Sunday, April 22, 2007

most relevant bus ride to this blog EVEr

just got back from a nice trip to FRISCO THE BAY AREA ... you might remember past muckraking from this local by rocky (word to the achive) . Well I can't say I spent too much time there or are any kind of an expert but sometimes a little LUCK can go a long way in brief time (S= D/T) . I even went to a famous bookstore of so called proto Bloggers like Jack KeroWACK . They had a "muckraking" section but it revealed no works of rocky or kojak so was deemed to B dubious.
Most people enjoy a trip on the cable car when in town. It;s really ideal if you want to point a CAMCORDER at things instead of using your MIND then writing it down later like me right now. For real mu ck raking the Bus on trolley wires is preferred. cermak and I did this and so much happened my mind almost can;t recall..

first off, it was sketchy as it was late and Chaos ensued n many questionable individuals pakced in . I don;t like to make accusations but let;s just say that some groping occured that bordered on crotch grabbing ASSAULT. cermak almost had to get in a dudes face like a can of MACE !˚˙©˚∆˙
Next off , we thought another dude was getting sketchy but he turned out to be an unexpected ALLY...RANDOM!!
Who??? Rocky's brother RAMSTEIN !!! (assuming he wishes to be know by that)
We've hardly ever made his aquaintaince but he totally recongnized and asked " R U KOJAK?"
unbelievable . (he lives in this fine city) ANd what a nice man .




Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP LIFE IS FAR MORE WONDERFUL THAN THE HUMAN MIND COULD COMPREHEND. plus i think I will be coming to Seattle at some point in the near future UPDATES WILL ENSUE.

PS un-random packaage was received in mail. Currently I am reading this package and it describes the deindustrialization of my neighborhood


Anonymous said...

relevant REAL DEAL - travel can be good and also visitors are fun . Come visit me although I will be gone June 7-16th.....SOLSTICE selebration????