on 101. Trudging up one side then
> likitty split down the other.
> Near fatality's with rolly polly motorhomes. You get
> these old codgers who
> can't drive an automobile and put them behind the
> wheel of these rolling ft
> knox's, it can only mean certain dobicles. They
> would moe you down and turn
> you into another grease spot on the road and not
> even know it. Oh, the
> humanity. Had one flat, and many fine mammeries.
> Maybe we can all meet in
> Frisco.
> literally KICK THEIR ASS, G****
Monday, October 10, 2005
NEWSFLASH: kojak reportedly considering offline "brix n'mortar" lifestyle
with regards to rocky's rant N'wisdom on the NTY: I think its highly symbolic of the decline of online life. Vis-A-Vis the INTERNET , real LIfe is getting better all the time> (no not TV!!!) .
1. (Example relating to ROcky's point previously mentioned): if you go into cafe's especially late in the afternoon you can often find the NYT for free and read all the sections you want. Except for last week, someone had cut out some stuff out...
2. (*Also related to something rocky said about RAIN) on a rainy day its especially nice to get some of the newsprint on your fingers. This is much better that going to a computer LAB and tocuhing the gross keyboard
3. (mainly thought of myself) an alaming number of non-FLatering pictures of KOJAk are appearing on various internet locals. In real life, if I look bad I disappear real fast (like around corners) and then people forget they saw me. If I look good a hang out more ...but only for limitied amounts of time. In conlusion, a pictuer is sometimes not worth 100 words...
1. (Example relating to ROcky's point previously mentioned): if you go into cafe's especially late in the afternoon you can often find the NYT for free and read all the sections you want. Except for last week, someone had cut out some stuff out...
2. (*Also related to something rocky said about RAIN) on a rainy day its especially nice to get some of the newsprint on your fingers. This is much better that going to a computer LAB and tocuhing the gross keyboard
3. (mainly thought of myself) an alaming number of non-FLatering pictures of KOJAk are appearing on various internet locals. In real life, if I look bad I disappear real fast (like around corners) and then people forget they saw me. If I look good a hang out more ...but only for limitied amounts of time. In conlusion, a pictuer is sometimes not worth 100 words...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Life improvements brought to you by NATURE™
YOu know what improves a lifestyle? Some rain in the morning. what it does is eeeeeaaasssssseeeeeeeeeee you into the day> .> WEll now I am not so sure about that, cuz its 1141 am. and Now I have WASTED HALF THE DAY ON LITERARY PURSUITS and Showering. When its raining outside I like to take an extra long extra cold shower and then I imagine myself in the rain. I imagine the rain flowing down the gutters and into the drain pipes collecting dirt and trash and chewed up gum, dog sh*T and oil slicks and then coming into my water system and just pouring ALL OVER ME. (Sometimes I bring an umbrella in the shower) he he
he he he he he he!!!!!!!!!! just kidding ALL LIES HA HA. ha ha is real laughing, he he is FAKE laughing.
he he he he he he!!!!!!!!!! just kidding ALL LIES HA HA. ha ha is real laughing, he he is FAKE laughing.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
great idea NYT now you try to charge us THE GENERAL PUBLIC money%%$$$$. to read the likes of idiots like Tom fReidman. And you think you are going to pass that one off by saying its somehow ""Select""
give me a break. please. how about selecting this: SCREW YOU TIMES. you think "Access" to archival articles is "COOL?" or "RADICAL" democratization of information in the information age. NO!!!!! J'accuse!!!! you try to take our hard-earned money because you are GRUB it. EAT DIRT
give me a break. please. how about selecting this: SCREW YOU TIMES. you think "Access" to archival articles is "COOL?" or "RADICAL" democratization of information in the information age. NO!!!!! J'accuse!!!! you try to take our hard-earned money because you are GRUB it. EAT DIRT
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
"A FUnny Idea"
Imagine the demise of rsbfart. Woah, makes you want to puke tears? you know what could be funny tho? to FLAG it for ''''''objectionaable content"""""" that would make the administrators have to read it. then some one would realize what kinds of genious goes intot this sh(*(*T. Seeeeeee? I made an objectionable KUS word. SH*&t FU*(Ck B*(tiCH FAR*(T WEE*(*(NY RAG(*#@TAG.
rk d
rk d
Saturday, October 01, 2005
In the interest of public interest
I aM posting this to show you that I am not faking about a real play that will happen in chicago. Rocky needs help from good people to make this happen. The below descr. is going in a program of many events.
> The name is:
> ======================
> "An Introduction to Chicago's SECRET UNDERGROUND CAVE
> SYSTEM that no one knew about"
> ======================
> (with all the capitals just so)
> the description is:
> ======================
> This is a play. It is also a historical, scientifical,
> and exploratative adventure into a vast, vast network
> of underground caves below Chicago. So wear
> comfortable shoes. And we could use some extra
> flashlights. Just kidding. Not.
> ======================
> The name is:
> ======================
> "An Introduction to Chicago's SECRET UNDERGROUND CAVE
> SYSTEM that no one knew about"
> ======================
> (with all the capitals just so)
> the description is:
> ======================
> This is a play. It is also a historical, scientifical,
> and exploratative adventure into a vast, vast network
> of underground caves below Chicago. So wear
> comfortable shoes. And we could use some extra
> flashlights. Just kidding. Not.
> ======================
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Whats up Kojak?
Hey Kojak hows it chillin? IN the freezer?
Remember how we used to chill on "THe Porch" Many people agree that this is a good way of hanging out, and establishing a POWER POSITION in the neighborhood. I even went to a gallery (an art gallery) that contructed a PHO or fake porch because they thought it was cool and they wanted to bite our style. It seems that there have been many HARBINGERS of new styles iniated by MANY CLANS. But life is different these days.. more complicated. REeal problems, real ISSUES. Some people have a life on the HIGH TOAD to success. Do you ever wonder why do birds fall in love?
Remember how we used to chill on "THe Porch" Many people agree that this is a good way of hanging out, and establishing a POWER POSITION in the neighborhood. I even went to a gallery (an art gallery) that contructed a PHO or fake porch because they thought it was cool and they wanted to bite our style. It seems that there have been many HARBINGERS of new styles iniated by MANY CLANS. But life is different these days.. more complicated. REeal problems, real ISSUES. Some people have a life on the HIGH TOAD to success. Do you ever wonder why do birds fall in love?
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
do you ever go thru those days where you just forget to eat? Wow. its a physical challenge to your stomach. then you remember and you are like Woah. time to eat dude, rememember about how you need to survive and all that jazz? so how about something to eat? and then your alternatives are dependent on your cite'. for exampole. san fran - burrito. nyc - pizzzznich. seatle - brown rice and pabst, portland - apple baked sausages. yum I wish i was in portland.
So this is my treatise. Sustanance is good for well being. It has been proven since the days of your. One must eat inorder to enjoy the lifestyle. A good wholesome meal provides a warm jelly cream fillling for el estomago. like a lemon custard donut, Can you imagine if someone stabbed the old tummy with a knife? not pleasant to think of right? imagine all of that precious custard cream spilling into the gutters. Did I shatter your picture of niceness. WELL I AM SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY
So this is my treatise. Sustanance is good for well being. It has been proven since the days of your. One must eat inorder to enjoy the lifestyle. A good wholesome meal provides a warm jelly cream fillling for el estomago. like a lemon custard donut, Can you imagine if someone stabbed the old tummy with a knife? not pleasant to think of right? imagine all of that precious custard cream spilling into the gutters. Did I shatter your picture of niceness. WELL I AM SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY
Friday, September 09, 2005
straight outta LOW CASH
hey y'all just checked my online banking ((Computer hacckers step off please)) and found little-to-NO-DOUGH...<<$$$$$ [having no ca$h for some reason makes me want to RAP]
I could rhym that last line with one about NO- DOZE - which I don;t have to take cuz I'm rREAL tired right now. A 3rd rhymin line might of course be about HO's - but lets not go there.
Let's go to the bus and utilize the TRANSFER
SAve $1.25 you know thats the answer
but guess what the transfer don't last LONG
so alright ch'all - I'm out like a GONG!!!!
I could rhym that last line with one about NO- DOZE - which I don;t have to take cuz I'm rREAL tired right now. A 3rd rhymin line might of course be about HO's - but lets not go there.
Let's go to the bus and utilize the TRANSFER
SAve $1.25 you know thats the answer
but guess what the transfer don't last LONG
so alright ch'all - I'm out like a GONG!!!!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
THE worst word OF the DAY IS::::::::
isn't that word disgusting
isn't that word disgusting
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
TOTALLY thats whhat i am talking about. Mad positivity. Positive electrons. Nucleus, nukleioun! Nuke LEE NOUN. NO? Verbal verbalnose? verbose verbatim. Discs, CD discs made by verbatim they reproduce the digitales the rythms digitales verbatim! NO? no/ know que know que pasa.k o KNOK OUT OK OKEY DOKEY> OLL KORRECT. like andrew jackson. like dead presidents. like the SYSTEM. f*K that! f*K that! f*k that! Gangstars flower the water, the seeds are the most important and for the cake its the moist important. depends on your altitude though. and your mental stages, like mergatroid like metroid, like our SHareD hiStory. as UHmeruhkinssssssssssssssssssss
Monday, September 05, 2005
Everyone Loooks SO GOOD tonite
Thank you!
I am back in bklyn. Everyone is so hot and attractive. Do you every notice why "all the pretty to girls move to the city?" I mean even the guys look good. AND I AM NOT EVEN GAY!! WOAH. you know what I am saying? Wburg is like hotssssville you S A. Can I get an amen? AMEN. Can I GET A HALLELUJAH? HUH? yeah. Thank you!!!
I got back on the redeye, and I can assure you that I spent "HIGH" quality time with Little Black in San Fran (LIttle black is code name for very infrequent contributor of this enterprise). And I have a riddle for you.. There are 2 dudes in a canoe that they are paddling though the dessert? Its blazing hot. So whats going on here?
Answer Did you knowtice that its DESSERT and not DESERT? Its blazing HOT and its melting the icecream.
ROCKY , not Rocky Beach ( a real person in frisKO)
I am back in bklyn. Everyone is so hot and attractive. Do you every notice why "all the pretty to girls move to the city?" I mean even the guys look good. AND I AM NOT EVEN GAY!! WOAH. you know what I am saying? Wburg is like hotssssville you S A. Can I get an amen? AMEN. Can I GET A HALLELUJAH? HUH? yeah. Thank you!!!
I got back on the redeye, and I can assure you that I spent "HIGH" quality time with Little Black in San Fran (LIttle black is code name for very infrequent contributor of this enterprise). And I have a riddle for you.. There are 2 dudes in a canoe that they are paddling though the dessert? Its blazing hot. So whats going on here?
Answer Did you knowtice that its DESSERT and not DESERT? Its blazing HOT and its melting the icecream.
ROCKY , not Rocky Beach ( a real person in frisKO)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Infestation of FAKE BLOGGERS. And awesome REAL PLAY
I had a Play lastnite and also its tonite. I wish you could see it cuz if you could I SWEAR ALL THE SOCKETS IN YHOUR MIND WOULD BE BLOWN STRAIGHT TO KINGDOM COME. THats rite ffolx it means that I directed a play... And it was a smashing success so there. Just to paraphrase it = interplanetary space travel adventures.ノ no jokeか
And lets kick the asses of these fake chumps who try to write comments that aer really adverts. thats BS.. Shout out to historic places near and far. I am doing my best to make my current place AN HISTORIC PLACE
And lets kick the asses of these fake chumps who try to write comments that aer really adverts. thats BS.. Shout out to historic places near and far. I am doing my best to make my current place AN HISTORIC PLACE
Sunday, August 28, 2005
new from the heartland
while rocky has been bicoastally reporting as the FRISco-kid, i'd like 2 let you all know that KOJAK has recently been on a TRANSCOASTAL mission of truth. all started near aN historic place (∂ college ∂)- where I took some time to partake in an ANCient art formerly practiced by rocky and I on that very site <<>>. here is photographic evidence of some mystery person attempting to set without a chair (quite challenging and a good effort - no??) 
As the transcoastal trip progressed it became clear that SETTING was the one thing I had in common with all of those REAL-NICE-FOLK out there. All TYPES of SETTING were observed: here is very uncomplete list:
informational PORCH setters who helped us find our BnB
PORCH setting in rural IOWA - "don't forget 2 wave helo"
hiway rest area setting in SOUTH DAKOTA
RIVERSIDE setting in montana (enjoyed by the handicapped!))
setting in the car does not count by the way although I did a lot of it!!!!! all started near aN historic place (∂ college ∂)- where I took some time to partake in an ANCient art formerly practiced by rocky and I on that very site <<

As the transcoastal trip progressed it became clear that SETTING was the one thing I had in common with all of those REAL-NICE-FOLK out there. All TYPES of SETTING were observed: here is very uncomplete list:
informational PORCH setters who helped us find our BnB
PORCH setting in rural IOWA - "don't forget 2 wave helo"
hiway rest area setting in SOUTH DAKOTA
RIVERSIDE setting in montana (enjoyed by the handicapped!))
setting in the car does not count by the way although I did a lot of it!!!!!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Wow, If you think that reading rsbfart= reading the NYT online, usually you would be mistaken. The news value of rsb is >>>>>>>>>>NYT. But now I don't know. I am starting to wonder if the issues in this blog are as important or should be deemed worthy of a close appraisal by many many citizens. Who says we don't have journalistic integrity. If running a newspaper means writing stories about things that are important to REAL PEOPLE then we have it. but if running a news paper means you stay on top of current events, I don't know if rsbf can step to the standard. I have measured the number of internet "hits" that rsbf gets and it is > than nyt. I know because I am the webmaster for the nyt site. JusKidding- last 2 facts were LIES. but seriously. I am experiencing a lacking perception of theJOUrnNALISTIc NEWs VALUES that ONCE made OUR site such an important REsource of the Worldts community.
expressing concerns,
expressing concerns,
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Mon Cheri
I just ate Cherry icecream. I don't know if you or any of your so-called posse has negative things to say about cherry icecream, but if you do, you should take you own shoe and shove in your mouth, cuz you are wrong about it being bad. Its good and thats all I can say. If you think that me eating cherry icecream is gay in some way, well that is YOUR prblem. I love the damn stuff, and I will stand by a nice box of cherry icecream until the day that I die, or am assassinated by some horrid cherry-hater
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
this is Rocky, in San Fransnitchko. One thing I heard is that there are some crazy little kids in other countries that have perfected all sorts of abreviating techniques that they you in their txt messages. So they can be very expressive and quick like the kids can be.
Other than that, my fingernails are getting really long. Basically I don't have a nail clipper, and I am WAY2 emBarrassed to ask for them. And I am WAY2 POOR to pay for them. And I am WAY2 out west to even give a freaking freak! cuz its COOL yall its cool everyone will just L ET IT SLIIIIIDE cuz its cali yall. As long as I can eat organic food and SMOKE ORGANIC HHHEERRBS (get it>?) then no one will care at all about my fingersnails. thing is that its not as crowded here, and the other thing is that I still hear all SOrts of EXOTIQUE foreign laguages on the street, including BUT NOT LIMITED 2, spanish, Deutch, SWEITZRLANDISCH, and others, ie chinoise. U know what than means.. Watch out NEW YORK. And watch yourself out if you are in SanFran, cuz the motorists here don't give you no time to cross the street just after the light has turned red. They Slam on the gass, and act ALL HURT if you get in their way. CHill out Dudes - like your usual Chilled Selves
Other than that, my fingernails are getting really long. Basically I don't have a nail clipper, and I am WAY2 emBarrassed to ask for them. And I am WAY2 POOR to pay for them. And I am WAY2 out west to even give a freaking freak! cuz its COOL yall its cool everyone will just L ET IT SLIIIIIDE cuz its cali yall. As long as I can eat organic food and SMOKE ORGANIC HHHEERRBS (get it>?) then no one will care at all about my fingersnails. thing is that its not as crowded here, and the other thing is that I still hear all SOrts of EXOTIQUE foreign laguages on the street, including BUT NOT LIMITED 2, spanish, Deutch, SWEITZRLANDISCH, and others, ie chinoise. U know what than means.. Watch out NEW YORK. And watch yourself out if you are in SanFran, cuz the motorists here don't give you no time to cross the street just after the light has turned red. They Slam on the gass, and act ALL HURT if you get in their way. CHill out Dudes - like your usual Chilled Selves
Sunday, August 14, 2005
UUUUUUUUUUtopian environs
hows about a plan for a perfect summer day? maybe 4 example get out and explore some neighborhoods that R diffrent from YOUR OWN??
Like today I had just about about enough of looking for new living situations ($$$$APTS$$$ are all over priced so I think I'll just stay where I'm at : Modest DIGS with construction by day and LOUD drunkards by night. SOMETImes its best to let it all go into COMPLETE PHATASY...... I took a bus ride with a special friend to a nice quite part of town where one have have some CIVILIZation along with some NATURE. not your high class COUNTRY_CLUB but more of the ARTS N< CRAFTS STYLE homes and lushious slopes and parklands. THen I just pretented to be LIVIN LRRGE
Like today I had just about about enough of looking for new living situations ($$$$APTS$$$ are all over priced so I think I'll just stay where I'm at : Modest DIGS with construction by day and LOUD drunkards by night. SOMETImes its best to let it all go into COMPLETE PHATASY...... I took a bus ride with a special friend to a nice quite part of town where one have have some CIVILIZation along with some NATURE. not your high class COUNTRY_CLUB but more of the ARTS N< CRAFTS STYLE homes and lushious slopes and parklands. THen I just pretented to be LIVIN LRRGE
Monday, August 08, 2005
Rice-a-Roni is only HALF the story
DOY? I am in SsSsSsSaAaAaAaAnNnNnNnNnNFranNnNcCiIiIiIiIiISsSSsSsSSssScCo0o0o0o
Gues whats different?
1. It smells like PIZNIS
2. I have a bike which is cool, but when all is said and done probably not as cool as THE BLACK SCALLION at home
3. Did I just say Black SCalion? yes I did
4. I rode a FIXED GEAR BIKE. Which is Oh So Cool among people of """MY"""" demographic. And I can see what people aer saying they are cool, cuz you know, they are HAHD COWUH.
5 I keep it real by picking flowers every day yall.
6. I got the LOUDEST sheets you have everscene, the flavor of PSYCHEDELIC forest.
7ooo Final bit of very useful info. SONG airlines is NOT WORTH THE HYPE, its like a brainwash, I may tell you more on that subject later
Gues whats different?
1. It smells like PIZNIS
2. I have a bike which is cool, but when all is said and done probably not as cool as THE BLACK SCALLION at home
3. Did I just say Black SCalion? yes I did
4. I rode a FIXED GEAR BIKE. Which is Oh So Cool among people of """MY"""" demographic. And I can see what people aer saying they are cool, cuz you know, they are HAHD COWUH.
5 I keep it real by picking flowers every day yall.
6. I got the LOUDEST sheets you have everscene, the flavor of PSYCHEDELIC forest.
7ooo Final bit of very useful info. SONG airlines is NOT WORTH THE HYPE, its like a brainwash, I may tell you more on that subject later
Saturday, August 06, 2005
bus-spotting anyone!!!
check out htis hot new blog dedicate to this summers great new PASTTIME!!!
multiple options!!!
I want to get a CAMERAPHONE and become part of this crew!!!!!
multiple options!!!
I want to get a CAMERAPHONE and become part of this crew!!!!!
Monday, August 01, 2005
they called him mr. NO-FOAM
who hear likes YAHTZEEEEEE? probably many of you and me as well, so understand this: One thing thats always a crucial part of the game is deciding on what name to put atop your scorecard - sort of like in video game HI_SCORES (KJK, RKY, ETC>>>) but more possiblities. A couple of months ago I had to thank cermak for solving this dilemma for me. After I had named her after her favoriter beisbol player, "#44 Sexson," she came up with a great NOM DE GUERRE for moi: "MR> NO_FOAM"
the reasons behind this are many or, if you will, MANIFOLD....I've always hated FOAM. not sea-foam mind you but foam in its SOLID form (foam on beer or in bathtubs is OK with me!!). One of the worst examples of this is at MOTELS when there is a gross FOAM blanket under the comforter . If this touches my body I freak out ˚∆˙ø¨˙∆∂øˆ (many can attest)!!!
Most people thought the NO-FOAM philosophy was a quirk or personality-flaw or FOBIA until the recent events befalling the SPACESHUTTLE. I counted 87 references to foam in the NY times, one of the best old-school style news sources. The final word is the scienstists at NASA just announced an official NO-FOAM policy for all fuure outer space travells!!!!
the reasons behind this are many or, if you will, MANIFOLD....I've always hated FOAM. not sea-foam mind you but foam in its SOLID form (foam on beer or in bathtubs is OK with me!!). One of the worst examples of this is at MOTELS when there is a gross FOAM blanket under the comforter . If this touches my body I freak out ˚∆˙ø¨˙∆∂øˆ (many can attest)!!!
Most people thought the NO-FOAM philosophy was a quirk or personality-flaw or FOBIA until the recent events befalling the SPACESHUTTLE. I counted 87 references to foam in the NY times, one of the best old-school style news sources. The final word is the scienstists at NASA just announced an official NO-FOAM policy for all fuure outer space travells!!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Huebos de LIbertad
I just laid STREET JUSTICE down with an iron fist only 2 minutes ago. Backstory: for some reason there are these big ass f*kin trucks that drive in front of my window very early in the morning. Actually i know the reason: the main truck route to South Brooklyn is "being worked on". So there are big trucks and school busses filled with chasidic children goig in fron of my place every morningn. And if there is anything in their way at the intersection where my apt is they freeeking lay on the horn. I am talking a SUPERPOWERED AIRHORN style of horn that sound of which is amplified by the concrete canyon that is my street. Basically what I am saying is that it is LOUD AS THE DEVIL.
Well a little while ago I said to myself, rocky, this is crap. They don't have THE RIGHT to do this buisness. Thats when I went to the refigerator and pulled out an old EGG. I put it in the bathroom close to the window. And then it sat there for about three weeks, don't ask me why it didn't "STINK me out of of HOUSe and HOME' but it didn't, because I took great care to no puncture its shell and release its DISGUSTING CONTENTS. A few times since I've had that egg in position, people have honked their brains out, but I was sometimes 2 lazy or 2 late to get them. BUT guess what happened a few minutes ago, apparently a bus driver thought it would be a funny idea to HHHHHOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKK, so loud. I jumped out of bed in my underwears, ran to the bathroom and f*kin pitched that rotten ass egg into the side of that hateful school bus. HA HA HA justice is served with a yolk. If the police come up here I truly don't care, I will say excuse me OFFICER they are also "breaking the law"
maybe you would like your eggs with bacon, officeer?? HA HA HA HA AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPASLLHUFJL
Well a little while ago I said to myself, rocky, this is crap. They don't have THE RIGHT to do this buisness. Thats when I went to the refigerator and pulled out an old EGG. I put it in the bathroom close to the window. And then it sat there for about three weeks, don't ask me why it didn't "STINK me out of of HOUSe and HOME' but it didn't, because I took great care to no puncture its shell and release its DISGUSTING CONTENTS. A few times since I've had that egg in position, people have honked their brains out, but I was sometimes 2 lazy or 2 late to get them. BUT guess what happened a few minutes ago, apparently a bus driver thought it would be a funny idea to HHHHHOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKK, so loud. I jumped out of bed in my underwears, ran to the bathroom and f*kin pitched that rotten ass egg into the side of that hateful school bus. HA HA HA justice is served with a yolk. If the police come up here I truly don't care, I will say excuse me OFFICER they are also "breaking the law"
maybe you would like your eggs with bacon, officeer?? HA HA HA HA AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPASLLHUFJL
Friday, July 22, 2005
I'd like to address a real XXX
call it a mystery, call it abstruseness, brain twister, brainteaser, charade, chiller, cliffhanger, closed book, conundrum, crux, cryptogram, difficulty, enigma, grabber, inscrutability, inscrutableness, mind-boggler, mystification, occult, oracle, perplexity, poser, problem, puzzle, puzzlement, question, rebus, riddle, rune, secrecy, sixty-four-dollar question, sphinx, stickler, stumper, subtlety, teaser, thriller, twister, unfathomableness, who-done-it, why
Call it what you like. But Talk about the INTRIQUE OF this person who does not sign their name. It has EVRYONE TALKING
Call it what you like. But Talk about the INTRIQUE OF this person who does not sign their name. It has EVRYONE TALKING
Thursday, July 21, 2005
WHO Wants 2 B on my ALBUM
Yo whats up readers? HOw are you keepin it?? REAL???
DOes anyone want to give some SHOUTOUTS on the reeal? I'll put you on my Album that I will be releasing. Just like how KOJAK released a hyper-active Telefonic shout from Sea-TOWN last nite, before he cooked STIR_FRY. LIke what you do is you call me up and then I put you on the DOPE NEW DEVICE OF MY *WACKY* cell phone THE SPEAKERPHONE and then I record your shout out into my COMPUTER SYSTEM. You could say WHATEVER u WANT (within reason). Just like Sita Pants also dropped knowledge straight from FrIsCo last nite too.
DO you Want to be Famous like these aforementioned peopepepes? call me up!

DOes anyone want to give some SHOUTOUTS on the reeal? I'll put you on my Album that I will be releasing. Just like how KOJAK released a hyper-active Telefonic shout from Sea-TOWN last nite, before he cooked STIR_FRY. LIke what you do is you call me up and then I put you on the DOPE NEW DEVICE OF MY *WACKY* cell phone THE SPEAKERPHONE and then I record your shout out into my COMPUTER SYSTEM. You could say WHATEVER u WANT (within reason). Just like Sita Pants also dropped knowledge straight from FrIsCo last nite too.
DO you Want to be Famous like these aforementioned peopepepes? call me up!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I was in
"bee are double oh kay el why en"
I went there for a visit and ever since then I've been incorportated. With select personal, right here in brooklyn, the place where I dwell.. Today on my travels I saw a magic house, It was INSANE. kind of in a ghettoish area. And it looked like some sort of guadi/ghery/junkyard architecture combo. LIke I don't know if any of you guys used to watch HEATHCLIFF the cartoon. but Remeber how they used to live in this big old pile of junk in a junkyard? A crazy towering pile of stuff that you may have seen in clinton hill. ITs called broken angel. and a crazy old man lives there. So whats the philosphy pointbehind this? one mans junk is another mans crunk and one mans funk is another bands monk. My life is also A PRECARIOUS PILE OF JUNK THAT MAY FALL APART AT ANY MINUTE, MUCH LIKE THIS ARTISTIC ARCHITECTURE. Exept IF I fall apart, I won't kill my inhabitatnts. Unles I have a stomach worm. EEEEEWWWWWWW yunk
"bee are double oh kay el why en"
I went there for a visit and ever since then I've been incorportated. With select personal, right here in brooklyn, the place where I dwell.. Today on my travels I saw a magic house, It was INSANE. kind of in a ghettoish area. And it looked like some sort of guadi/ghery/junkyard architecture combo. LIke I don't know if any of you guys used to watch HEATHCLIFF the cartoon. but Remeber how they used to live in this big old pile of junk in a junkyard? A crazy towering pile of stuff that you may have seen in clinton hill. ITs called broken angel. and a crazy old man lives there. So whats the philosphy pointbehind this? one mans junk is another mans crunk and one mans funk is another bands monk. My life is also A PRECARIOUS PILE OF JUNK THAT MAY FALL APART AT ANY MINUTE, MUCH LIKE THIS ARTISTIC ARCHITECTURE. Exept IF I fall apart, I won't kill my inhabitatnts. Unles I have a stomach worm. EEEEEWWWWWWW yunk
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
get out of my dreams and into my inbox
no no I meant, wtf, why am I dreaming about email??
that's so RANDOM!
I DID NOT mean, "how come you didn't return the email that I wrote in my unconcious state? wtf??"
hahahaha. see you this weekend? let's eat a burrito!
Ella Mysteriosa
no no I meant, wtf, why am I dreaming about email??
that's so RANDOM!
I DID NOT mean, "how come you didn't return the email that I wrote in my unconcious state? wtf??"
hahahaha. see you this weekend? let's eat a burrito!
Ella Mysteriosa
wtf? What do you mean, did I not return an email or something? I will tel you wtf? wtf is that I have literally just gotten off working in a small room on the 17th floor of a building on 26th street after working for about36 hours straight, and I am X-eyed
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Dear Rocky;
This morning I had a dream that I was writing you some electronic mail. Also checking the balance of my bank account in the internet zone.
Now, if this isn't a dream of the future, I don't know what is.
Here's a question for you; WTF, dude? WTF?
Yours Truly,
Mystery Lady
Now, if this isn't a dream of the future, I don't know what is.
Here's a question for you; WTF, dude? WTF?
Yours Truly,
Mystery Lady
Saturday, July 09, 2005
- - its really true that LIFE can imitate ART; for example the art of blogging. as we have past the much anticipated 1 year aniversert of RSBF kojak has a totally new persective on life. I realize that I did the same thing over and over again pretty much year after year but then always forget about and most importantly LOSE that KNOWledege gained from past Events or REFLECTIONS on those events.
Now that rocky and crew have established this archive NEW technology is giving me a New PERSECTIVE on things. Like I realized when I was going to watch FIREWORKS &^˙©∆©˙ˆ¥˙ø¨¥ˆ that I already blogged about that last year - I had a lot of good insights and this time I didn't let them Go to Waste (check the ARCHIVe dude!!!)). the same could be said of my summer LANSCAPING whcih has begun AGain ANEW YET not REallt "ALL NEW"
Now that rocky and crew have established this archive NEW technology is giving me a New PERSECTIVE on things. Like I realized when I was going to watch FIREWORKS &^˙©∆©˙ˆ¥˙ø¨¥ˆ that I already blogged about that last year - I had a lot of good insights and this time I didn't let them Go to Waste (check the ARCHIVe dude!!!)). the same could be said of my summer LANSCAPING whcih has begun AGain ANEW YET not REallt "ALL NEW"
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
jokers Haus

just Joshing. They are all my girlfriend. Just kidding, we're still friends right? What I want to speak bout today:∆∆∫ is prose not hos. Just joking are you mad at me?
Its moving season. Everyone's a moving and people are trying to find out where they are going to live. I am leading the migration movement out of my house. First me and then the cockaroaches will follow. Which leads me to the wheelindeelin landlord people. They are SoOoOo weirt. Some of them TRY to be your friend and some of them TRY to be ALL SLICK. and some of them TRY to tell you that you will never see anything better than their sorry assssed place. HA. I am moving into a palace on a hill overlooking all of brooklyn. It will be beautiful and you will want to take a tour
rocky Dynamic
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
windshield wildlife - APT mepta4???
I'm usually not a driver of motor carriages...built recently have been. In all Irony, I actually drove a TRuck into town to buy a sticker that tells everyone how opposed to GAS powered vehicles I am. THe slogan is great - i won't be revealed here but probably on my back -pack where all U SUV drivers can C it! (burned)!!
1 of the many environmental travesties caused by drriving is all the LIFE you run down on the roadways. At this time of year out in the COUNTRY where I've been resting BUGS are what I've been smashing. Mostly U don;t think it matters b/c you just assume that its always a mohito mosquito thats been squahed - No big loss - I doubt U even bother to inspect the species on the CROME_GRILLE when you get to your destination or look closely before hitting the SPray option on the WIPERS.
All this changed 4 me when some bugs sent out a CRy 4 help that hit me on a emotional level. No it wasn't the loudest bug AKA CICADA ***(@@@@)***but the childhood favorite LIGHTINING BUG ~~~~** . The punch line is when I smashed them they lit up the windshield with a green Glow - THE BEAUTY OF NATURE - and it wasn't voluntary or to attract a MATE but kind-of by hostile force which is just not right.
ps if that is 2 strong for the readers then maybe try something like barny's I luv u blog
1 of the many environmental travesties caused by drriving is all the LIFE you run down on the roadways. At this time of year out in the COUNTRY where I've been resting BUGS are what I've been smashing. Mostly U don;t think it matters b/c you just assume that its always a mohito mosquito thats been squahed - No big loss - I doubt U even bother to inspect the species on the CROME_GRILLE when you get to your destination or look closely before hitting the SPray option on the WIPERS.
All this changed 4 me when some bugs sent out a CRy 4 help that hit me on a emotional level. No it wasn't the loudest bug AKA CICADA ***(@@@@)***but the childhood favorite LIGHTINING BUG ~~~~** . The punch line is when I smashed them they lit up the windshield with a green Glow - THE BEAUTY OF NATURE - and it wasn't voluntary or to attract a MATE but kind-of by hostile force which is just not right.
ps if that is 2 strong for the readers then maybe try something like barny's I luv u blog
Monday, June 27, 2005
where in BLexico?
I;ve been hearing a lot about how people aren't "ABLE" to read this blog anymore because of certain "religious", "philosophical", "moral", or "temporal" issues they have with it. Well let me tell you somethihng. YOU BETTER START READING THIS BLOG BEFORE IT STARTS READING YOU.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Here is something for the crime busters on the news. I made this realization while I was eating yesterday. This is the problem, no matter what type of food or drink substance you may order from a bodega or store or burrito shop, you will notice that the vendor will ALWAYS GIVE YOU THE INCORRECT NUMBER OF NAPKINS. For example yesterday, I got THE MESSIEST burrito you have ever laid hands upon, and what did they give me to wipe the endless endless slop off of my face? 2 tiny tiny napkins that are the size of a playing card. Now say I go to the store and order a coca cola... well the shop keeper will give me a veritable stack-full of really nice 4 play family syle napkins to go with the drink. Does he think I am that clumsy that I will spill everywhere? I worry about landfills and everything you know, thats part of my whole MO. But when I am in a bathroom I will also give myself a dispraportionate amount of paper handtowels, just cuz I can, sometimes. Maybe its just human nature to screw up with napkin amounts
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
What does tommorow hold in store for TodAY_?
Tommorow I may be receiving some Cow))))boy boots?
One of the things that I have attempted to do since returning from the PDX. is to maintain A highly irregular schedule. This was prompted by the "red eye" Flite. Speakeing of the redeye, there is a movie with a scary dude with ONE RED EYE on a plane. ((Sounds a little 2 perfect DONt it?)) and on the subject of movies I'd like to give a shout to me and you and everyone we know for using internet and computer drawlings
::''"";;::: ((<<))
and on the subject of publicity in general I would like to give a shout to LIFE AND STYLE magazine becuase it confirmed my aching suspicion that indeed STRIPES R IN and there are many actresses dawning stripes to prove it.
Enough sidetracking. An irregular schedule leads to a more examined life, and As PLATO says, Examing life is worth doing. For example I was told about a great cure for depression. It goes like this. Stay up for a whole nite and don't go to sleep. The chemicals in your brain are reset. RIGLEYS TRUTH. not to say I am depressed, but I AM taking advantage of nontraditional relationships to the sun rising and falling. You know, in a way its really liberating. Like Liberacci. Who knows how long it could last though? Probably only about a few more days until I start hallucinating and thinking that there are bugs ALL OVER ME.
One of the things that I have attempted to do since returning from the PDX. is to maintain A highly irregular schedule. This was prompted by the "red eye" Flite. Speakeing of the redeye, there is a movie with a scary dude with ONE RED EYE on a plane. ((Sounds a little 2 perfect DONt it?)) and on the subject of movies I'd like to give a shout to me and you and everyone we know for using internet and computer drawlings
::''"";;::: ((<<))
and on the subject of publicity in general I would like to give a shout to LIFE AND STYLE magazine becuase it confirmed my aching suspicion that indeed STRIPES R IN and there are many actresses dawning stripes to prove it.
Enough sidetracking. An irregular schedule leads to a more examined life, and As PLATO says, Examing life is worth doing. For example I was told about a great cure for depression. It goes like this. Stay up for a whole nite and don't go to sleep. The chemicals in your brain are reset. RIGLEYS TRUTH. not to say I am depressed, but I AM taking advantage of nontraditional relationships to the sun rising and falling. You know, in a way its really liberating. Like Liberacci. Who knows how long it could last though? Probably only about a few more days until I start hallucinating and thinking that there are bugs ALL OVER ME.
Friday, June 17, 2005
1st time ever an english GArage PHeonom WRITES A THEME SONG FOR RSBF
I know this is the second song I posted today but get it while its hot yall and pay attention the chorus (xgirl's selection)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
not 2 try 2 compete but: 1st time i saw a BEAR
The say many a great MInd expanding personal growth type experience can happen on vacaction
%%this is truly the time of year to teach OLD DOGS (I hear the average age on the internet is now 13 =1/4 of [me + rocky]!!) some things. its highly ironical B/c my folks jsut got a very young dog AKA RObbie the super-Qte puppy!
My and the bRO were out teaching the new dog (ROBBIE) the trick called walking onthe Retractable leash ~~~~~~~~~~>>o. Thats when I had my brand new experience. I saw something at a neighborhing homestead (RUral areas) and I said what is that big funny dog doing then I realived it was a BEAR.
I won;t make that mistake again - it could really cost an ARM and a leg. for example if I tried to "make-nice" and pet it.
%%this is truly the time of year to teach OLD DOGS (I hear the average age on the internet is now 13 =1/4 of [me + rocky]!!) some things. its highly ironical B/c my folks jsut got a very young dog AKA RObbie the super-Qte puppy!
My and the bRO were out teaching the new dog (ROBBIE) the trick called walking onthe Retractable leash ~~~~~~~~~~>>o. Thats when I had my brand new experience. I saw something at a neighborhing homestead (RUral areas) and I said what is that big funny dog doing then I realived it was a BEAR.
I won;t make that mistake again - it could really cost an ARM and a leg. for example if I tried to "make-nice" and pet it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I did it I barfed in front of my WHOLE family. Mom dad, brother, sister, grandma, two uncles, and uncles work friends. Actually I barely managed to put a pick up truck between them and me. It was becuz my Grandma's birthday party was so raging taht I drank about 9 types or genres of alcohol. When I wandered out from behind there and asked for the key to the wash room from about 20 feet away, All my family was stairing at me in HORROR. I just made a double thumbs up and they all laughed PhewSY. I swear to you that was the BEST hung over xperience I ever had. afterword we went to a really cool indie style breakfast lunch diner in Portland, and we had this pretty young waitress. And I thought TO my self EVERYTING IS OK. Hey kids you can do anyting you want to when you are 26 SO OLD
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
ANIMAL PLANET from Ukrainian
Here is a list of animal life forms what I saw in my Nature Bikeride of Portland Trail Blazing:
Turtle: sitting on log in pond
Rabbit: hopping into tall grasses
Snake: being carried by a man walking the opposite direction as me
sheep: grazing when I went by one way, and on the way back GONE
horses: nothing to say
Cats: Trying to play it cool.
You may notice my recent trend in animal loving. Its part of a whole plan that I and the rest of our generation is doing to honor their childhoods. Just like everyone wore those ATARI tshirts to give props to their teenage years.. I am travelling farther back. Back to the time when I would like to set up many plastic animals in rows for showing to people. This is what I had in mind when I recently divided a bunch of animal flash cards into GOOD and EVIL animals. Sounds funny, but its serious. And it fueled a lot of discourse. For expample: TIGER: good or evil? some questions are tough. On the whole I would say a good toy for kids is one that leaves some interpretation left to the kid. Wooden building blocks: constructive. Rubber Freddy Krueger mask: stupid
ps I was also hanging out with ukranians, they have some cool way of expressing like
"Don't embarass, just eat" and
"You broke me what I was going to say"
Turtle: sitting on log in pond
Rabbit: hopping into tall grasses
Snake: being carried by a man walking the opposite direction as me
sheep: grazing when I went by one way, and on the way back GONE
horses: nothing to say
Cats: Trying to play it cool.
You may notice my recent trend in animal loving. Its part of a whole plan that I and the rest of our generation is doing to honor their childhoods. Just like everyone wore those ATARI tshirts to give props to their teenage years.. I am travelling farther back. Back to the time when I would like to set up many plastic animals in rows for showing to people. This is what I had in mind when I recently divided a bunch of animal flash cards into GOOD and EVIL animals. Sounds funny, but its serious. And it fueled a lot of discourse. For expample: TIGER: good or evil? some questions are tough. On the whole I would say a good toy for kids is one that leaves some interpretation left to the kid. Wooden building blocks: constructive. Rubber Freddy Krueger mask: stupid
ps I was also hanging out with ukranians, they have some cool way of expressing like
"Don't embarass, just eat" and
"You broke me what I was going to say"
Friday, June 03, 2005
challenge 2 da CONSTITUTION
hi! does anyone here actually know what CONSTITUTION means? - on the 1 hand it is the most boring, TOURISTIC street in Washington DC but there are several other important definitions. . . a good friend of mine once told me about how the RUSSIANS use the term. They don't abide by a paper document (BTW who remebers the RSBF parchment style???) but they're more concerned with a person's PhYSICAL constitution which roughly translates as a LIFE FORCE.
My life force has recently been LO <<<<< cuz i've been working too hard - but that's a topic that SHANT B discussed here. LEts just say that I am still facing an ORAL INTERROGATION but afterwards will b free to hang out - like for example in PDX w/ rocky .
I actually think the phsyical constitution was so OUT-O-WAK it even ruined my cell phone .... U can ask many-a-person who tried to call me up - - on the hand I'LL leave u with this quotataion:
"U can ask the people that I chill with
I can't be stopped by a physical ailment"
My life force has recently been LO <<<<< cuz i've been working too hard - but that's a topic that SHANT B discussed here. LEts just say that I am still facing an ORAL INTERROGATION but afterwards will b free to hang out - like for example in PDX w/ rocky .
I actually think the phsyical constitution was so OUT-O-WAK it even ruined my cell phone .... U can ask many-a-person who tried to call me up - - on the hand I'LL leave u with this quotataion:
"U can ask the people that I chill with
I can't be stopped by a physical ailment"
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Its allready June, Soon it will be winter AGAIN
and I am NOT spending another winter in new york. I won't do it, it just damages my whole mood to severely. I heard from a reliable news source today that Brad Pitt is from Springfeild MO. So you know what, I just booked a plane ticket and I think I will go take a look at that town and see if I can get some pointers from THE WORLDS SEXIEST MAN. Coincidentally I have some friends (that you may know from this online journal) Logan and her man, that are making marriage NUPTIALS on the hallowed day of JUNE 4. Some of the wedding-goers may be wondering what is the signigicance of doing the NUPTIAL ceremony EXXXXXaxTCLY 1(one) month(s) before July 4. Do they mean to say that their marriage will be stronger than the constitution? I think so. And I think they will uphold the values of all of the aforementioned institutions mentioned above to the utmost degree. I AM GOING 2 CRY
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The Classickness of a black and white STRIPED SHIRT
Let me tell you about a trend that a good personal friend of mine by the name of JEAN LUC GODARD started back "in the day". This trend is for the ladies and it is called a Black and White Striped shirt. A bit on the stripes: Horizontal they must be. SO why do I mention this. WELL LAST NITE I SAW 2 GIRLS(?) in a bar with the the horizontal black and white striped shirt. So even though one of them turned out to be a man, I still thought it was good idea.. It doesn't matter how big the stripes are in terms of w---i---d---e---n---e---s---s--- and the amazing thing is that even though there are some FACISTS out there that say horizontal stripes aren't good for you they are wrong because there is a certain GALLIC STYLE that proves that those FACISTS whole world view is UTTERLY FLAWED and distorted and HAS NO RELATIONSHIP TO ACUTAL REALITY AND THEY NEED TO GO BACK TO THE BOOKS AND STUDY OR LEARN HOW TO OBSERVE A BIT BETTER AND NOT BE SO TOTALLLY CLOSED MINDED.
ps in that last sentence I could have been aided by a third case of letters, or supercaps, or the third case, or however you like to call it
ps in that last sentence I could have been aided by a third case of letters, or supercaps, or the third case, or however you like to call it
Monday, May 23, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
There are some people who just KNOW how to live. and then there's me: ROCKY
Greetings from the great state of VT,
Ever notice how Burlington VT IS THE EXACT SAME CITY AS SEATTLE? its true they are the same in every way. What with the lake and the sunset and the hippies and the hills. Same city.
So here's my story. I am working, making a """MOVIE"""" up here. Just to be blunt about it, its about psychiatric care in prisons. Don't worry though, its NOT a docYOUmentary. So here's the story see. I am staying in a real nice house with a big nice kitchen and let me tell you folx, these folx know how to live. They eat well, they live well, and hell they even work well. So whats the catch?? I don't know. But for me I walked out of here and into the fair city of BURLYTON. I walked around for too long and I got hungry so I panicked. There looked like some cool jazzy youth places so I kind of lingered and peered around outside. Then I was just about to try my bravery when LO + B_HOLD i forgot===no cash. just try to find an ATM in butlytown. I went into a CVS type place and they DIDN"T EVEN HAVE AN ATM. so I panicked again and decided to spend my last 2 dollars on "spice drops''= GUMDROPS. Now here is the one godsend, I got up to the front and saw apack that was 2x as big as the one I had and was .88cents. EASY CHOICE. long story short. I ate way too many gumdrops and then ate too much pizza and now I have a headache. and I kind of feel LIKE A FOOL. not really.
Ever notice how Burlington VT IS THE EXACT SAME CITY AS SEATTLE? its true they are the same in every way. What with the lake and the sunset and the hippies and the hills. Same city.
So here's my story. I am working, making a """MOVIE"""" up here. Just to be blunt about it, its about psychiatric care in prisons. Don't worry though, its NOT a docYOUmentary. So here's the story see. I am staying in a real nice house with a big nice kitchen and let me tell you folx, these folx know how to live. They eat well, they live well, and hell they even work well. So whats the catch?? I don't know. But for me I walked out of here and into the fair city of BURLYTON. I walked around for too long and I got hungry so I panicked. There looked like some cool jazzy youth places so I kind of lingered and peered around outside. Then I was just about to try my bravery when LO + B_HOLD i forgot===no cash. just try to find an ATM in butlytown. I went into a CVS type place and they DIDN"T EVEN HAVE AN ATM. so I panicked again and decided to spend my last 2 dollars on "spice drops''= GUMDROPS. Now here is the one godsend, I got up to the front and saw apack that was 2x as big as the one I had and was .88cents. EASY CHOICE. long story short. I ate way too many gumdrops and then ate too much pizza and now I have a headache. and I kind of feel LIKE A FOOL. not really.
Monday, May 16, 2005
YEAH, what is the meaning?
remember when I talked about PALINDROMES...I saw the movie and its very random and so maybe should U (???) . almost like Garden state except I don;t think anyone said RAndom like natalie portman did. At 1 point in palindromes they actually changed the actress just to see if anyone would notice.
I've recently been trying to enterain myself and try 2 go out and C some stuff & try to relax.........~~~~~O__<
1, I saw a musician who literally once Droppped the bomb %^$&^%, but at the show it was forcecful but non-violent THANK GOODness sake
2) I went to a party and saw a really sketchy movie about food from JAPAN. At one point there was a creature like a turtle but with no SHELL and the chef cut it open...I think the idea was to drink the bLOOD.
Later a woman died b/C she cooked SHRIMPS AND PORC until she dropped !!!!!
I've recently been trying to enterain myself and try 2 go out and C some stuff & try to relax.........~~~~~O__<
1, I saw a musician who literally once Droppped the bomb %^$&^%, but at the show it was forcecful but non-violent THANK GOODness sake
2) I went to a party and saw a really sketchy movie about food from JAPAN. At one point there was a creature like a turtle but with no SHELL and the chef cut it open...I think the idea was to drink the bLOOD.
Later a woman died b/C she cooked SHRIMPS AND PORC until she dropped !!!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
a story about kites
What up all you people in Random Land? WHATS UP?? I SAID WHATS UP?? jeez you act like you can't even hear me! Jeez!! So this weekend I went out to see this Kite FLying Festival. thats a festival or a FESTIVUS where everyone flys they kites. Or at least some kites get set up and they get flied by the wind itself. HERE IS SOMe news for the wise::: Kites are a metaphor, for a lot of things. They are metaphors 4 love, death, patriotism and wanton behaviour. When someone says go fly a kite or " the wind is free so lets use it" what they really mean to say is henceforth: I am an anarchist.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
ladies, Just the man you wanted PLUS A WHOLE LOt MORE. (((an ad I just posted on craiglist
Dear Ladies,
Why settle for a man who you deem to be "amatuer". WHy not a lover of full intensity, passionate glances, and exciting notions? Perhaps you think I am foreign by the ways that I phrase my sentences. Well you are WRONG. I am not! I just appear to be foreign because MY PASSIONS ARE SO GREAT. Can you imagine the perfect date? Well that is the time that we will spend together. Perfect in every sense of the word. You will find me to be most intriguing, and perhaps at the end of the night we may venture a smooch????? WHO KNOWS?? the possibilities are ENDLESS. Limitless. Beyond boundaries, without borders, you JUST cannot tell ladies! Being with me will take you to another land (maybe new jersey??)
So I will leave you now with that tantalizing picture of you and me beneath a starry sky (when it gets a bit warmer) in a rowboat with frogs chirping, and a candle, and a whole picnic scenario with 2 or 3 bottles of the finest red wines, and maybe some delicious cheeses, and a stawberry that we will have to split for desert. If this sounds like the ideal situation to find yourself in, then don't hold your beating heart back. Stop listening to depressing music and lets get together. LOVE IS IN OUR FUTURE
I will keep you guys posted about detailsssss and developmentes
Why settle for a man who you deem to be "amatuer". WHy not a lover of full intensity, passionate glances, and exciting notions? Perhaps you think I am foreign by the ways that I phrase my sentences. Well you are WRONG. I am not! I just appear to be foreign because MY PASSIONS ARE SO GREAT. Can you imagine the perfect date? Well that is the time that we will spend together. Perfect in every sense of the word. You will find me to be most intriguing, and perhaps at the end of the night we may venture a smooch????? WHO KNOWS?? the possibilities are ENDLESS. Limitless. Beyond boundaries, without borders, you JUST cannot tell ladies! Being with me will take you to another land (maybe new jersey??)
So I will leave you now with that tantalizing picture of you and me beneath a starry sky (when it gets a bit warmer) in a rowboat with frogs chirping, and a candle, and a whole picnic scenario with 2 or 3 bottles of the finest red wines, and maybe some delicious cheeses, and a stawberry that we will have to split for desert. If this sounds like the ideal situation to find yourself in, then don't hold your beating heart back. Stop listening to depressing music and lets get together. LOVE IS IN OUR FUTURE
I will keep you guys posted about detailsssss and developmentes
Monday, May 09, 2005
A relative with writing talents
I had to post this because there is someone out there who has nailed rsbf literary STILE even more better than we have nailed it. That person is MY UNCLE. Here is an email he just wrote to me no jokes (the trophy he is talking about is the spinning trophy mr Xroomate made for the ping pong tournament.
MR.- MR.'S,
What's the RPM's on that trophy? U be using " FRUIT OF THE LOOM"
T-shirt's? Will you be happening to join the festivities in
Have you ever hit a water buffalo terd that carreened the front wheel
into an unstoppable spin. I HAAAAAAVE.
Rachet it up a few notches, MINE SIGNOR,
i guess its true like they say:: "Coolness really DOES run in your GENEz"
MR.- MR.'S,
What's the RPM's on that trophy? U be using " FRUIT OF THE LOOM"
T-shirt's? Will you be happening to join the festivities in
Have you ever hit a water buffalo terd that carreened the front wheel
into an unstoppable spin. I HAAAAAAVE.
Rachet it up a few notches, MINE SIGNOR,
i guess its true like they say:: "Coolness really DOES run in your GENEz"
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Heartbrake HOE_TELL
This was something that made me laff the other day. Laff with a capital FF. My friend wanted to play pingpongin the upcoming tournament. But he wanted to play with this girl who has a boyfriend (and thats going to be her partner). So this was our txt conversation:::
other guy:
BF? Brian Ferry??!? O my hoz snatched alredy...damn.
other guy:
BF? Brian Ferry??!? O my hoz snatched alredy...damn.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
verbal palidromes
we had this thing in junior high that we used to call WERBING,...mad props to anyone who can remeber that slang so underground its not even in the urban dictionary ( all these are wrong ). SAT hint: verbal constipation is an antonymn...
I saw there's a new movie called palindromes....I'm not sure if its good cuz I haven't seen it but I do like what I imagine to B the main premise that is PALINDROMES.
~~they always seem so hard to make up but a good alternative is VERBAL PALIDROMES: they're not the same as palINdromes that look right on paper but are really jsut as good and MORE FUN. *The BAsis idea is you just say them and they sound like palindromes to most people**
Try some of these out on your friends (speak fast!!_)
coincidentally many are based on asiatic foods??)
1. I dream Naan Bread
2. Osama Samosa
3. Yummy Samosa Sammy Sosa
4. Sara likes Stoli Ras
Possibilities are endless!!!
I saw there's a new movie called palindromes....I'm not sure if its good cuz I haven't seen it but I do like what I imagine to B the main premise that is PALINDROMES.
~~they always seem so hard to make up but a good alternative is VERBAL PALIDROMES: they're not the same as palINdromes that look right on paper but are really jsut as good and MORE FUN. *The BAsis idea is you just say them and they sound like palindromes to most people**
Try some of these out on your friends (speak fast!!_)
coincidentally many are based on asiatic foods??)
1. I dream Naan Bread
2. Osama Samosa
3. Yummy Samosa Sammy Sosa
4. Sara likes Stoli Ras
Possibilities are endless!!!
Friday, April 29, 2005
just a random post at 417AM
1st of allllll WHY the HELL does blgpot say that we have only 76 entries up. I WANA KNOW THE TRUE NUMBER. But they won't tell me. OK now that I am back from chicago I am re-centering. And - my tolerance for the BULS*(T has been decresed. fool me once shame on y0ou fool me 2twice shame on you 2wice. Rite()()()())()()()()()()(()()())((()(())(())))((()(()()()()()()(()()()()()()0()(())
prize to the one who can ID the folowing"""""""''':::::::
Jalick Jalick ya wind up latah.
for those who can't count it goes 123.
whens the last time you heard a funky diabetic?
got IT??
prize to the one who can ID the folowing"""""""''':::::::
Jalick Jalick ya wind up latah.
for those who can't count it goes 123.
whens the last time you heard a funky diabetic?
got IT??
Sunday, April 24, 2005
in aN historic place
I am writing from the NOrris University center. To some readers and contributors of this brainfart, they know what that means, to others, don't worry about it. I just walked from northern Chicago to Evanston IL. It was a long walk, Now I am in this school that I used to go to and people here have SUCH HORRIBLE STYLE. Its like they think that cuz they are far enuf away from chicago they don't even have to worry about how they look. Half teh kids here are wearing sweatsuits with the school logo. BARF. At any rate this is very strange to think I spent 4 (four) years of my life here. I feel like- I DON"T KNOW.
ITS HIGHLY EMOTIONAL____________))_)_)_))((**$($(%*())# :::: OK?
ITS HIGHLY EMOTIONAL____________))_)_)_))((**$($(%*())# :::: OK?
Thursday, April 21, 2005
MindBoggling - the best word to hear 1million Times
I was working on this commercial the other day and the announcer kept saying MINDBOGGLING. I have to tell you people out there that that is TRULY THE MOST REWARDING WORD to hear over and over. It just gets better and better. Like a juicy tomato. MINDBOGGLING or a fresh to aged frommage
Sunday, April 17, 2005
FALAFEL VS FALAFEL: a new model for world Peice
Do you ever wonder about who owns teh creative property rights for the nutritious and HIGHLY STYLISH foodgroup of FALAFEL? Some ISraeli's think its theirs. Some Arabic bretheren claim a contradictory thing. Lets Not even talk about Lebanon and Syria. SO Whos owns the falafel, and who deserves the credit? and in short who is the best and deserves to have their names put on "all the gifts" that THE ULImately HIGh POWERed deities have bestowed upon US?" A way to solve this? Lets think back to some of the knowledge that we were privy to yesterday, Saturday>>A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!
If Israel brings their homeade falafels into Palestinian airspace? Or if a man from Beirut bakes up a falafel ball and eats it on the New York City Subway? We must ask ourselves the tough questions and ask the world. WHEN IS THE FALAFEL competition?
I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCEπ. that the aswers are not so easy to find. I X_perienced multiple falafel enterprises this weekend and instead of answering my answers, it questioned my questions
Do you ever wonder about who owns teh creative property rights for the nutritious and HIGHLY STYLISH foodgroup of FALAFEL? Some ISraeli's think its theirs. Some Arabic bretheren claim a contradictory thing. Lets Not even talk about Lebanon and Syria. SO Whos owns the falafel, and who deserves the credit? and in short who is the best and deserves to have their names put on "all the gifts" that THE ULImately HIGh POWERed deities have bestowed upon US?" A way to solve this? Lets think back to some of the knowledge that we were privy to yesterday, Saturday>>A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!
If Israel brings their homeade falafels into Palestinian airspace? Or if a man from Beirut bakes up a falafel ball and eats it on the New York City Subway? We must ask ourselves the tough questions and ask the world. WHEN IS THE FALAFEL competition?
I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCEπ. that the aswers are not so easy to find. I X_perienced multiple falafel enterprises this weekend and instead of answering my answers, it questioned my questions
Saturday, April 16, 2005
how discreet 2B???
just a second ago I was hanging out with my computer pretty much doing nothin at all - kinda like what they used to call SURFIN ~~~~~©¥ˆ©¨~~~~~
well OK let B honest people I've been sufferin form some blogsmith's writers block - - not that I haven't been having brainfarts just not at the m;ost oppurtune time usually. I feel like usually its when I'm about to fall asleep and then I do and I forget it all.
Anyway, her is something of a BREAKTHRU........I've thining about a general theory of when to eat or dirnk in public situations where its outside of the NORMAL.
For example: (A) 2 bring outside food into a cafe
(B) 2 drink alcohol in a movie theater
(C) 2 chow down while on public transport
(D) brung something like a starbuck latte into a thai restuarant
I was telling Cermak the other day that she should refrain from (A) b/c its indiscreet, but then I was at a movie with her and my other friend started doing (B) and then I did too. I continued with (B) even after the movie out into the lobby and street. Then just now a guy next to me started to do (A) with some pizza and I got hungry and that s just not how to thinkof a general THOERY to support all my positions and also incorporate (C) and (D)
A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!
well OK let B honest people I've been sufferin form some blogsmith's writers block - - not that I haven't been having brainfarts just not at the m;ost oppurtune time usually. I feel like usually its when I'm about to fall asleep and then I do and I forget it all.
Anyway, her is something of a BREAKTHRU........I've thining about a general theory of when to eat or dirnk in public situations where its outside of the NORMAL.
For example: (A) 2 bring outside food into a cafe
(B) 2 drink alcohol in a movie theater
(C) 2 chow down while on public transport
(D) brung something like a starbuck latte into a thai restuarant
I was telling Cermak the other day that she should refrain from (A) b/c its indiscreet, but then I was at a movie with her and my other friend started doing (B) and then I did too. I continued with (B) even after the movie out into the lobby and street. Then just now a guy next to me started to do (A) with some pizza and I got hungry and that s just not how to thinkof a general THOERY to support all my positions and also incorporate (C) and (D)
A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!
Monday, April 11, 2005
MORE amish feelings
I don't know if any of you get some really annoying emails by people that act like they know you;. They have really enticing subject lines like: "This stuff really isn't a expensive and before" and "Little magic. Great Weekends"
At least these things are showing up in the BULK mail box. But I swear I get one email with those exact titles at least 3 times a week. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment. DO they actually think I am going to go to their stupid ass fly by nite websites and snatch up a whole load of viagra and pirated software? Who actually gets victimized by these pathetic attempts? Like OH HERE IS A RANDOM EMAIL FROM SOMEONE THAT I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHO THE HELL THEY ARE: LIKE LISA J. AND THEY ARE GOING TO OFFER ME SOME INSIDER ADVISE ABOUT WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY MONEY. three words: Get out of MY FACE!!!! and don't ever come back here with your honeysweet words of seduction again. I know your type and I know that it won't lead to anything good. I bet actually what they do is target the new email accounts. Cuz most of the people getting email accounts these days are either 3 year olds, or old people trying to make sense of the world.
I guess there is a possibility that they mite respond. But if I were making emails taht would be emailed to 1 billion RANDOM PEOPLE i think I would make the headline a bit better. Maybe something like""FREE CANDY ON 5TH AVENUE AND 6TH STREET" and then you go there and its just like a fake H&R block. Or the other thing I like is when I get an email that says that someone in the Democratic Repulbic of Niger wants to pay me like $160,000. OH yeah I forgot about how I was in that whole arms smuggling thing and I didn't ever get paid.
At least these things are showing up in the BULK mail box. But I swear I get one email with those exact titles at least 3 times a week. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment. DO they actually think I am going to go to their stupid ass fly by nite websites and snatch up a whole load of viagra and pirated software? Who actually gets victimized by these pathetic attempts? Like OH HERE IS A RANDOM EMAIL FROM SOMEONE THAT I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHO THE HELL THEY ARE: LIKE LISA J. AND THEY ARE GOING TO OFFER ME SOME INSIDER ADVISE ABOUT WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY MONEY. three words: Get out of MY FACE!!!! and don't ever come back here with your honeysweet words of seduction again. I know your type and I know that it won't lead to anything good. I bet actually what they do is target the new email accounts. Cuz most of the people getting email accounts these days are either 3 year olds, or old people trying to make sense of the world.
I guess there is a possibility that they mite respond. But if I were making emails taht would be emailed to 1 billion RANDOM PEOPLE i think I would make the headline a bit better. Maybe something like""FREE CANDY ON 5TH AVENUE AND 6TH STREET" and then you go there and its just like a fake H&R block. Or the other thing I like is when I get an email that says that someone in the Democratic Repulbic of Niger wants to pay me like $160,000. OH yeah I forgot about how I was in that whole arms smuggling thing and I didn't ever get paid.
Friday, April 08, 2005
we should just get rid of cars
I've been SANS CAR for quite a six-month period, but this week I had to pick up my car and RETRACE my old commute across the bRIDGEs and TunnelS. yesterday morning in my neighborhood, I approached a GREEN light and was met with a MOB of 50 DEFIANT high school kids crossing on the "NOT WALK" sign. the kids must have been evil geniuses, because they knew that if exactly 50 of them crossed at the same time, no car would have the gall or poewr to BREAK THE BARRIER, even if it was the car's right of way. I TAPPED my horn and to my dismay it was BROKEN! THIS was the freakin TWILIGHT ZONE, I'm telling y'all. after the 50 teenagers eventually crossed the road, another group of 50 were in waiting to CONTINUE BARRING ME from getting to work. worse yet, some of the MOST EVIL teenagers turned and laughed at me.
sooooo.....Powerless with no horn, I made a LOUD PLEA to the kids in a QUASI-FRIENDLY voice..."come on light is GREEN, won't you let me paSS?" and then like DARK MAGIC the sea parted a bit, leaving about 5 feet for me to begin to shimmy through and goad the stragglers out of my way. TEENAGE MOBS: FREAKIN SCARY.
sooooo.....Powerless with no horn, I made a LOUD PLEA to the kids in a QUASI-FRIENDLY voice..."come on light is GREEN, won't you let me paSS?" and then like DARK MAGIC the sea parted a bit, leaving about 5 feet for me to begin to shimmy through and goad the stragglers out of my way. TEENAGE MOBS: FREAKIN SCARY.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Xperience rsbf with nostalgia
Xperience rsbf with nostalgia
This is really going to get your heart pumping:
STEP1 click and start listening
STEP2 now imagine you are a robot from another planet trying to learn about the history of human kind and someone told you that the best way to learn is to read rsbf
STEP3 so now imagine scanning through at lightingn speed with a little robotic grid pattern in front of what you are seeing
and you read and read and the images and emotions are flowing and GOD D*MN YOU ARE LEARNING ABOUT HUMANITY!!
breathtaking no?
This is really going to get your heart pumping:
STEP1 click and start listening
STEP2 now imagine you are a robot from another planet trying to learn about the history of human kind and someone told you that the best way to learn is to read rsbf
STEP3 so now imagine scanning through at lightingn speed with a little robotic grid pattern in front of what you are seeing
and you read and read and the images and emotions are flowing and GOD D*MN YOU ARE LEARNING ABOUT HUMANITY!!
breathtaking no?
Monday, April 04, 2005
Legendary HairCuT of epic Porportionalz
Oh now Rockyhas a haircut story
I want to tell the world about how I had the best X_perience that I ever had getting my haircut. People think I am pulling their leg or busting their Huebos or just playing B_S_ing but I AIN'T PLAYING. I had such a great time cut my haircut the other cut nite. It all started out in a major contrast to goodness in a somewhat evil twisted (an adjective I have used to describe other transportation systems ie paris) and horrible experience on the NYC MTA that wasn't working like always on the weekend (JUST THE DAY I decided to buy a """fun"""" pass)
But when I arrived at the haircuttery (which was actually disguised as an regular nice apartment- actually it was just the aformentioned thing I was just talking about. IT WAS_ and APARTMENT) YOU see this haircuttresse was a personal reccomendation, a friend of a friend. I met the person that was gonna cut my hair. So we had a beer and talked about my "hair situation". This is what I would like to call the "pre-cut consultation and psychological anaysis" which I had never had before. Then I looked an example picture book (pictures can sometimes help you - have you ever been to a chinese restaurant?) and then we got started and I finally was able to be a regular patron/cutter talk, and have a bit of a chit chat with the person that cut my hair while it was happening. Needless to say this cut has a subtle quality that reveals itself in new ways at each moment, shimmerring thru time e=MC2.
and guess what? at the end the haircuttress gave me a bottle of farm fresh milk to take home, for coffee, or for whatever. Me I just drank a couple glasses straight up no chaser
I want to tell the world about how I had the best X_perience that I ever had getting my haircut. People think I am pulling their leg or busting their Huebos or just playing B_S_ing but I AIN'T PLAYING. I had such a great time cut my haircut the other cut nite. It all started out in a major contrast to goodness in a somewhat evil twisted (an adjective I have used to describe other transportation systems ie paris) and horrible experience on the NYC MTA that wasn't working like always on the weekend (JUST THE DAY I decided to buy a """fun"""" pass)
But when I arrived at the haircuttery (which was actually disguised as an regular nice apartment- actually it was just the aformentioned thing I was just talking about. IT WAS_ and APARTMENT) YOU see this haircuttresse was a personal reccomendation, a friend of a friend. I met the person that was gonna cut my hair. So we had a beer and talked about my "hair situation". This is what I would like to call the "pre-cut consultation and psychological anaysis" which I had never had before. Then I looked an example picture book (pictures can sometimes help you - have you ever been to a chinese restaurant?) and then we got started and I finally was able to be a regular patron/cutter talk, and have a bit of a chit chat with the person that cut my hair while it was happening. Needless to say this cut has a subtle quality that reveals itself in new ways at each moment, shimmerring thru time e=MC2.
and guess what? at the end the haircuttress gave me a bottle of farm fresh milk to take home, for coffee, or for whatever. Me I just drank a couple glasses straight up no chaser
....what's up with all these letters. I fear rocky has taken the abstraction to the next level ^^^^^****^&&%&*(&*
that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.
I think the TRUTH is "STYLE." AS in something we've got in massive abondanza! THat reminds me of a great poster.
U know how every office need some INSPIRATIONAL posters? My office has some good one's way better than those KITTENS that hang from shoes strings out of trees "OOPS!" :) :) ha ha ....
WE have some posters my buddy the LAWN-WRANGLER brought back form NEPAL. SOme are all about the beauty of nautre and how it inspires us all but another has a motorcyle with a huge ass engine and it says::::::
that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.
that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.
I think the TRUTH is "STYLE." AS in something we've got in massive abondanza! THat reminds me of a great poster.
U know how every office need some INSPIRATIONAL posters? My office has some good one's way better than those KITTENS that hang from shoes strings out of trees "OOPS!" :) :) ha ha ....
WE have some posters my buddy the LAWN-WRANGLER brought back form NEPAL. SOme are all about the beauty of nautre and how it inspires us all but another has a motorcyle with a huge ass engine and it says::::::
that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
let me tell you all about a book that saved my life when I was in the dolldroms of depressviness. Its called THE MOTHUFUCKIN BIBLE MOTHUFUCKA!! haha BLING BLING yall thats what I am talking about. Just Kiddding peopel/ But what I want to say is that I WAS feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, much like atlas, yesterday. I was walking down 6th avenue in NYC and thinking things had reached a low state of affairs. DONo "Y" just thats the way it was:(
So thats when I made the RITE decision. I went into a Bookcellar. and I spent a good amount of thyme looking and looking and looking for a booking booking booking. then I found a couple and I spent a good 30 buckarooskis for em. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING YALL? THATS WHAT I AM SAYIN. and then I got home and I actually made the food for myself and then I got myself sucked up into """BOOK UNIVERSE""". and guess what folx? it cured my depressional state.
Partially what my book said was that BLOGGING IS AN ESSENTIAL X_PRESSION of democracy. And I was like WoRD Book> thats what I am saying. I mean voting is cool and all (even when it doesn't work the rite way - - - ) but I want to participate in this mof**kn democracy everyday byatCH. it also touches on some copyright issues that those of you who know my projex know that I am concerned with > Whana know what book it is ???????????
So thats when I made the RITE decision. I went into a Bookcellar. and I spent a good amount of thyme looking and looking and looking for a booking booking booking. then I found a couple and I spent a good 30 buckarooskis for em. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING YALL? THATS WHAT I AM SAYIN. and then I got home and I actually made the food for myself and then I got myself sucked up into """BOOK UNIVERSE""". and guess what folx? it cured my depressional state.
Partially what my book said was that BLOGGING IS AN ESSENTIAL X_PRESSION of democracy. And I was like WoRD Book> thats what I am saying. I mean voting is cool and all (even when it doesn't work the rite way - - - ) but I want to participate in this mof**kn democracy everyday byatCH. it also touches on some copyright issues that those of you who know my projex know that I am concerned with > Whana know what book it is ???????????
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
phone home punk
SHOUT OUT to whoever stole my phone!!!- PSYCHE!! actually, not, more like DISS-OUT. :(
I left my phone on the BUS the other day and I can't believe noone gave it back. First of all let me say my phone was BASIC in style - not worth big $$$ - no camera just the regular phone of a hardworking blogger.
I was so THOUGHTFUL about how to get it back I can't 'believe it didn't work:(1) I sent a SMS text and I was like "call here if you FIND THIS" . Even if a complete idiot picked it up he or she could FIND ME.
(2) Then I went to the bus stop and waited for the same driver to go by in case she had it. I stopped every non-HWP SWF (this was the best desccription I could remember) driver and asked if she got my phone............................................ALAS NO :(
the happy ending is a got a DOPE NU PHONE! _ Call me UP!!if you got the digits:)
I left my phone on the BUS the other day and I can't believe noone gave it back. First of all let me say my phone was BASIC in style - not worth big $$$ - no camera just the regular phone of a hardworking blogger.
I was so THOUGHTFUL about how to get it back I can't 'believe it didn't work:(1) I sent a SMS text and I was like "call here if you FIND THIS" . Even if a complete idiot picked it up he or she could FIND ME.
(2) Then I went to the bus stop and waited for the same driver to go by in case she had it. I stopped every non-HWP SWF (this was the best desccription I could remember) driver and asked if she got my phone............................................ALAS NO :(
the happy ending is a got a DOPE NU PHONE! _ Call me UP!!if you got the digits:)
Monday, March 28, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
HOLY SHniTZEL on A panCAKe :: The weather sux it BG time
I was just out there "In the Elementz" and I can tell you- Boy howdy, it is crazzzy sucky. Its like someone told me today. winter is trying to take its last strike at HuMAnity, much like in the movie ""the empire Strixe back" tonite is ending with an ambigous ending, like it seems that the bad weather guys kind of WON THE WAR 2nite. I was walking down my street, which is kind of sheltered from the elements, and when I turned the corner onto Broadway, the wide street that leads to the sea, I swear to everything that is holy that I almost got clear knocked over. 4 one thing my UMbrella got flipped inside out, and my hat it almost went a-flyin. People say that chigaGO is the windy city, but I have never stpped into a wind tunnel like the one I did 2day. Good thing I was wieghed down by all that free Peeeetzzza. The other thing that helps me not get blown away by the wind is that I stopped smoking "like a chimney". and now I got some solid healthy attitude.
I am just looking back at my post and I realized that I left out the most imortant Detail. It wasn't Rain NOR snow. It Twas a WINTRY miZNIX
I am just looking back at my post and I realized that I left out the most imortant Detail. It wasn't Rain NOR snow. It Twas a WINTRY miZNIX
the writing is on the waLL
################( something nuts just happened, I think my computer just had a BRAINFART and made up a posting of comepletely random letters - C BELO0)##############
what does it all mean?? - well alot of strange stuff has been happeneing like for example yesterday I tried 2 POST but it disapppeared??? COULD BE HACKERS OUT 4 the Big $$$'S
---------heres what I wanted 2 say before---------
"the writing is on the wall" refers to some THOUGHTS on a trip I just took to THE CITY OF ANGELS...i spent some QT with some exciting fellow blogers - one blood relative and one close associate.
the thoughts all come back to my new years resolutions/predictions.
THOUGHT 1:::): thought i'd let U know that we established our first brik,s & mortar location on VENCIE BEACH - just check out the link on the subtitle of the page - TRUTH - ...people can now experience the truth outside of the COMPUTER realm
THOUGHT 2: remember how I said poeple would steal our lingo? well guess what they tried to steal my identity and market it as a NEW TV SHOW. I think I don;t even care becasue it only inhances the mystery. pretty much noone can say who the real KOJAK is - I might be BLACK, WHITE, PACIFIC ISLANDER or anyting else or I might transend all of these categories ALLTOGETHER!!! (<- the truth)
what does it all mean?? - well alot of strange stuff has been happeneing like for example yesterday I tried 2 POST but it disapppeared??? COULD BE HACKERS OUT 4 the Big $$$'S
---------heres what I wanted 2 say before---------
"the writing is on the wall" refers to some THOUGHTS on a trip I just took to THE CITY OF ANGELS...i spent some QT with some exciting fellow blogers - one blood relative and one close associate.
the thoughts all come back to my new years resolutions/predictions.
THOUGHT 1:::): thought i'd let U know that we established our first brik,s & mortar location on VENCIE BEACH - just check out the link on the subtitle of the page - TRUTH - ...people can now experience the truth outside of the COMPUTER realm
THOUGHT 2: remember how I said poeple would steal our lingo? well guess what they tried to steal my identity and market it as a NEW TV SHOW. I think I don;t even care becasue it only inhances the mystery. pretty much noone can say who the real KOJAK is - I might be BLACK, WHITE, PACIFIC ISLANDER or anyting else or I might transend all of these categories ALLTOGETHER!!! (<- the truth)
M,O9 u9-85jkvnvxcmlf'l;'hJSKJ;AUFIEDJNKL
HJAF5685194L847K863798178787456456FD GD
8DF48DF48 44545 46
M,O9 u9-85jkvnvxcmlf'l;'hJSKJ;AUFIEDJNKL
HJAF5685194L847K863798178787456456FD GD
8DF48DF48 44545 46
Sunday, March 20, 2005
yesterday I went through a CRUCIAL (non-mathematical) TRANSFORMATION. if you guys saw me on the street today, you'd walk/bike RIGHT PAST ME without a second thought. in fact, one of my friends totally walked RIGHT PAST ME last night at a club and didn't notice until they accidentally turned and looked straight at me. going iNCOGNITO is all-important when you are a member of such an elite group of Talented Genius individualssssssss
...and not to mention now that the WORLD KNOWS this empire is worth mounds of cash
by the way, click here
...and not to mention now that the WORLD KNOWS this empire is worth mounds of cash
by the way, click here
Friday, March 18, 2005
Stallion of transportation UNsheathed
you have to scroll down the list of most profitable blogs. Uh is this on the reeeel
or wut??
Its that time of year again. time for all of those punk ass cabs to watch themselves b4 I RUN THERE SLOW ASSES OVER WITH MY KILLING DESTROYER bike. I am waiting for a summer thunderstorm of love in my heart so can just sit back and collect the rent checks. I am going to ride My bike ET style over the EAST river
you have to scroll down the list of most profitable blogs. Uh is this on the reeeel
or wut??
Its that time of year again. time for all of those punk ass cabs to watch themselves b4 I RUN THERE SLOW ASSES OVER WITH MY KILLING DESTROYER bike. I am waiting for a summer thunderstorm of love in my heart so can just sit back and collect the rent checks. I am going to ride My bike ET style over the EAST river
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Tape Dex broken I got the BOOM box
Now that everyone got their "Rocks OFF" by telling HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE secrets I am giong to continue with some reall down and dirty DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY SOUTH blogging. But I won't stray to far from the subject. I want to recall a moment. A moment from MY PAST:":":":":"":":":":::":":":":":"{}{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{_+_+_+_+_+_+_(E)R)E(R)E(
now I am giong to write with Extreme IPUgNITY about an event. There was this guy that was a boss dude and He ALWAYS pretended taht he didn't know nuting about technology and when I had to do web stuff for the co. (HTML = see! :() ) he would come up behind me and he would ask if it was possible to add a HYPER LINK to the page. Like as if I was using some sort of Xtreme methods. Then he would ask if me if 'we can 'make this digital'. He loved to use catch frazes like Mp3, Mac, Itunes, u2, and other stuff he thought was cool. He would be like ' so is this giong to be accessible by everyone on the world wide web?" DUH. WatCH OUT FOR A TRICKNOLOGY REVOLUTION OLD MAN YOU MITE GET RUNNED OVER BY THE STEAM TRAIN OF PROGRESSSSZX! the thing was - i know this guy is smarter than this and he just pretended to be dumb, so he wouldn't have to do any work. Thats how u know its a bad industry when KNOWLEDGE IS A LIABILITY
now I am giong to write with Extreme IPUgNITY about an event. There was this guy that was a boss dude and He ALWAYS pretended taht he didn't know nuting about technology and when I had to do web stuff for the co. (HTML = see! :() ) he would come up behind me and he would ask if it was possible to add a HYPER LINK to the page. Like as if I was using some sort of Xtreme methods. Then he would ask if me if 'we can 'make this digital'. He loved to use catch frazes like Mp3, Mac, Itunes, u2, and other stuff he thought was cool. He would be like ' so is this giong to be accessible by everyone on the world wide web?" DUH. WatCH OUT FOR A TRICKNOLOGY REVOLUTION OLD MAN YOU MITE GET RUNNED OVER BY THE STEAM TRAIN OF PROGRESSSSZX! the thing was - i know this guy is smarter than this and he just pretended to be dumb, so he wouldn't have to do any work. Thats how u know its a bad industry when KNOWLEDGE IS A LIABILITY
Monday, March 14, 2005
how do you like THEM Apples?
check out what the easter bunny left us...a new banner complete with UPC code!
p.s. - kojak, try this:
< li > text < /li>
p.s. - kojak, try this:
< li > text < /li>
Sunday, March 13, 2005
i no how 2
link - stibby sternch learned me. Also choo choo helped out A LOT!!!
we're all hanging out at this CAFE - earlier they played a soundtrak from AMELIE that's about the best link of I can think of right now . if u think its cheesy tehn YOU SUK
we're all hanging out at this CAFE - earlier they played a soundtrak from AMELIE that's about the best link of I can think of right now . if u think its cheesy tehn YOU SUK
Thursday, March 10, 2005
THE A+GAME. Kids, the smartest people
hi guys. As you can see RSBF has reached the NEXT LEVELES of tek nowledgYYYY!!!

So I just wanted to tell you all that I have been hangin with some 3rd and 4th granders and they are pretty cool. So I would choose kids over adults. SOme of the cool things they do is like this. Like yesterday, I was playing this little kid in a game where you have to remember where similar downward facing cards are, and choose the same ones to win. HE STRAIGHT UP wasted me. I was really trying hard too. and he was killing me like 3 to zero. All the kids have way better memory than adults. Other cool things they do is call me cool names like they call me "shaggy" and "the funny teacher". They are like "THAT GUY IS SHAGGY" and i thought it was cool, becuz I thought it was like they thought I was shaggy that rasta-rap guy. But then it turns out they think i am like Shaggy from scooby-doo. ((((WHICH IS NOT WHAT I AM REALLY LIKE)))) i have much better posture. The other thing is that, since I am only there for a few days, I can break all the rules to get the kids to be friends with me. SO they say "can I have another cookie?" and I am like "go for it kid, stuff your face!"
So I just wanted to tell you all that I have been hangin with some 3rd and 4th granders and they are pretty cool. So I would choose kids over adults. SOme of the cool things they do is like this. Like yesterday, I was playing this little kid in a game where you have to remember where similar downward facing cards are, and choose the same ones to win. HE STRAIGHT UP wasted me. I was really trying hard too. and he was killing me like 3 to zero. All the kids have way better memory than adults. Other cool things they do is call me cool names like they call me "shaggy" and "the funny teacher". They are like "THAT GUY IS SHAGGY" and i thought it was cool, becuz I thought it was like they thought I was shaggy that rasta-rap guy. But then it turns out they think i am like Shaggy from scooby-doo. ((((WHICH IS NOT WHAT I AM REALLY LIKE)))) i have much better posture. The other thing is that, since I am only there for a few days, I can break all the rules to get the kids to be friends with me. SO they say "can I have another cookie?" and I am like "go for it kid, stuff your face!"
Monday, March 07, 2005
main character FROM ZELDA BYATCH
Saturday, March 05, 2005
'TOC is switching coasts...permanently??
the rUMORS are true: I have temporarily SWITCHED coasts to eXspend some QUALITY TIME with kojaK, cermaK, and LICks. for approximately forty HOURS, licks and I have been putting soundz into a sound-acceptor, deVOURing FOODSTUFFS, and partaking in SCHEDULED SHUTEYE. but fear not, time has been made for WHIMSY as well. kojak showed me the wonders of FORM AND FUNCTION architecture and revealed to me two of his ultra-secret eating haunts. a couple evenings ago I did get to sing in pubLIC with LICks and crew. a GOOD NUMBER of peeps were present to WITNESS the awesome rock as well as my Rapid Rate of Intoxication.
there were also COVERT ACTIVITIESSSS that I cannot disclose here, but trust me when I say that a PERMANENT COASTAL SWITCH may be in the works. since I could not fit ROCKY in my suitcase on this trip, I plan on revisiting when his MASTER PLAN UNRAVELS and RSBF TAKES THE SEATOWN BY STORMMMMM!!!!
p.s. - cermak says: "holy f$*&@#* @@ chek it" there is another blog that has copied the RSBFart pepto bismol layout(versions 1&2). watch out, b/c the two of us are taking off WITHIN THE HOUR to HUNT them down in a neighborhood that has FRilly stores and FRatty barssss
there were also COVERT ACTIVITIESSSS that I cannot disclose here, but trust me when I say that a PERMANENT COASTAL SWITCH may be in the works. since I could not fit ROCKY in my suitcase on this trip, I plan on revisiting when his MASTER PLAN UNRAVELS and RSBF TAKES THE SEATOWN BY STORMMMMM!!!!
p.s. - cermak says: "holy f$*&@#* @@ chek it" there is another blog that has copied the RSBFart pepto bismol layout(versions 1&2). watch out, b/c the two of us are taking off WITHIN THE HOUR to HUNT them down in a neighborhood that has FRilly stores and FRatty barssss
Friday, March 04, 2005
YOur'e not THE BOSS of me
Good title right?
if you are wondering what it means, let me break it down for you
You involves YOU - the reader -
'Not' involves A NEGATIVE UH OH
THE BOSS means = bruce springsteen
And one final note for the scholars out there who COULD ROCK ANOTHER ACADEMIC LEVELS TO THIS ALLREADY COMPLEX TITLE. A note on parlance: This is how a little kid talks.
basically its like this> I was supposed to be in a color correct session with Bruce Springsteen the other day and I was like WOAH LIKE WOW. and then He COULDN"T (negative) make it. And then today I was helping the KIDZ (ie THE CHILDREN) with their homework.
My only message other than the X-Tended title, is that I too plan to visit the WEST COAST OF SEATOWN. And bring the INSANEST PLANNING EVENT OF LIFE WITH ME
if you are wondering what it means, let me break it down for you
You involves YOU - the reader -
'Not' involves A NEGATIVE UH OH
THE BOSS means = bruce springsteen
And one final note for the scholars out there who COULD ROCK ANOTHER ACADEMIC LEVELS TO THIS ALLREADY COMPLEX TITLE. A note on parlance: This is how a little kid talks.
basically its like this> I was supposed to be in a color correct session with Bruce Springsteen the other day and I was like WOAH LIKE WOW. and then He COULDN"T (negative) make it. And then today I was helping the KIDZ (ie THE CHILDREN) with their homework.
My only message other than the X-Tended title, is that I too plan to visit the WEST COAST OF SEATOWN. And bring the INSANEST PLANNING EVENT OF LIFE WITH ME
Thursday, March 03, 2005
hangin with 'TOC
another BRinks'n mortar update for those of you keeping score at home. ONe of the RSBF crew members has temporarily swithed coasts and we're hanging out in the west.
Yet another update: remember when I said Punxatawny phil the groundhog didn't apply to the west? HE knows his immideate environment really well like PA, NY, OH and other states but I really didn;t think he could say much about the complete other side of the continent. TURNS OUT, I was right because I feel winter is SO OVER - like it has been since 2/2 - AKA my birthday...
Well, rumor has it 'TOC might sing some songs tonight...that would really B A BLAST &^$#%&$#&^$% - hope its true.
Yet another update: remember when I said Punxatawny phil the groundhog didn't apply to the west? HE knows his immideate environment really well like PA, NY, OH and other states but I really didn;t think he could say much about the complete other side of the continent. TURNS OUT, I was right because I feel winter is SO OVER - like it has been since 2/2 - AKA my birthday...
Well, rumor has it 'TOC might sing some songs tonight...that would really B A BLAST &^$#%&$#&^$% - hope its true.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Today I would like to say the moral of the story 1st: the moral is: sometimes YOU CAN FIND SOME REAL HIDDEN TREASUREZ
A few observations from my FUN FUN trip to the unemployment office.
1. I was sitting in a real public style classroom to watch a powerpoint presentation about the resources you can get. It was cool. They use 3D letters and different colors like red and yellow ::ACHTUNG:: mostly to emphasize conjunctions AND and prepostions FOR. So I was asked to complete a little peice of paper where I had to chek off my skilz. OF COURSE THEY WERE ALL COMPUTER SKILLS. I checked about 3 skills (Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, and Photoshop) I also said that "Internet Blogging" was one of my job skills. Just kidding NOT. Anyway, so while I was perusing the other possible skills just to see what kind of thing real people do I saw one that caught mien eye. It was "Vegetable, Fry, Sauce" under the food department. I thought to myself GOD IF I COULD ONLY MASTER that skill. THere were other skills - for example FORTRAN (does that even exist anymore?) and also how to operate all kinds of insane industrial machinery that I had never EVER heard of - we are talking like 50X more complex than a bulldozer - PS i also said I could drive a bulldozer so I might get a job bulldozing some ish.
2. on the way home i took the train the RONG way and I was on this plaform and I saw this kid trying to tie her boots and apparently she was doing it wrong cuz the man she was with kept saying over and over again 'they ain't BUILT' like that. THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT 'they AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT" I swear he said it 20 times while I was standing there - each time AS EMPHATICALLY as the first time THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT. and then his wife would mumble something that I couldn't hear and then he would say it again: ITS LIKE I'M SAYING/ I saying though THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT.
3. There was this Indian couple on the train in an argument that I couldn't understand / but I think I can safely say I could understand who was winning the argumnet. Whenever the guy started to win she would open the 1st page of the NEW YORK POST and then she would open the 2nd page and go back and forth. Then she would close it and say something and do it over and over again when he started talking. She was so obviously NOt reading Bcuz She was engrossed in the argument. And then I think she saw me and she folded it up BCUZ SHE KNEW WHAT I WUZ UP TO YALLLLLLLL
A few observations from my FUN FUN trip to the unemployment office.
1. I was sitting in a real public style classroom to watch a powerpoint presentation about the resources you can get. It was cool. They use 3D letters and different colors like red and yellow ::ACHTUNG:: mostly to emphasize conjunctions AND and prepostions FOR. So I was asked to complete a little peice of paper where I had to chek off my skilz. OF COURSE THEY WERE ALL COMPUTER SKILLS. I checked about 3 skills (Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, and Photoshop) I also said that "Internet Blogging" was one of my job skills. Just kidding NOT. Anyway, so while I was perusing the other possible skills just to see what kind of thing real people do I saw one that caught mien eye. It was "Vegetable, Fry, Sauce" under the food department. I thought to myself GOD IF I COULD ONLY MASTER that skill. THere were other skills - for example FORTRAN (does that even exist anymore?) and also how to operate all kinds of insane industrial machinery that I had never EVER heard of - we are talking like 50X more complex than a bulldozer - PS i also said I could drive a bulldozer so I might get a job bulldozing some ish.
2. on the way home i took the train the RONG way and I was on this plaform and I saw this kid trying to tie her boots and apparently she was doing it wrong cuz the man she was with kept saying over and over again 'they ain't BUILT' like that. THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT 'they AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT" I swear he said it 20 times while I was standing there - each time AS EMPHATICALLY as the first time THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT. and then his wife would mumble something that I couldn't hear and then he would say it again: ITS LIKE I'M SAYING/ I saying though THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT.
3. There was this Indian couple on the train in an argument that I couldn't understand / but I think I can safely say I could understand who was winning the argumnet. Whenever the guy started to win she would open the 1st page of the NEW YORK POST and then she would open the 2nd page and go back and forth. Then she would close it and say something and do it over and over again when he started talking. She was so obviously NOt reading Bcuz She was engrossed in the argument. And then I think she saw me and she folded it up BCUZ SHE KNEW WHAT I WUZ UP TO YALLLLLLLL
Thursday, February 24, 2005
More Island Knowledge learned every day I live I HEART I LAND
A friend of mine gained a bit more knowledge of islands yesterday. He told me that he emailed that guy who dropped science on islands and learned a useful factoid 4 everyday living. FACT: Australia is not an island.ONE of the MAIN reasons is that "the inhabitants don't agree with each other about it being real island". Its just a lesson about you can NEVER DISCOUNT THE PUBLICS OPINION AND THE MASSIVE. My personal motto: is "NO MAN IS AN ISLAND" except ME. I and Island know. Try to reach me! You'll need a boat or maybe A JUNKETTE. do I have Tectonic independence from other continents NO NO NO NO. So I am a ROCK(Y) I am an IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISLAND
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
all about I-Lands
for those of U who know me well don't you agree that its amazing I haven,t blogged more about GEOGRAPHY????
All thats about to change due 2 a RAd link sent along to me courtesy of cermak. Its basically all about islands and also a little bit about some things that people thought were islands but in fact are not.
HEy all U EASTCOAST a-holes, What do you think has more people Long Island (aka STRONG ISLAND) or manhattan??
.....() OK well how about HONG KONG?
alternativelly what do you think is the most DESERTED ISLAND IN THE WORLD?
MOst surpising 2 me: have you ever heard of a TRIPLE ISLAND??? I want to go to one. ITS an island in a lake on an island in a lake on a island in the OCEAN!!!
what if one of the islands was a TURTLE??? ha ha ha ;) ( in fact its NOT)
anyhoo check out the site and know 1 more piece of TRUTH:
kojak (can someone teach me a palm tree on a tropical island emoticon please!)
All thats about to change due 2 a RAd link sent along to me courtesy of cermak. Its basically all about islands and also a little bit about some things that people thought were islands but in fact are not.
HEy all U EASTCOAST a-holes, What do you think has more people Long Island (aka STRONG ISLAND) or manhattan??
.....() OK well how about HONG KONG?
alternativelly what do you think is the most DESERTED ISLAND IN THE WORLD?
MOst surpising 2 me: have you ever heard of a TRIPLE ISLAND??? I want to go to one. ITS an island in a lake on an island in a lake on a island in the OCEAN!!!
what if one of the islands was a TURTLE??? ha ha ha ;) ( in fact its NOT)
anyhoo check out the site and know 1 more piece of TRUTH:
kojak (can someone teach me a palm tree on a tropical island emoticon please!)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
THis Headache is givin me a BIG HEADACHE
I can't stand havin a damn headache. Even the slightest headache really gits under my skin SO 2 SPEAK. If I had migraines, or, conversely, if I was a Migraine sufferer, I WOULD DIE. The other thing is that I can not stand to take "TYLENOL" or ADVIL" or other fake-ass drugz. I don't play around with The big drug Companies and their DEVIOUS STRATEGIES. They say, sure we will fix your headache in x-change for YOUR SOUL> ha ah ahaha aha ahHAHAHAH HA HA :(----- One other thing on the subject of some Jacked up drug store merchandise: If you are a guy, I got a question 4u: did you ever try OLDSPICE? If you haven't DO NOT and if you did you know how much IT SUX. I put some on the other day ( i really loaded it on, bcuz i was so happy to have a new flavor of deodorant) and then i threw my jacket on and set off to the train. A few steps out the door I noticed a scratching pheomenon under my arms. THEY ITCHED LIKE KUH RAZY! for a while. so I can stand that 4 a while BUT then i got back and took off my jacket. I noticed some weird smell in the house- like some crzy wacky potpourri stench. I was asking Mr. roomate - YO what the hell did you do to this place - it stinks like a MoF*kn rose in here. And then i had a horrible horrible horrible realization. It was I who stank like a rose, I smelt like an old woman. CHUKE MY BRAINS OUT. I think its a known fact that old spice, despite its masculine name (like it was some freaking spice on a damn pirate ship - some cool scent that someone got out of some old skool wooden barrel) it is the WORST deodorant you can buy on the market Do NOT F*K around with this substance 4 your own good
ROCKY "Consumer Reports" Dynamic
ROCKY "Consumer Reports" Dynamic
Friday, February 18, 2005
feelin good................
Solve this logical, PRECISE eqaution and know what's up:
(nice WEATHEr - (not sick anymore AT ALL!!( =0 ))^(TGIF - urkel) =?????
(nice WEATHEr - (not sick anymore AT ALL!!( =0 ))^(TGIF - urkel) =?????
Thursday, February 17, 2005
work ethics
so i am sitting here in my workstudy job and i have to go to the mail room which i am a little tipsy bout bcuz thers a guy who works there who i gave a valentine to. and he said he'd call bu'ts been two days n he hasn't. but so i learned on the show sex in the city that if a guy doesnt immediatly jump on the opp. to hang with you then he is "just not that into you". well who knows. plus i decided that astrology is not that good cuz it has bgiven me reasons to doubt myself of which i need no more --- HEAR ME STARS!!!! --.
so i guess i will just have to go through it and let any uncertainty disolve itself in the Pas ss AGE OF time. i'll let y'all know
i KEEP SAYing sita-P, you are smarter tthan all of this. but i have determined that we can only be smart some of the time and the rest of the time our clothes may have to be mismatched for fear of over-zealous matching.
S. pants
so i guess i will just have to go through it and let any uncertainty disolve itself in the Pas ss AGE OF time. i'll let y'all know
i KEEP SAYing sita-P, you are smarter tthan all of this. but i have determined that we can only be smart some of the time and the rest of the time our clothes may have to be mismatched for fear of over-zealous matching.
S. pants
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
I've said it before and I will say it again
My new fave thing to talk about is how I fell down the stairs the other nite. Many of you who know me in REaL life know that I love to mention this, and now to the online world on must know:
I'VE SAID IF B4 AND I WILL MOST DEFINTELY SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN - I JUST CAN'T BELEIVE HOW I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS THE OTHER NITE. See I was just booking it down 5 flites of marble stairs (that someone had spilt beer on) after a good solid 4 hours of drinking and SoMEHOW i managed to slip. I slammed 1. My right elbow, 2. My left elbow, 3. my knee, 4, My ass, 5. my ankle GOT SWOLLED UP. This dude saw me "take the spill". so I just popped up right away (to avoid xtra embarrasments)
Let me tell you folx. I am paying for that folly with some slight discomforts 2 this DAY. Like my ass, IT STILL HURTS 2 SIT ON. So i have decided a solution. Fat implants on the BUTTTTTTTTTTT, I would have bounced down to the bottom landing like a happy little cloud )()(0000)9
I'VE SAID IF B4 AND I WILL MOST DEFINTELY SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN - I JUST CAN'T BELEIVE HOW I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS THE OTHER NITE. See I was just booking it down 5 flites of marble stairs (that someone had spilt beer on) after a good solid 4 hours of drinking and SoMEHOW i managed to slip. I slammed 1. My right elbow, 2. My left elbow, 3. my knee, 4, My ass, 5. my ankle GOT SWOLLED UP. This dude saw me "take the spill". so I just popped up right away (to avoid xtra embarrasments)
Let me tell you folx. I am paying for that folly with some slight discomforts 2 this DAY. Like my ass, IT STILL HURTS 2 SIT ON. So i have decided a solution. Fat implants on the BUTTTTTTTTTTT, I would have bounced down to the bottom landing like a happy little cloud )()(0000)9
Monday, February 14, 2005
Superpower UPDATE
Now that the weekend is over, its time to tell stories, and TEL STORIES I SHAL.
1st on the agenda today: I took part in a very important rectangular table discussion about superpowers. (i.e. flying vs invisibility) NOW some people were say8ing that if you want to fly you are a
and if you want to be invisible you are an
I am not sure that is 100% gods honest truth, but it IS an interesting view point to have> at any rate, lets get bak to the debate about superpowers. This is my take on it. I would have to say that, for Me ROCKY, its important to include BREATING UNDERWATER to the former superpowers. For me, its important to have that choice. Cuz its really somedthing i always wanted. So what does that make me on the good------evil specitrum.
HOW about>>>>>>>a Scientist!! with no moral affiliations???OK!!
1st on the agenda today: I took part in a very important rectangular table discussion about superpowers. (i.e. flying vs invisibility) NOW some people were say8ing that if you want to fly you are a
and if you want to be invisible you are an
I am not sure that is 100% gods honest truth, but it IS an interesting view point to have> at any rate, lets get bak to the debate about superpowers. This is my take on it. I would have to say that, for Me ROCKY, its important to include BREATING UNDERWATER to the former superpowers. For me, its important to have that choice. Cuz its really somedthing i always wanted. So what does that make me on the good------evil specitrum.
HOW about>>>>>>>a Scientist!! with no moral affiliations???OK!!
Friday, February 11, 2005
""mind the munchkins""
I was just walking across the univeristy campus where I work and that phrase ("title") just popped in to my head. KNOW Y??? : I saw a bunch of little kids possibly FIELD-TRIPPED_out waking along led by some BIG PEOPLE (what a lot of kids call adults). It was nice and sunny out and I thought how nice kind of like a chocolate factory tour AKA oompa-loompas. Then I thoght about BRITISH people and how they sometimes say: "mind the gap" whatever the hell that means.
This was a lot better than something I encountered the other day that reminded me of a saying that all kids know: "COPS SUK." Some of my fellow citizens were given a JAYWALKing warning. HOW LAME ---- "whatever cop!" I might say since some of you know one of aliases is J-WOK.
In anycase, I'm now reminded of a really profound saying that goes; "don;t mind the mind"...........
This was a lot better than something I encountered the other day that reminded me of a saying that all kids know: "COPS SUK." Some of my fellow citizens were given a JAYWALKing warning. HOW LAME ---- "whatever cop!" I might say since some of you know one of aliases is J-WOK.
In anycase, I'm now reminded of a really profound saying that goes; "don;t mind the mind"...........
and this video game still exists. And I Stil Play It. DO U BEELEEVE ME?? doesn't matter if you don't cuz i am true to this.
The game= "Falling Numbers". and its on my phone. Its really just the thing to pass the time away when you wait for a train or have to sit around without a book or without any interesting people
This is what happens in the game. you select the name: Falling numbers, and then it says on the screen FALLING NUMBERS. you brace yourself for EXTREME EXCITEMENT and pretty soon: guess what: THE NUMBERS THEY ARE A FALLIN. and you better start to pressin the correspondin numbers on the 'touch pad' to advance. Woooeee talk about mind blowin excitement. If you are skilled enough to reach level 2 you will notice that those numbers are fallin faster and more plentiful, raising the stakes in score and in danger. If you are that commonly unlucky person that misses a number before it hits the ground you get a little explosion. it looks like this: -*- except not as comlex graphically. If you are playing on MY PHOne - you probably won't get a hi score cuz I RULE SO HARD AT THE GAME allready. but if you were too get a hi score you may enter 3 letters (initials?)
The game= "Falling Numbers". and its on my phone. Its really just the thing to pass the time away when you wait for a train or have to sit around without a book or without any interesting people
This is what happens in the game. you select the name: Falling numbers, and then it says on the screen FALLING NUMBERS. you brace yourself for EXTREME EXCITEMENT and pretty soon: guess what: THE NUMBERS THEY ARE A FALLIN. and you better start to pressin the correspondin numbers on the 'touch pad' to advance. Woooeee talk about mind blowin excitement. If you are skilled enough to reach level 2 you will notice that those numbers are fallin faster and more plentiful, raising the stakes in score and in danger. If you are that commonly unlucky person that misses a number before it hits the ground you get a little explosion. it looks like this: -*- except not as comlex graphically. If you are playing on MY PHOne - you probably won't get a hi score cuz I RULE SO HARD AT THE GAME allready. but if you were too get a hi score you may enter 3 letters (initials?)
Thursday, February 10, 2005
the end of the night, a FEW WORDS
High friends.
today seemed to be a pretty positive day. I just got home and figured it would be a good idea to write to rsbf in after vistiing the BBBBAr. My wonderance tonite of most relavance is henceforth: did i eat enuf food for the stomach? Hmmm grummmble, frummble. Tonite i went to a going away party. When I go away, this is my thought - i am not going to have a going away party, I am going to have a few minor parties or just seeing peoples several daz B4 i got away. I dono. Its a lot of pressure. It seems to be warm enuf to ride a bike for a minute. I certainly will not wait until the bontiful beautiful spring to brave the streets and challenge the cars for supremacy
If David Stroganoff reads this anymore, this may be of interest to him. I just wanted to say: my favorite month of the year would really have to be Bristallister. Its great, the cold weather breaks, the sun peaks its head out, and there is free bubble gun and whole wheat bread passed out on the street everyday. I LOVE THAT SEASON
today seemed to be a pretty positive day. I just got home and figured it would be a good idea to write to rsbf in after vistiing the BBBBAr. My wonderance tonite of most relavance is henceforth: did i eat enuf food for the stomach? Hmmm grummmble, frummble. Tonite i went to a going away party. When I go away, this is my thought - i am not going to have a going away party, I am going to have a few minor parties or just seeing peoples several daz B4 i got away. I dono. Its a lot of pressure. It seems to be warm enuf to ride a bike for a minute. I certainly will not wait until the bontiful beautiful spring to brave the streets and challenge the cars for supremacy
If David Stroganoff reads this anymore, this may be of interest to him. I just wanted to say: my favorite month of the year would really have to be Bristallister. Its great, the cold weather breaks, the sun peaks its head out, and there is free bubble gun and whole wheat bread passed out on the street everyday. I LOVE THAT SEASON
Monday, February 07, 2005
the food was meant to kiLL us
rocky and I visited a POPULAR PAN-ASIAN food establishment on this FINE SUNNY afternoon. we both ordered the SAME PAN-ASIAN MENU ITEM, a chicken and noodle dish which arrived on IDENTICAL plates. throughout the course of the meal, I noticed mr. rOCKy TWITCHING and SHUDDERING upon eating CERTAIN PIECES of "chicken." I myself experienced EXTREME SALTINESS with my plate, and reacted accordingly. I looked around the restaurant to notice that EVERYONE ELSE was going about their business, enjoying untainted meals. in a word: SKETCHY.
I have REASON to believe that this POPULAR PAN-ASIAN restaurant is a front for anti-RSBF ACTIVITY, and they TRIED TO kiLL two members of our nationwide clan today. I will be sending some muscle over there to "TAKE CARE" of this threat ASAP.
I have REASON to believe that this POPULAR PAN-ASIAN restaurant is a front for anti-RSBF ACTIVITY, and they TRIED TO kiLL two members of our nationwide clan today. I will be sending some muscle over there to "TAKE CARE" of this threat ASAP.
Friday, February 04, 2005
secret postinG
. i am at this place, and everyone is watching a horrible student film. I was going to say something OH YEA. about how a book can be a companion. like yesterday
I had many appoinmetns and my book accompanied me to all of them. SO this is the idea: the peoples and places were disaparate, but they were strung together in with this story that i kept reading on the train. The real message: a book can be your friend. Your best friend
I had many appoinmetns and my book accompanied me to all of them. SO this is the idea: the peoples and places were disaparate, but they were strung together in with this story that i kept reading on the train. The real message: a book can be your friend. Your best friend
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Xbox'ED out of the PLACE
everyone THNX much for keeping the FLow's UP with the blogs. ITs good to C ROCKU back in form and was that just LOGAN on the last 1??
If U haven;t heard form me in a while maybe that's because it was my BIRTHDAY.. you may have noted that PUNXATAWNY FILL saw his shadow but I don;t think that applies to the WEST COAST... guess what this blog is let me tell you a thing or 2 that happened on the wesssside.
1. one thing is my birthday and (2) another is MICROSOFT corporation, probably the most powerful organization in the world B-sides the NAVY SEALS...
they often abuse their privleges and last night they RAINED ON MY PARADE/BOWLING party.
basically the gamers divsion UNPLUGGED themsselves from their XBOXES and tries have fun to took up the WHOLE BOWLING alley.
...˙øˆ˙˙søˆ it was closed and I didn;t get to go there with my friends
instead where we had to go was a BAR and DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES with no xercise at all........TROUBLE.....
kojak(1 more yr older)
If U haven;t heard form me in a while maybe that's because it was my BIRTHDAY.. you may have noted that PUNXATAWNY FILL saw his shadow but I don;t think that applies to the WEST COAST... guess what this blog is let me tell you a thing or 2 that happened on the wesssside.
1. one thing is my birthday and (2) another is MICROSOFT corporation, probably the most powerful organization in the world B-sides the NAVY SEALS...
they often abuse their privleges and last night they RAINED ON MY PARADE/BOWLING party.
basically the gamers divsion UNPLUGGED themsselves from their XBOXES and tries have fun to took up the WHOLE BOWLING alley.
...˙øˆ˙˙søˆ it was closed and I didn;t get to go there with my friends
instead where we had to go was a BAR and DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES with no xercise at all........TROUBLE.....
kojak(1 more yr older)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
eco-cycle my mikel
So see here this
i got this community service placement at a recycleing center, a center which deals with hard to recycle materaials such as computers and cpu's and cellphones. i go there and they take me out to the lot. whabamm, postapocalyptic computer junk yard equipped with master blaster stereo and speaker system playing some high tank, wide spang triplets of belview reminicent WALTZ!-- OR SOMETHING. so i got to toss computers and stack em and launch keyboards and shrink wrap stuff-- all with a great view of some SSNOW caPPed MOuntains. there was even this huge rock star case with wheels and internal faom casings with a huge 4000$ flat screne tv, cracked on the inside screen. fancy that. so that is what i do every tuesday morning. RECYCLEING ROCKS.
i got this community service placement at a recycleing center, a center which deals with hard to recycle materaials such as computers and cpu's and cellphones. i go there and they take me out to the lot. whabamm, postapocalyptic computer junk yard equipped with master blaster stereo and speaker system playing some high tank, wide spang triplets of belview reminicent WALTZ!-- OR SOMETHING. so i got to toss computers and stack em and launch keyboards and shrink wrap stuff-- all with a great view of some SSNOW caPPed MOuntains. there was even this huge rock star case with wheels and internal faom casings with a huge 4000$ flat screne tv, cracked on the inside screen. fancy that. so that is what i do every tuesday morning. RECYCLEING ROCKS.
American Idol CANDIDATE
Look I just got UP AND I have somthing to Complain about. Its my DAMNED downstairs neigbors. This dude and his girl. The guy PLAYS BAD MUSIC EVERY DAY USING AMPLIFIERS. Now let me just tell you: its not the volume of this music (HEY i think everyone has a right to free expression) but the QUALITY of this music that PISSES ME RIGHT OFF>
I TELL YOU IT S_U_X. every damn note is out of tune. I swear this guy doesn't now a low C from a low D (which is what I would give him if I were an EXTREMELY generous music teacher IN GRADE SCHOOL). All of his jams are ""emotional"" like really bad Chiliean u2 rip offs that latch on to one little 3 note sequence and play them over and over and OVER.
WHy I ask: does this M0F0 need to play his Crap music every day WITHOUT FAIL.>? The thing is he is NOT getting better at all. And I think his girl friend is getting fed up with him (you can't blame her now CAN YOU) btw Mr. Roomate heard them in a screaming fight_ no doubt it was in some way instigated by the AWFUL cacauphony of hideous disgusting sound.
You see this is the type of man that I would pay some money to see him evaluated on American Idol. I would SQEAL with GLEE when all of the screwballs told him he had NO TALENT. and that he should GIVE UP HIS DREAM. he wil NEVER MAKE IT
boom. SO shut the hell up!!!! and let me be free of your SO SO SKETCHY "music"
I TELL YOU IT S_U_X. every damn note is out of tune. I swear this guy doesn't now a low C from a low D (which is what I would give him if I were an EXTREMELY generous music teacher IN GRADE SCHOOL). All of his jams are ""emotional"" like really bad Chiliean u2 rip offs that latch on to one little 3 note sequence and play them over and over and OVER.
WHy I ask: does this M0F0 need to play his Crap music every day WITHOUT FAIL.>? The thing is he is NOT getting better at all. And I think his girl friend is getting fed up with him (you can't blame her now CAN YOU) btw Mr. Roomate heard them in a screaming fight_ no doubt it was in some way instigated by the AWFUL cacauphony of hideous disgusting sound.
You see this is the type of man that I would pay some money to see him evaluated on American Idol. I would SQEAL with GLEE when all of the screwballs told him he had NO TALENT. and that he should GIVE UP HIS DREAM. he wil NEVER MAKE IT
boom. SO shut the hell up!!!! and let me be free of your SO SO SKETCHY "music"
Friday, January 28, 2005
Bak IN the USSR???
Let me tell you the freelancing life is so far the one 4 ROCKY. I just heard from MOSCOW and they mite need me there. SO all u that thoughT i was international. YOU were just about rite on that count. I mean I can't guarantee anyonoe that I am going to moscow soon or antying, but hye its a possibility. I love not waking up and the """"CRAK"""""" of dawn everyday. And I love being MY OWN MAN, and NOT THE MANS MAN.
What else? Here is some ideas 4 u.
1. A new website:
a.what you do is you enter your whole database of all the clothes that you own into this NEW PROGRAM i am inventing
b. then this PROGRAM takes a look at the weather and tells you what to wear.
basically this cuts the MIDDLE MAN _ the weather channel__ OUT. cuz thats all i would look at the weather for.
So the computer could also tell you when to do laundry, and it could tell you even WHAT tshirts to wear. like, it could say -
2. I think the freelancer word comes from lancing - like how I just Lanced that problem about what to wear G
What else? Here is some ideas 4 u.
1. A new website:
a.what you do is you enter your whole database of all the clothes that you own into this NEW PROGRAM i am inventing
b. then this PROGRAM takes a look at the weather and tells you what to wear.
basically this cuts the MIDDLE MAN _ the weather channel__ OUT. cuz thats all i would look at the weather for.
So the computer could also tell you when to do laundry, and it could tell you even WHAT tshirts to wear. like, it could say -
2. I think the freelancer word comes from lancing - like how I just Lanced that problem about what to wear G
Thursday, January 27, 2005
fartin along
so as i have been a brn frtin along
i have seen many things
and i have not written bout them
on the blog
la la al la
but i saw amores perros the movie and was thinking if any of you have seen the film if you could come up with a good translation. they translated it as "loves a bitch" but i thought that was not quite right but my knowledge of spanish is not too colloquila. but man did i see some bloody dogs in that movie. WHO AGREEs?
my friend got this bike. it is like a trike. one wheel in the front and two in the back. between the two back wheels is a basket. itys awesome. maybe we should have a bike designing contest. or see who has got the best lowriding stlye with which they can ride thier bike. SAVE that for the REUINION/UNION
sita "back in her pants" pants
i have seen many things
and i have not written bout them
on the blog
la la al la
but i saw amores perros the movie and was thinking if any of you have seen the film if you could come up with a good translation. they translated it as "loves a bitch" but i thought that was not quite right but my knowledge of spanish is not too colloquila. but man did i see some bloody dogs in that movie. WHO AGREEs?
my friend got this bike. it is like a trike. one wheel in the front and two in the back. between the two back wheels is a basket. itys awesome. maybe we should have a bike designing contest. or see who has got the best lowriding stlye with which they can ride thier bike. SAVE that for the REUINION/UNION
sita "back in her pants" pants
Monday, January 24, 2005
Insanest planning Event of life OVER
Last nite required so much preparation and instense thought, that I almost don't know what to say. Me and Mr. Roomate planned THE KRZIEST pingpong tournament of your life. Even in the midst of a BLZRD of snow>> (* I can tell you a life lesson from it though. Shoot, actually i can't, maybe I don't have enough DISTANCE from it yet. One thing that really blew the crowd away was a CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE #. planned out dancing never fails, and ALWAYS wins. Just like cockroaches, never dying, always living.
Friday, January 21, 2005
BACK 2 BASIX with my bricks 'n mortar crew
alright 'CHALL:::
I'd like to get beyond some of the heftier issues and represent some of the MINOR but IMPORTANT truths that make up LIFE for all of us.
sometimes its ALL ABOUT HANGIN OUT, like when you're just chillin with a friend maybe and someone has a BRAINFART and is like :" hey this is random, check this out::::"
take my bricks n' mortar CHUM(P - psyche!! just kidding) "stibby sternch." He came up with a good one about CROSSWALKS. HE WAS SO RIGHT: at a crowded crossing there is always one person who jumps out ahead of the pack - like often right before the WALK sign comes 0n . ====o-<=====
NOTICE that this person always looks smug. When he meets the people who left the other side in the road he (or SHE OF COURSE!!!) is feeling like $1,000,000.00 !!!
I'd like to get beyond some of the heftier issues and represent some of the MINOR but IMPORTANT truths that make up LIFE for all of us.
sometimes its ALL ABOUT HANGIN OUT, like when you're just chillin with a friend maybe and someone has a BRAINFART and is like :" hey this is random, check this out::::"
take my bricks n' mortar CHUM(P - psyche!! just kidding) "stibby sternch." He came up with a good one about CROSSWALKS. HE WAS SO RIGHT: at a crowded crossing there is always one person who jumps out ahead of the pack - like often right before the WALK sign comes 0n . ====o-<=====
NOTICE that this person always looks smug. When he meets the people who left the other side in the road he (or SHE OF COURSE!!!) is feeling like $1,000,000.00 !!!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
dROPPEd into a foreign circle
recently I felt an OBLIGATION TO SUCCUMB to the pleadings of my coworkers and spend an evening in a TRENDY NIGHTCLUB with their circle of dear friends. you know, the kind with $10 drinks. there were a lot of bitter women in our huge party hailing from THE OUTER SKIRTS OF THE CITY, like YONKERS and WESTCHESTER. [most of these OUTER SKIRTS party people could not parallel park for shit.] the aforementioned bitter women had an instant affinity for yours truly, who was quite UN-bitter that night, and mostly DYING OF BOREDOM.
but then, they SAT me in the MIDDLE of their circle and began to tell DRAMATIC TALES of BETRAYAL and general SKETCHINESS. according to them, each of their boyfriends was a CHEATIN' HEART, with naked pictures to prove it. MAY I ADD that at this point there had been many exclamatory "MMM! no he DI'NT!"'s. I listened to STORY AFTER STORY, WINCING with disgust AND sympathy. the only words that I could muster were "that's horrible," and make PUPPY EYES at them. then I pointed them to CERTAIN WEBSITES where they could possibly do something called FIND A NEW APARTMENT AND MOVE THE FUCK AWAY. they promised to check it out.
when the women were done telling their respective tales of why they are angry and bitter, THEY ALL LOOKED AT ME EXPECTANTLY, as if it were my turn to share a story of betrayal. there was an uncomfortably long silence (besides the horrid music the dj was spinning) after which I APOLOGIZED for not having anything comparable to contribute.
lesson of the night: INTOCCABILE WILL NO LONGER BE "CHILLIN," "HANGING OUT," or "DROPPIN IT LIKE IT's HOT" with coworkers and these angry cats they call their dear friends.
* flees from ROCKIO's locusts *
but then, they SAT me in the MIDDLE of their circle and began to tell DRAMATIC TALES of BETRAYAL and general SKETCHINESS. according to them, each of their boyfriends was a CHEATIN' HEART, with naked pictures to prove it. MAY I ADD that at this point there had been many exclamatory "MMM! no he DI'NT!"'s. I listened to STORY AFTER STORY, WINCING with disgust AND sympathy. the only words that I could muster were "that's horrible," and make PUPPY EYES at them. then I pointed them to CERTAIN WEBSITES where they could possibly do something called FIND A NEW APARTMENT AND MOVE THE FUCK AWAY. they promised to check it out.
when the women were done telling their respective tales of why they are angry and bitter, THEY ALL LOOKED AT ME EXPECTANTLY, as if it were my turn to share a story of betrayal. there was an uncomfortably long silence (besides the horrid music the dj was spinning) after which I APOLOGIZED for not having anything comparable to contribute.
lesson of the night: INTOCCABILE WILL NO LONGER BE "CHILLIN," "HANGING OUT," or "DROPPIN IT LIKE IT's HOT" with coworkers and these angry cats they call their dear friends.
* flees from ROCKIO's locusts *
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Time/Rocky ALTERED
A couple things about how time, itself has changed::
I heard that the Earthquake from a december clear knocked the earth OFF ITS ROCKER and it actually sped up the SPEED of the rotation of the earth. So the Days are SHORTER. AND In addition to this I have stopped my boring ass job. Maybe you were wondering why I needed to examine reality. I took a good hard look at it and IT CHANGED B4 my very EYEZ. So now that I am NOT working I noticed this::
The days really "R" shorter.
its allready later than I thought it was. When you don't leave the house til later in the day_
THE shape __(^)_++__---__-_=(><><<< of your day Gets Flip Flopped.
Now if it was nice and warm outside The TIMEScAPE mite still be LongER, but it is BELOW ZERO, and I AM NOT going to risk freezation.
I heard that the Earthquake from a december clear knocked the earth OFF ITS ROCKER and it actually sped up the SPEED of the rotation of the earth. So the Days are SHORTER. AND In addition to this I have stopped my boring ass job. Maybe you were wondering why I needed to examine reality. I took a good hard look at it and IT CHANGED B4 my very EYEZ. So now that I am NOT working I noticed this::
The days really "R" shorter.
its allready later than I thought it was. When you don't leave the house til later in the day_
THE shape __(^)_++__---__-_=(><><<< of your day Gets Flip Flopped.
Now if it was nice and warm outside The TIMEScAPE mite still be LongER, but it is BELOW ZERO, and I AM NOT going to risk freezation.
Monday, January 17, 2005
OK all you INSURGENTS out there . U know I love the comments so alls I;m sayin is like WACK-W: "BRING IT ON".......
this blog is dedicated to STAYIN THE COURSE and being as awesome as ever!!!!!!
1. Guess what ??? 1 of my predictions for '05 has already come TRUE. a certain maker of MP3 players (AKA the apple ipod)) has a new advertisment campaign ALL ABOUT THE WORD ""RANDOM"" . A certian ms. "Cermak" pointed this out to me. watch out 4 it. it's Xactly like I said would happen. and when you see it then come back here and KEEP PAYING ATTENtion.
2, We are likel;y to have more truthful statements in the future.............~~~~~~~~
Well that 's all i;ve got 4 now. I was gonna take MLK day off in honor of a great TELLER OF TRUTH but U people forced me to respond. And by the way B-4 you TALK SOME 'ISH - rsbf is nothing like "W" - I just used his lingo in an IRONICAL fashion which is 1 literary method of telling the TRUTH !!!
this blog is dedicated to STAYIN THE COURSE and being as awesome as ever!!!!!!
1. Guess what ??? 1 of my predictions for '05 has already come TRUE. a certain maker of MP3 players (AKA the apple ipod)) has a new advertisment campaign ALL ABOUT THE WORD ""RANDOM"" . A certian ms. "Cermak" pointed this out to me. watch out 4 it. it's Xactly like I said would happen. and when you see it then come back here and KEEP PAYING ATTENtion.
2, We are likel;y to have more truthful statements in the future.............~~~~~~~~
Well that 's all i;ve got 4 now. I was gonna take MLK day off in honor of a great TELLER OF TRUTH but U people forced me to respond. And by the way B-4 you TALK SOME 'ISH - rsbf is nothing like "W" - I just used his lingo in an IRONICAL fashion which is 1 literary method of telling the TRUTH !!!
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Friday, January 14, 2005
you guyses should be ashamed!
What's up with nobody posting? This USED to be my favorite blog. Now I go to an ASHLEE SIMPSON blog for ENTERTAINMENT.
the END
-Mr. E
What's up with nobody posting? This USED to be my favorite blog. Now I go to an ASHLEE SIMPSON blog for ENTERTAINMENT.
the END
-Mr. E
hi. My name is ROCKIO
R-S-B-F BOOM!!!!
R-S-B-F BOOM!!!!
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